Beloved Ones,
As I speak, I send a stream of golden white light infused with sparkles of pink into your heart, into the heart of your beautiful Mama Earth, and into the collective human heart.
Take a moment to breathe this Light into your heart and send more of it out into the hearts of Mama Earth and the collective human heart.
Dear Ones, I see that many of you are heartbroken by the chaos unfolding on your beautiful planet – war, destruction, pollution, terror, unrest, loss and bloodshed.
With your own elevated heart consciousness, it is hard for you to comprehend why the human heart must be so hardened that it has no problem creating massive destruction to achieve what the uncontrolled ego wants to.
“What can be more important than peace? What is all this nonsense that happens here?” you ponder.
Dear Ones, I wish to say that your questions are valid.
And yes, when seen through the lens of higher consciousness, war is utter nonsense.
You asked some tough questions long before you incarnated on Earth. And these questions inspired your soul to volunteer on Earth.
Many of you are advanced compassionate souls who are here on Earth to embed frequencies of love, light and peace into the collective consciousness.
Remember this when you find sadness or despair taking over.
You are a human now and you can feel the pain that fellow humans feel. Feel the pain. But also, transform it like an alchemist.
As a Reiki channel and Lightworker, you know how to transform pain into a higher frequency.
Do not get sucked into drama. Do not question excessively why certain events unfold the way they do.
Even if you are given a logical explanation for it, you may never understand it because you operate on a totally different frequency.
You don’t have to understand everything that happens on Earth either. Because with or without understanding, your work there remains the same.
Just know that whatever unfolds on Earth serves a purpose in its own way – the highest outcome of which is paving the way for a happy and peaceful world to come into existence – A Golden Age – so to speak.
Considering that the collective is dense with negative ways of functioning, a peaceful planet cannot form overnight.
It takes time, much like, your own healing journey.
Remember how painful it feels when you have a healing crisis?
You are forced to encounter the shadows and demons hidden in your psyche.
You are forced to look them in the eye before they can be transformed and integrated, and you can be free.
A healing crisis can be scary. It can feel terrorizing. You may wonder what’s happening to you and why you.
But once the darkness passes, you see the greater purpose behind the pain.
However, the pain was valid. Your suffering was valid. You needed love and support to get through the darkness.
It’s similar for any collective healing crisis too.
The pain is real. The suffering is heartbreaking. The souls who bear the brunt of such crises need support and assistance to get through what may be the darkest hour of their lives.
The growth and progress that may come out of collective challenges can be seen only in hindsight.
Always work with this positive end result in mind, dear hearts.

As a Lightworker, here are a few things you can do to be of service during times of unrest and chaos-
- First of all, do not get sucked into drama of any kind. The minute you give your power away to lower frequencies, your mission loses some of its foothold. Hold yourself strong and remain focused on your mission with your heart and soul – which is to be a Warrior of Love, Light & Peace.
- Send Reiki, Angels, love and light to all affected zones and people. Pray that they are supported through the darkness and led back into safety and light.
- Spread positive messages of peace and love. Spread them through your thoughts, words and conversations. During the current time, the power of social media on your planet can be used to uplift or to destroy. Use it to bring in light and blessings. Visualise how wonderful it would be to live on a peaceful and harmonious planet where no boundaries exist and all that exists is just one big Golden Earth. Share uplifting messages with the world. The more you think, speak and share such messages, the more you seed the collective with higher frequencies. This is the greatest contribution you can make at the moment.
Dear Ones,
I trust my words have brought some hope and healing to your tender hearts. I see your pain and anguish. I empathise with your challenges and limitations. However, I also know you have it in you to do what you set out to accomplish. And I ask that you do your best.
For each Lightworker that does their best, Gaia is lifted a little more into the Light. And one day, you shall beam down in delight from the Higher Realms and see that a beautiful blue-green planet you once visited is all shimmering in gold!
Keep going, Warriors Of Light!
Many Blessings
Archangel Michael
In service to the Divine and to Gaia, this message was channeled by Haripriya Suraj. This message is timeless and is perfect for when you find it.
Article by Haripriya Suraj, Reiki Master
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Haripriya Suraj is a Reiki Master, Angel Healer and Starseed Lightworker. Reiki is her constant companion from which she derives peace and contentment. She is deeply connected with the Stars and Angels and they form an integral part of her Reiki practice. Her core mission is to help bridge the worlds of Spirit and Science and to help people connect with their unique soul missions. Haripriya offers Reiki healing sessions and training programs in Bangalore, India. Reach Haripriya at, on email at and on Facebook at Angel Light.
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