When you think of Reiki, what comes to mind? And when you sit quietly, doing your daily self-Reiki practice, do you have specific hopes and ideas about what might come from that? Do you ever feel frustrated because Reiki doesn’t “work” as you believed it “should”?
It’s easy to fall into thinking of Reiki as a cure or a treatment for physical ailments. Additionally, it’s common to think of Reiki as a way to make wishes for changes in our lives and make them come true. But Reiki is so much more than that! In truth, we are so much more than simply physical beings living in a physical realm!
The word Reiki means Divine Life Force Energy or Universal Life Force Energy. Therefore, Reiki is the energy of all the Universe, of all that is seen and unseen. It is the energy of all of time and space and all that is beyond time and space. Reiki is the energy of all that we can understand and of a great deal that is impossible for us to understand.
Keeping this in mind, we know that our Reiki practice works with far more than our simple human bodies. It works with that which exists long after our bodies are gone – our soul, our consciousness.
Energy never dies. It only changes form. This fact is a scientific principle and has been honored in many religious and spiritual practices. And, even after we die on this Earth, our soul or consciousness will continue to exist as energy.
When Reiki, Divine Life Force Energy, works with us, it knows all that we need beyond all that we can understand, beyond all of time and space. Even beyond this physical life on Earth. Therefore, we have to realize that situations may not always look the way we expect or even how we want them to, especially.
For example, maybe our soul needs our physical bodies to experience a severe or chronic illness so that it can have the unique perspective of life that only that experience can give. In this case, physical healing would not be for the person’s highest good.
Of course, a person with a long-term illness can still get a lot from a routine Reiki practice, as I can personally confirm. A regular daily self-Reiki practice, including meditation on the Reiki precepts, helps me cope and keeps me centered while living with chronic illness.
Having this practice eases pain and calms my mind. It soothes my spirit and reminds me that I am more than the pain, more than this body. It reminds me that Reiki is working with me on a far deeper level than just my body, which brings me deep peace.

Sometimes a person or animal will receive Reiki and then pass from their physical body. That doesn’t mean Reiki didn’t “work.” On the contrary, Reiki gave their soul precisely what it needed and prepared their body and mind to pass more peacefully. Sharing Reiki with someone nearing the end of their life in the physical body is a precious gift.
I readily admit that it has taken me a long time to get here. When I first began my Reiki journey, I wanted Reiki to “fix” everything “wrong” with me. I was on a high from the wave of peace and the pain relief I felt after my first group distance session. I wanted more and better. And, as my mind cleared from repeated sessions, I began making better choices for myself, which improved my life, my health, and my happiness.
By the time I took Reiki training, I was sure that Reiki would give me the tool to decide my fate entirely. And, to be honest, the contradictory language in Reiki training and many Reiki books didn’t help to clarify what I should expect in reality.
By being thoroughly committed to my self-practice, meditation on the precepts, and paying close attention to the Reiki energy and my own energy, I began to recognize one thing clearly: When I stepped out of the way and allowed Reiki to flow without expectations, amazing things happened. And I learned to trust Divine Life Force Energy entirely and truly. I learned to stop fidgeting with it and interfering with Divine Life Force. To let go of my own designs and allow for far greater ones than I could ever imagine.
Now I teach my students to shift their thinking, especially in my online Animal Reiki class. So often, it can be challenging for them to look at things differently. Yet, as they make the shift to letting go of expectations and allowing Divine Life Force to flow without interference, they realize that the difference is amazing, almost miraculous.
I encourage you to use your daily self-practice to explore how you see Divine Life Force Energy. Try releasing any thoughts of how you believe the energy is supposed to flow or the outcomes. Rest in Divine Energy and allow it to comfort and support you. You are loved and worthy. Divine Life Force will always bring you the energy you need when you ask it to flow to you, although it may not look as you expect.
Don’t forget to practice the Reiki Precepts, especially gratitude and compassion. These will open your eyes to so much more in your life than you may currently see!
Article by Angie Webster
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Angie Webster
Angie Webster made a significant contribution to the Reiki community, with a particular focus on Animal Reiki, which she had a deep affection for. As a knowledgeable Reiki Master Teacher and Author, she conducted online courses on energy healing, herbalism, flower essences, and personal growth.
She is the author of “Animal Reiki: How it Heals, Teaches & Reconnects Us with Nature” and “Reiki from A to Z”. Currently, Angie has decided to retire from her professional life to devote more time to her health, family, and the little joys of life.
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