“No matter where we live on the planet or how difficult our situation seems to be, we have the ability to overcome and transcend our circumstances.” – Louise Hay
Every heart deserves love. Everyone deserves to be at peace. Everyone deserves to get good. These thoughts often move me. Thus, I dedicate this write-up to every soul who desires to move forward in life but feels stuck in her old life. Are you someone who is struggling to move beyond the past? This beautiful practice of breaking free from old ties with the help of Reiki and Archangels Michael and Raphael can be your breakthrough (I wish that with all my heart).
Releasing the past with Reiki or angels is not something new. I created an exercise with the help of Reiki and Archangel Michael a few years back. I often think that it is not important to share everything associated with healing with people, they should be able to find their own ways to heal. Lately, I discovered that how many people are stuck in their pasts and how this affects their present lives. I hear their stories and my heart weeps when I see that they are not able to find a way out of their troubles just because they are not able to trace their origin in their backstories. This is not a one-time phenomenon. It has happened every time a person comes to me to talk. This pushes me to share this exercise of releasing the past as I feel that it can give you the impetus to move forward in your life or at least a subtle push.
What is the purpose of releasing?
Do you know what is the most common word you can hear people utter? The answer is ‘if.’ How many times have you heard people saying this word in expectation of renewal or change. For example, if I would have or have not done that then this would have not happened. Or if I could have done it better then things would have been different. I mean you can understand when people hold grudges that how things went wrong in the past and they cannot change anything because it happened way long back. They mourn over their decisions and curse themselves or the others involved in them. But can this solve anything at all? In my opinion, no.
What we have with us in our hands is the present. Not to forget that the clock is ticking, you got no time to think or lament. It is not possible for you or even me to go back and change things that happened somewhere in the past. I do understand that it is difficult to let go of things that could have happened much better but went out of our hands. Still, none of us can waste our lives crying over that. Life is precious and is meant to be lived. So, instead of changing the past (that is irretrievable) try to release it and make space for new avenues in your life. Let life unfold itself further and bring you light.
Reiki is a blessing to release the heaps of undesired stuff of the past. Although, Reiki is powerful enough in itself to release the past, by merging this exercise with the angels you get in touch with the divine beings of the light who stay around you all the time. Even when you are in need of a hug, just open your arms and you will feel their warmth inside your heart and over your body. I wish that you can feel the comforting support of angels and their unconditional love with this exercise.
Who is going to be with you in this process?
You are not going to be alone, so that is one of the best things about this practice. Firstly, we all are on a journey and all of us are making adjustments in our lives every day to build a beautiful and loving life for ourselves. So there are many other people like you out there. Secondly, the divine life force- mother Reiki. The healing force of Reiki is super-energizing and rejuvenating. Thirdly, the angels. Archangels Michael and Raphael are going to be with you with their soothing love and support.
How you are going to do it?
In this exercise, you are going to communicate with the situation or person that you are willing to release energetically. However, it is going to be direct contact. You may have to come across things or persons that you may have detested all your life, but here you are going to let it go. Thus, I would like to inform you that try to start with something that is not unbearable for you.
Although releasing the past is not an easy task, yet it has to start if you are unwilling to carry it forward. This is the very reason that I choose to include the healing power of angels in this exercise as it is going to be of immense help. Angels can comfort you if you feel restless and also they can break your connection with the past peacefully.
Is releasing a one-time thing?
This one question can trigger your mind. To the people I talk with, clients, family, and friends, this one question is asked more than often by them. They come frustrated and say “how many times should I release because it keeps coming back?” Now at this point, my answer is “try to figure out what is it that is coming back.”
You always have to ask yourself that what is it that is coming back once you release or begin to release? Your life is not a one-time thing. You can still get memory flashes after you heal. Whatever happened maybe in the past, but your life still continues and so will your memories. The memories of the past can come back, but what you have to notice are your feelings toward those memories. What could change is you and your thought process. You are not going to change the person or situation you dealt with in your past. Your brain, also, cannot erase the entire thing. However when you will constantly divert yourself from those undesired thoughts with ease then your brain will get the command to stop surfacing them recurringly.
The flashes may become minimal with time. What you are trying here is to transform your life. You are not responsible to change everyone involved in your past. As long as those things stop haunting you, the job is done pretty well.
Also, the question is that how many times you can do the release? You can keep repeating it until you feel the shift in your thoughts when you think of the person again or even you get into a similar situation once again. If your way of dealing with such things changes then you have done a great job.

Let’s Jump to the Exercise
I recommend this exercise to the Reiki practitioners. If you have no previous experience in healing and cord-cutting, then I would not recommend it to you. A practitioner has awareness of dealing with post-session effects but is not an amateur. So, get yourself in a comfortable space, light a white candle, burn some incense and get started.
