My dog, daily, is the epitome of the Reiki Precepts. I need no reminder of how to live out the precepts other than watching her greet each day.
I will not worry
Recently, she went through a bout of illness. Despite multiple visits to the veterinarian’s office, each time, she would happily get out of the car, grin at all of the staff and enthusiastically wag her whole body when the vet examined her.
I will not anger
Before she came to live with us, she had a different owner. She spent the first nine years of her life, outside, chained up, and received no medical care. She was finally rescued by humane law enforcement for cruelty and neglect.
After a few days of living with us, my husband said, “Why is this dog always happy? Why is she always smiling? I’ve never met a dog so happy all the time.”. I replied, “That’s just who she is. She embodies happiness and content.”.
I will be grateful
My dog exhibits endless gratitude. She waits for us before she walks upstairs. She makes sure that if one of us falls behind on our daily walks, that the rest of us wait up for the one lagging. She politely waits for a treat. She stares intently at us and just likes to watch us. She’s happiest when the entire family is together. When we hug each other she has to be a part of the hug.

I will do my work with honestly
Each day, she joyfully greets everyone in the family. Throughout the day, she takes time out to spend, individually with each family member. She walks from room to room. Lays down beside each of us and makes sure we know that she loves us all equally. We now have to sleep with our bedroom doors open. At night, she needs to freely walk and sleep in each room. She wants to check on each of us during the night and there are times that we wake up because there is a dog nose pressed up against ours, checking to make sure that we are sound asleep.
I will be kind to every living thing
Today, and many other days, I open up the back door and spy a squirrel in our yard. My dog sees the squirrel and slowly walks in the other direction to lay down in the sun. She sits and listens to the birds sing. She watches butterflies pass her. She simply wants to lay down in the grass and breathe in the air.
I hope you can find some small joy in this take of the Reiki Precepts. I know she doesn’t have an understanding of the concept of Reiki, but there is no doubt, in my mind, that my old dog is a shining star of Universal Energy and Love.
Article by Carrie Anderson
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Carrie earned her Ph.D in Metaphysics and Energy Healing through World Metaphysical Institutes. She is a Reiki Master Teacher, Animal Reiki Master Teacher and holds degrees in several types of Reiki. Her focus is on Distance Reiki. Carrie is a Master Level Psychic Intuitive and gives daily readings. She combines Reiki and Divination to create unique readings. She is accredited through World Metaphysical Association and Council of Holistic Healers. She also has certifcations in Teen Guided Meditation,. Additionally, she is a Professional Yoga Facilitator with a focus on Gentle Yoga, Restorative Yoga, and Yoga Nidra. Carrie is a co-author with Mellisa Dormoy for the book, “Easy Mindfulness for Today’s Teens”. She is an active member of the Natural Healer Society and may be reached at
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