It is necessary that we all reconsider how we are managing our energies in this pandemic.
We are many healers and therapists from many disciplines who have talked about how important it is to stay calm and keep ourselves with a positive vision embracing the change that this pandemic has brought us.
During these two pandemic years, families tensions have increased in many ways and today I want to talk about how we attack (without knowing it) our closest ones through our concerns.
First, we must remember that every living being is a channel of universal energy, which receives energy from the universe, processes it, and returns it to the universe.
All human beings have this capability, those of us who have specialized in the use of our energy and mind through meditation, Reiki, martial arts and even jobs that require mental precision have even greater responsibility, because when we are thinking about something we pay more attention and therefore more energy to the subject.
That’s right, the more we meditate or the more we serve as a channel of universal energy, the greater our channel is and therefore the greater our responsibility for what we do with this energy 24 hours a day, 7 days a year. Because we carry the ability to focus our energy all the time throughout the day, it is not switched off when we stop giving therapy.
So, we are a channel of the energy of the universe and we are modifying and directing it with our thoughts, all human beings can do this. When we are criticizing the actions of our relatives we are using this energy that we receive from the universe to send a psychic attack, we send particles of this energy that is released from our aura to those persons and we are hurting them.
When a person criticizes us, the same thing happens. Now, in these times of pandemic that we have been forced to live together for much longer times with the people at home; we have been confronted with life decisions facing an illness; in which some have chosen to be vaccinated and others have not (for whatever reasons). We are living the division from our families. And these psychic attacks occur more frequently because we fear that our loved ones are making wrong decisions because they do not follow our own path.
This is creating more disease than the virus itself, due to the constant attack on a person can wear out their energy, it can unite them towards the energies of the collective unconscious of disease and death. You can put them in unnecessary suffering.

Those who have decided to get vaccinated and those who have not, have done so because each of them thinks it is the best way to preserve their health. We need to respect and stop emotionally, mentally, and energetically attacking those who don’t think like us. Because we are making them prone, with our concerns, to get sick more easily.
If you know Reiki I leave you here a series of steps that you can use to detach yourself from these energies of your own criticism and from outside criticism so that you remain centered and in peace. In this way, you will be supporting the evolution process of your family, your loved ones, and even your patients.
If you are a first-grade student, it will be enough for you to ask for the following before doing self Reiki:
“I ask to be a clean and pure channel of Reiki energy and through this treatment, I ask to be disconnected from all the criticism and energies that have been sent to me for not following the steps that my family or beings who appreciate me consider essential for my health. I also ask to be filled with wisdom, love, and respect for the path of each of my loved ones, so that I remove any type of psychic energy I have sent to them and I ask this energy be transmuted into new energy, Thank you.”
If you are not a Reiki practitioner you can also say the prayer and after you can say as a mantra: “I am the violet flame transmuting now”, you can repeat this for 15 minutes daily.
If you are a second-grade student you can do the above prayer and also work with the symbols and these affirmations:
- 7th chakra: CKR + HSZSN + SHK + CKR activate and attract to me a powerful connection with the love and wisdom of the universe, liberating me from all kinds of crowd control and psychic attacks that have been sent to me, conscious and unconscious.
- 4th chakra: CKR + SHK + CHR activate and transmute all my pain, sadness, and anxiety of not being able to control the health of my beloved ones. Neither make them follow my guidelines to stay healthy.
- 3rd chakra: CKR + SHK + CKR activate and transmute my fear of death, my fear of my own death and/or the death of my beloved ones. HSZSN activates and attracts to me unconditional love SHK activates and attracts to me wisdom and connection with my Higher Self to have guidance in my decision-making in my life making me able to respect what others decide about their lives.
- 2nd chakra: CKR + SHK + CKR activate and free me from the beliefs, loyalties, and obligations to do what my family does, free me from the conscious and unconscious orders that I can only belong if I obey my family and/or do the same as they. HSZSN activates and attracts to me unconditional love for myself and my family without imprisoning me in their rules.
Repeat this daily and watch yourself so you can clearly discern when you are using your energy correctly, in favor of love and unity, and when you are not.
Article by Hada Marciot
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Hada Marciot is an energy healer, channeler, and spiritual trainer. Graduated as a chemical engineer in Mexico; She has more than 30 years of experience in meditation and metaphysics. She was trained at Usui Shiki Ryoho Master Reiki in 2002; NLP Therapist, Logotherapyst, Magnified Healing Phase 1 to 4, Facilitator of Melchizedek Method, Theta Healing level 1 to 4, Akashic Record Teacher. She had channeled Atlantis Crystals Codes and The Sacred Flame Technique (2009) and Orionis Melkhizedekh Technique (2011). Author of Universo Holistico Guided Meditations Collection and books. She and her husband founded Universo Holistico in 2005, a School of Meditation and Training of Therapists, in Mexico City.
Hada can be reached at her FB @hadamarciotmeditation and For Spanish version please visit
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