Reiki is magical by itself. The ability to channel energy to others is a unique and very rewarding experience. On occasions, I have offered Reiki to acquaintances of mine when they were in particular pain and when they feel the transfer of energy and feel relief, they are always in awe. “How great that you can do this”, they tell me very often. But it is not an ability of mine; Reiki is something that we can all do.
When we do the second level of Reiki we find a wonderful new capacity that Reiki offers: the possibility of sending Reiki through distance and time. And this is mind-blowing. Assimilating this can be very complex for both Reiki practitioners and Reiki recipients. Reiki through distance and time is made possible thanks to the HSZSN symbol that connects us with what we focus on. It can be used on a person who is on the other side of the world or to someone in the same room who chooses not have hands on. I really like to use this option to send Reiki to my young son while he sleeps without disturbing him by moving my hands around his body.
Reiki through distance and time can also be used to send healing to a past situation or to a future situation. You can even send healing to a relationship or an event. Reiki practitioners are familiar with this, but people who come to us to receive Reiki are not always aware of this possibility, so it is important to tell them that they have this option. It is also important to share personal experiences about this way of receiving Reiki so that they can include it in their healing. As personal examples, I have sent Reiki for the day of my son’s birth, for exams, job interviews, and also for the energy to guide me to find the best doctor for a certain situation.
Some people may be interested in what is the “scientific” explanation of Reiki from a distance. Although I have channeled Reiki for many scientists, none of them were more interested in this explanation than myself. The hypothesis that I like the most is that of Nassim Haramein (Reiki in the Quantum Field) who proposes that each atom is made up of millions of Planck Spherical Units (PSU). These are tiny, fast-spinning vortices that can be the end of a wormhole that connects every proton to millions of protons in the universe. The Reiki energy is being transmitted through these subatomic structures and these are probably the source of the energy that we channel.

Here I share six ways to send Reiki remotely:
1. The simplest way to send Reiki through time and distance can be described in these steps:
- Connect with the Reiki energy.
- Open the channel with the HSZSN symbol.
- Connect with the person or situation to send Reiki.
- Channel energy in Gasho position.
- Lose the energy channel with CKR.
But you can also do things differently to feel more connected with who receives the energy.
2. Use small pieces of paper where you write the person’s name and date of birth to help connect with their energy. In the case of a situation, you write the description of the situation, for example, “Magalí Gimenez – Mathematics Exam – November 22”. You can draw the symbols in the four corners. When you channel the energy you can hold the papers between your two hands or place them on a table or any surface and support both hands on them.
3. Use photos of the people you want to send energy to. They can be photographs printed on paper or also a photograph on an electronic device. Although our first intention is to put our hands on the photograph, the important thing is to use it to connect with the person. I mention this because I don’t like putting my hands on an electronic device when I’m channeling Reiki, but you have to find what is best for you.
4. Use a Reiki doll that you treat as if it were the receptor of energy and you can place your hands in the different positions as you would in a face-to-face session.
5. Something similar can be done using a drawing of a human figure, in which you can focus on the different parts of the body where you send Reiki. On this paper, you can write the name, date of birth, and location of the recipient and all the information that helps you connect with this person. You can also have a pencil at hand to write the sensations you have in each position, which is very useful to give feedback to the receiver.
6. One of my favorite methods of distant Reiki is to use my own body as a Reiki doll. It’s like doing a self-treatment, but you send the energy to someone else. To do so, I connect with the energy and HSZSN drawing in my hands and I request “this treatment will be received by ——-.” And I do self-treatment as usual. This method was very useful for me to connect with the feelings of other people.
Another of the wonders of Reiki at a distance is that you can send Reiki to several people simultaneously, just like you do in a Reiki box. Choose the method you prefer to send Reiki remotely. Use the HSZSN symbol to connect with each person. You must take some time to feel the connection and then move on to the next person. I know that many of you will wonder if adding more people to the channeling decreases the energy that each one receives. Well, no! We are not a water pipe, nor a cable with a certain electrical capacity. We establish the connection with the universal vital energy, and all the energy that each one needs is transmitted. It has happened to me to feel much better the transmission of energy the more people received. However, it is not so easy to distinguish the sensations of each treatment with this method.
Now get hands on Reiki and be a channel of light for the world.
Infinite love.
Article by Magalí Giménez
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Magalí Giménez
I am Magalí, I am a Molecular Biologist, I have a PhD in Biological Sciences, I specialize in plant genetics and epigenetics.
I am a Master in Usui Reiki and level two Karuna Reiki®. I am a reader and healer of Akashic Registers.
You can visit my meditation channel in Spanish @ElMayorBien, and you can contact me at [email protected]
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