When I tell people I am a Reiki healer, there is a mixed reaction. Some people are excited and open to learn more. While others look at me with doubt and bias based on negative personal experiences with a previous healer or just outright doubt of energy healing.
For me, each experience is an opportunity to teach and learn. For instance, one person told me point blank that two or three days is not enough time to become a true healer. She stated a person must be born with a gift of healing and that certification was for legally starting a business. I did not argue. I grew up in a family with gifts or other, but did not think of making it as a business until later in life. But what she did not realize is what we as healers all know, that everyone on this planet has a Universal gift.
However, most people disconnect from or deny their gift as the material world takes priority. We understand that those two to three days of certification reconnect, reignite, and enhance our gifts. The placements given by Reiki Master Teachers open our energetic channels for Reiki to flow freely, allowing healing to occur on multiple levels.
We can acknowledge that not every person who is a Reiki healer has a background in the metaphysical and/or spiritual world. Some healers come with limited knowledge of these subjects, but are still called to be a healer. This does not mean that person is not a true healer, it just means that there is more to study and experience.
Because Reiki is a healing method anyone can learn, this lack of knowledge does not stop the person from becoming a good, if not great, healer. This is a field where you must have faith in your abilities and the unseen energies. It is one in which you must practice all day every day to be better. The more you learn about the body, the functions of the organs, how people hold on to their emotions and how it affects the mind and body, the better you become as a Reiki healer.
There is more to a session than just “laying on hands.” Sometimes you are the counselor, the teacher, and the student for your client. You do not have to be an expert on every subject of healing, but know enough to understand how Reiki affects the mind, body, and spirit. We must put in the work to keep speeding up and increasing knowledge in this field for all of us.
I know there are teachers out there who say you do not have to think much and just let Reiki do what it does. They tell you to keep yourself out of the process. I also teach something similar to my students, but I also tell them to challenge their Reiki. As a healer, you need to understand completely how your Reiki speaks to you because it is as individual as your fingerprint.
Do not take yourself out of the process after those days of certification. Do the opposite. Get involved with your Reiki in the most intimate manner. Test it in any way possible and learn how Reiki integrates with your own special gifts and natural talents. There is a reason some schools of learning make their students wait six months before moving up to the next level. Your body, mind, and spirit need to adjust to the energetic levels and ways Reiki presents itself.
My empathic and clairvoyant abilities enhanced, amongst other things. I could feel everything a client felt and “saw” issues, or received a quick download. I heard voices that would tell me what was wrong or give cautions for the person. With those experiences, I noticed the difference in the flow of Reiki and the physical effects on my and the person’s body. Taking those six months to learn how to use these gifts with Reiki will increase your vibration and knowledge of the energy.
So, when someone tells you it is impossible to be a true healer after two or three days, you can agree while explaining what a true healer is to you. Reiki is continually evolving for each person. You are forever learning and growing. There is no limit to what you may accomplish as a Reiki healer if you honestly put forth the time to study your art of healing.
Article by LaTanya L. Hill, JD
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LaTanya L. Hill, JD is the creator of KA® Reiki, a spiritual healing technique that taps into ancestral energies while strengthening a person’s inner spirit; the sole proprietor of IMREIKINOW®, an energy healing company based in Los Angeles, California, and an Approved Provider for the California Board of Registered Nursing. She is also a certified Reiki Master Teacher in Usui Reiki Ryoho, Holy Fire III, and Karuna Reiki® and a Chakra Healing Master. Her Reiki handbook, “Reiki Vibrations with 33 Meditations and Affirmations,” is available online and offers healers and lay persons Reiki advice, meditations, and affirmations that may be used in both daily and work life. LaTanya is also an expert teacher on the Insight Timer App with Reiki meditations and courses published internationally. She has been featured in and written for multiple Reiki and business organizations and has been interviewed about Reiki on various podcasts. For more information go to www.imreikinow.com and follow LaTanya on social media @imreikinow, to see video testimonials of Reiki sessions, certifications, and more.
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