- Choose the person/situation to release: As I have mentioned before that it could be a person or a situation that you would like to release. However, I have seen that a person is always attached to any situation that you are willing to release. Be willing to release whatever you choose.
- Invocation: Invoke the Reiki and begin the flow. Create a Reiki energy field around you. Call upon the angels with the prayers given here, one by one. “Dear Archangel Michael and Archangel Raphael, I call upon you now. I would need your guidance, please keep me healed and protected throughout my releasing session. Thank you.”
- Using Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen: You can use HSZSN to build a closer connection with the incident and the person you are willing to release. However, if you do not desire to build a connection again then you can skip this part. I used HSZSN because I chose to release someone I loved and I had to let it go. But in the case of a person you did not like at all then you can skip HSZSN.
- Building the connection: Keep yourself relaxed. Your shoulders should be relaxed and try breathing normally. Feel the rhythm of your breath until you are completely present in the session. Now, either you can keep your eyes closed or open and visualize the person or the scene in front of you. Keep yourself distant and observe. Notice the feelings that come to the surface. These are the ones you are willing to release.
- Talk or reflect: If it is a person then you can begin talking. You can do all that you want to. It could be either bad or good but it could be everything you wanted to say to this person. If it is a situation, allow yourself to feel what is it that you want to release about it. What is it that holds you back about this situation? What is it you are not able to let go? Let everything come to the surface. Talk to yourself about everything with respect to the incident that you have visualized.
- Time to let go: Once you feel light or you think you have nothing left to say or reflect then you can release it. In case you are trying to release a situation then you may still feel heavy, but you are going to feel at ease once you release it. Affirm the following – “I now choose to let you/it go. I forgive everyone including me involved in this. You are the past and I am the present. I am now stepping out of my past. All beautiful is in my present and a loving future is waiting for me. So I let it go. I let it go. I let it go.” Allow the incident or the person to dissolve completely from your sight.
- Cutting the Cords: You are going to cut the cords, so you do not remain attached to any part of your past. For this Archangel Michael is going to help you. Say the following prayer – “Dear Archangel Michael, please sever the cords that are attached to my past. Kindly release any leftover debris of thoughts and attachments to (address the person or situation). So, I am relieved completely. Thank you.” Keep sitting in the position until the healing is done by Michael. You shall be urged to open your eyes once it is done.
- Heal the wounds: Usually do not have to address another angel to heal your wounds as Archangel Michael helps in that too. But I chose to include Raphael’s healing in order to introduce you to his compassionate healing power. Recite the given prayer to continue – “Dear Archangel Raphael, please heal all the wounds within me that are associated with this (situation or person). Heal my heart and help me move on. Please fill me up with your divine emerald healing light. Thank you.” Sit and relax, again, and allow the healing to finish.
- Closing: Swipe your aura once you are done with the exercise. Put your feet on the ground and build your connection with mother Earth. Take a few long deep breaths. Once you are done then thank mother Earth, Reiki, and the angels who helped you through your healing session with a loving concluding note. Fold your hands in namaste and bow to them with compassion.
- Self-care after the session: Once you finish offer yourself a glass of water. Keep yourself hydrated throughout the day with water, smoothies, and freshly squeezed juices. Take a nap if you feel tired after the session. Eat more high-energy food and avoid eating any junk food or even animal-based products. Stay more around nature and animals afterward.
You can use this exercise for releasing your past often and it works miraculously. As I have understood, time is a healer itself, but if you have given yourself enough time and you are still pondering over your past more than often then this exercise can be your way forward. You can do the exercise in the presented methodology to get the best results.
Do remember that you are doing this for yourself. Forgiveness and letting go are the tools of self-help. You cannot move forward if you are acting the same every time you land into a similar situation or you keep attracting similar people like the ones in your past. As I have already mentioned what is going to change is you. You are on your own journey and only you can make a difference in your life. No matter how many practices someone shares with you, if you are not willing to advance then nothing could help. Life is meant to be lived and the only way to do it is to do it with love.
Article by Aarti Seraphim
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Aarti Seraphim is a Certified Usui Reiki Master, Angels Therapist, and Tarot Card Reader. She has completed her Masters in English Literature from IGNOU Noida, India. Aarti is trained in Indian Classical Vocal Music and French Language. She works as a freelance writer. She idealizes love and peace as the sole purpose of the creator. She is inspired to enlighten the world about healing modalities and self-love. Her aspiration to restore love and peace in the world motivates her to use the blessings of lightwork for helping out those in need. You can reach her at reikiaarti777@gmail.com or www.facebook.com/AartiSeraphim777.
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