Beloved Ones – Reiki Healers, Authors, Artists & Creators of All Kinds,
Greetings from Archangel Gabriel!
I bring to you an important message today.
Dear Ones, recall a river you have seen in your lifetime.
Do you remember how easily and beautifully the water flowed?
Even if obstacles such as stones and rocks appeared along the way, the water made its way around them and continued to flow.
In order to create like a pro, in whatever field you have chosen for yourself, you must train yourself to be like a river.
You must know how to be in a state of ease and flow as you create.
Getting fixated on specific outcomes, trying to micromanage the process of creation or seeking approval for your work from external sources are the rocks and stones you will encounter.
By virtue of being human, such obstacles may throw you off course time and again.
When this happens, remind yourself of the river.
Did the water stop flowing when it encountered a rock?
Neither should you.

Take a deep breath in now and visualise or feel yourself transforming into a river.
Continue to breathe until you absorb some of the river’s essence.
Allow this energy to penetrate every cell of your physical body and every particle in your energy field.
How does it feel to be like a river?
Does it help you feel lighter?
Does it bring more ease into your work and your life?
Does it bring a sense of confidence and freedom knowing a higher force has your back and that all you have to do is flow?
Does it reassure you that even when you encounter obstacles, you have the innate ability to keep flowing?
Close your eyes and continue to experience yourself as a flowing river for a few moments more.
See how light and easy that feels?
There shall be ups and downs in life.
There shall be highs and lows.
There shall be great joy and deep fear.
There shall be soaring successes and apparent failures.
There shall be moments of celebration and moments of disappointment.
You must continue to flow through all of it.
If you stop flowing, you risk stagnation.
Beloved one, you do not wish to waste the precious time you have on Earth stagnating.
You are meant to be in the flow of life… ALWAYS… joyful, light and easy.
Remember, dear one, every obstacle is transient.
Every emotion is also transient.
Allow all of it to just be and continue to flow.
Do not drive yourself crazy trying to control every detail or every response from others.
Let everything be what it is.
All you have to do is be yourself and be in a state of flow.
What seems like a failure is very often just a human perception.
Simply because you cannot perceive the magnificence of your creations through your five senses does not mean it isn’t significant.
Do not base the worth of your creations on what other people say, how much they appreciate it or how many approve of it.
All of this is very superficial, dear ones. yet it can entrap humans in a jiffy.
It can drain your energy and rob you of precious time and talent.
Your soul assigns missions to you because there is a part you have to play in the fulfillment of the cosmic plan.
There is a piece of the cosmic puzzle only you can fit.
Do not undermine or second guess yourself or the path you are walking on.
Believe in the creations that are yearning to be birthed through you.
Birth them with joy and passion.
And once birthed, let them go.
They have a life of their own and they shall flow exactly where they must.
Beloved Lightworkers, I trust this message has inspired you to continue believing in yourself and your creations.
Relax into your journey and enjoy every moment.
You may have to pause at many destinations but remember the journey is always on.
And joy lies in the journey.
So, dear ones, as you create, remember to connect to your ‘River Self’ and flow, flow, flow…..
Bless you.
Archangel Gabriel (A Channeled Message)
In service to Gaia, this message was channeled by Haripriya Suraj. This message is not time bound and is perfect for anytime it finds you.
Article by Haripriya Suraj, Reiki Master
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Haripriya Suraj is a Reiki Master, Angel Healer and Starseed Lightworker. Reiki is her constant companion from which she derives peace and contentment. She is deeply connected with the Stars and Angels and they form an integral part of her Reiki practice. Her core mission is to help bridge the worlds of Spirit and Science and to help people connect with their unique soul missions. Haripriya offers Reiki healing sessions and training programs in Bangalore, India. Reach Haripriya at, on email at and on Facebook at Angel Light.
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