As a Reiki therapist and teacher, I used to separate these two techniques almost as incompatible with each other. During 2020 it was almost impossible to give in-person Reiki sessions here, in Argentina. Fortunately, the online sessions of Reiki and other techniques continued. It was a year I took to study and work a lot on my YouTube channel, where, due to public demand, I dedicated myself more to the different massage techniques that I offer. There the experience appeared that transformed my gaze.
Many people find it easy to get to the office when there is a physical ailment, which is why massage sessions are in high demand. From that point of view, I began to modify my practice in two ways.
- The first of them is that being in contact with the other person surrounds us with their energy field and that is why Reiki is a great tool for the masseur, so as not to stay with “things” that do not belong to him, so as not to absorb loads. That is why I have been recommending masseurs, physiotherapists, or massage therapists, to take the first level of Reiki. The results are amazing. Taking a few minutes of self Reiki before and after the sessions is extremely beneficial, in addition to giving a focus and clarity to provide the massage session.
- The second change has been to offer my consultants to close the session with a Reiki “harmonization”. Simply at the end of the face-up massage, I give them a few minutes of Reiki. From experience, I have noticed that the most recommended positions for this are to give about 3 minutes to the head, chest, and abdomen. These final 9 minutes of the session have caused many clients to say… “how nice the end, it gave me peace” or “the harmonization gave me a pleasant sensation ”. After this “trial” many of them have asked for a complete Reiki session, what’s more, some who came once a month to their massage session now make two monthly visits, one for Reiki and the other for their massage.

The Universe has indecipherable ways of approaching what we should do. In my case, this has doubled the number of monthly consultations, the fact of giving those 9 extra minutes in my sessions was more than compensated. In the case of my clients, bringing them closer to something that they would not have tried on their own did them very well.
This brings me back to that phrase that I have repeated in many of my Reiki articles and courses “when the intention is good, things just HAPPEN and flow”.
The day-to-day is becoming more and more vertiginous for most people, as therapists, we must see in this the need to bring them tools that help them overcome it. It is extremely important to be aware of our responsibility when receiving a client, to be open and willing to give the best of ourselves. Listen carefully to them and ask our guides to show us the path that is best for everyone. When we take 5 minutes to consciously start the practice, the results multiply.
Another important issue is taking care of ourselves. If one day we do not feel up to the task, we can give ourselves permission to reschedule sessions without guilt, what’s more, we can say to our client, “Hello, I ask you to reschedule the session because today I could not attend you as I wanted, I am not 100% and I will take this day to be able to receive you better next time”. This will show our clients that, like them, we also have times when we need to stop, and, above all, that we value and respect him. In this way, our clients will not take the reschedule as a nuisance, but understand that we do it because we seek the best for them.
May you continue to learn more every day, not only about Reiki but also through it.
Article by Gustavo Cristian Fritz
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Gustavo Cristian Fritz is a Reiki Master and holistic therapist in Baradero, Buenos Aires, Argentina. He is dedicated to the dissemination of Reiki and Shiatsu among other therapies. After 10 years of applying these techniques, Gustavo is leaving the practice of chemical engineering to fully engage in these activities and provide outreach sessions in all places where he is called. Gustavo can be contacted through his email,, or his website
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