Beloved Ones,
Greetings from the realm of the Whales!
Take a moment now to breathe and connect with our energy.
How do you feel?
Just breathe and be with your experience.
As a sacred cord forms between you and us, let us allow an exchange of Light to happen.
Please receive the Light we send to you.
And we receive the Light you send to us, with gratitude.
Invite more and more of this Light into your body, mind, heart and soul.
We honour this sacred connection we share with you.
Beloved Ones, you are incarnated as humans and you probably feel human most of the time. That’s perfect! Please do celebrate your humanness, for it is one of the most beautiful experiences for a soul.
In the context of the unfolding ‘Golden Era’ on Planet Earth, we would like to share our perspective of you and the role you play at this time.
We see you as a magical multi-dimensional being full of potential to make a positive difference on the planet.

We see sparkles of gold shining within your body, mind and soul.
This ‘gold’ represents Light –
The Light that your soul has worked to accumulate across space and time
The Light that you signed up to share with other humans, plants, animals and all of creation on Earth.
The Light that has the potential to keep you going through the challenges of being human.
The Light that streams through you in different forms – as Reiki, as kindness and compassion, as the written and spoken word, as wisdom and understanding, as softness and strength, and much more….
We ask that you reflect on this ‘golden’ and draw more insight as to what it specifically represents to you.
Each of you is unique. We ask that you honour your uniqueness and share it with the world on a platform of compassion and non-judgment.
You are not there to add to the chaos or drama in the world, nor to sit in judgment of how bad planetary systems are.
Your ONLY role is to bring in more Light – through thought, word and action alike.
Invite more Light into your body, mind and heart each day. – Light from your Higher Self and also from Mama Gaia.
See and feel yourself full of Light.
As you fill up with Light, you shall begin to feel lighter and lighter and you shall radiate light wherever you go. You may even find fellow humans tell you they feel calmer and lighter in your presence.
You will experience life on a whole new level – a sweet expansive state of being at higher levels of consciousness.
This is a peek into what a ‘Golden Era’ on Earth could look like.
Imagine what a beautiful planet the Earth shall transform into as more and more souls embrace the path of Light!
Remember, you in the Reiki community are among many Lightworkers planting golden seeds right now! This New Moon, we ask that you begin to use your potential for the highest and greatest good of all.
We love you.
Happy New Moon!
In service to the Divine and to Gaia, this message was channeled by Haripriya Suraj. This essence of this message is timeless and is perfect for when it finds you.
Article by Haripriya Suraj, Reiki Master
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Haripriya Suraj is a Reiki Master, Angel Healer and Starseed Lightworker. Reiki is her constant companion from which she derives peace and contentment. She is deeply connected with the Stars and Angels and they form an integral part of her Reiki practice. Her core mission is to help bridge the worlds of Spirit and Science and to help people connect with their unique soul missions. Haripriya offers Reiki healing sessions and training programs in Bangalore, India. Reach Haripriya at, on email at and on Facebook at Angel Light.
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