Reiki is one of the most efficient spiritual practices out there.
It can help us place our mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies in a state of healing and reinstate balance.
But, we’re the only ones who can make this work.
“Where there’s a will, there’s a way.” – George Herbert
Being determined to take action regularly is a crucial step in one’s development. Yet, it’s just the first one.
Knowledge then comes to support this initiative and enhance the overall experience.
There’s No Wrong Way Of Doing Reiki
You can always choose to place your palms on your body at random. This form of self-treatment can work to a certain degree. It will help you relax, find peace of mind, and even remove part of the negative energy gathered throughout the day.
In this case, you probably don’t need all the information that follows.
It’s always better to practice than reading for entertainment without ever implementing what you learn.
Again, there’s nothing wrong with enjoying Reiki at this level. If it makes you feel good … it’s all that matters. Even quick, simple sessions from time to time can have a significant positive impact on the long term.
Still, a true Reiki practitioner has to go beyond relaxation and understand how the universal energy flows, what spiritual thresholds it encounters in its path, where to guide it, and why.
This doesn’t mean you have to become an expert overnight to see results.
What’s important is to have the desire to evolve and learn while experimenting with new information.
Even a basic understanding of the energetic anatomy will enable you to better perceive what needs healing and how to find balance at certain levels.
That’s because our body parts represent structures that mirror a spiritual concept with a certain type of energy. It’s an interconnected world that forms the greater self, like the Sephirotic Tree.
In turn, each individual part is governed by an energetic center that keeps that specific type of energy in balance in order for our bodies to stay healthy and balanced.
These energetic centers or chakras were not part of the traditional learnings because Reiki has its origins in Japan, where the concept of chakras wasn’t used much.
Thus, the approach was slightly different.

Back then, in the Japanese esoteric philosophy, there were three major energetic centers called TanDens. These were:
- The sacral area;
- The heart area;
- The third eye chakra area;
According to their understanding, these 3 centers governed the body’s main structures and required special attention to function properly.
As expected, the practice of Reiki focused on these three TanDens.
Still, there were similar concepts all over Asia, each with its own particularities.
That’s why today, the popular western idea that the use of chakras is part of the “New Age” movement and that it shouldn’t be included in the Reiki practice, is the result of ignoring what history teaches us.
The chakra system, as well as the channeling of the universal life force energy, are millenary concepts. Even if they became more popular in the last century, this doesn’t mean they didn’t exist before.
Asians and Indians were very preoccupied with spirituality when the Europeans were busy conquering the world. Now that things have settled to some extent, we have time and interest to grow beyond the material world and care for our inner-selves.
That’s why using Reiki together with the chakra system should be seen as a complete process, not as a right or wrong thing.
They work together for our benefit, and we shouldn’t exclude one or the other.
Keep in mind that spirituality also evolves just like the physical world does. It’s actually our understanding that develops and allows us to see beyond what’s accepted.
The Importance Of Blending Reiki With Chakras
Chakras are spinning vortexes that allow certain vibrational energies to travel through them. The quality and quantity of this flow determine the health of that particular region. Moreover, your body acts as a whole system. What happens in one area will have an echo in another.
Learning how our chakras function and how the energy flows through them is crucial to our health and well-being.
Getting to know each chakra’s true, spiritual role will help us better perceive what we are healing. Taking advantage of this merger will develop our awareness and understanding on all levels.
But, the theory is just the beginning.
The practice is what will make a difference.
When doing Reiki self-treatment, be aware of the changes that occur at each level. As a result, your vibration and consciousness will grow, impacting your overall health.
You’ll slowly start feeling like the creator of your own world while becoming one with the flow of the universal life force energy.

How To Activate Your Chakras With Reiki
NOTE: 5 out of the 7 primary chakras have back projections that represent our connection with the past. The crown and root chakras are the 2 exceptions.
Once you activate your palms and place them on the Reiki hand positions, the vibration of your chakras will start to change. This is because you are now preparing your energetic body to enter a healing state. In turn, your physical body will start adapting and begin to regenerate.
I’ll be honest…
Most of the time, this takes a while. But, with regular self-treatments and patience, you can achieve so much.
Don’t give up before you even start!
Whether you’re a Reiki level 1 practitioner or a master/teacher, it works the same way. Multiple attunements and experience certainly help, but showing up and doing the work is what will make a difference.
The Primary Chakras And Reiki Self-Treatment
When doing Reiki self-treatment, I recommend starting from the head down to push any residual and negative energy into the ground.
Stay in each position anywhere between 3-10 minutes
- Place both palms on the Crown chakra to establish the connection with the higher-self and divinity;
- Place one palm on the forehead and the other on the lower back of the head. This is the third eye chakra that promotes intuition and awareness;
- To tap into your communication skills, place one palm on the front part of the neck and one on the cervical area.
- Then move on to the center of compassion, love, forgiveness. Place one palm on the chest and the other between the shoulder blades.
- Place one palm on the solar plexus area and one between the kidneys area. This is the center of inner power, protection, and inner-equilibrium;
- Next is the chakra responsible for creativity, sexual and sensual energies. To activate it, place one palm under the belly button and one in the sacral area;
- Take both hands to the inguinal area. This center helps with grounding and manifesting abundance.
Beyond The Chakra System
Keep in mind that chakras are just part of our energetic anatomy.
There are also energetic channels such as Sushumna, Ida, and Pingala that keep a clean flow of vital energy throughout the body. Various secondary energetic channels exist as well, like the Nadis and meridians.
Still, there are 3 elements you really need to pay attention to.
- Inner-self – also called Kundalini energy is located in the sacral area. Naturally, the corresponding chakra helps keep an energetic balance at this level;
- The soul – represents the divine spark and is in strong connection with Anahata, the heart chakra;
- The mind – our primary physical engine in this life is connected to the crown and third eye chakras.
If you manage to keep these three main elements in balance, you’re already halfway to propper inner-healing.

Knowing where the universal energy flows and what it heals is vital to our awareness and self-development.
Chakras are just part of our energetic anatomy but an important one to consider.
Becoming aware of our energetic and spiritual elements can help us work with them consciously.
Using Reiki on our chakra system is a wonderful way to nurture our energetic structure, surface the root of the problem, and eventually heal it.
Have patience, trust the process, and practice. Nobody can know you better than yourself.
Article by Vlad Dimancea
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Vlad is a Usui Grand Master/Teacher who has also gained the Master/Teacher level in Karuna, Shamballa Multi-Dimensional Healing, and Gendai Reiki. After more than 15 years of experience, he now shares his knowledge through ReikiScoop. Even if he went through various experiences in life and received teachings from many spiritual practices, Reiki is his passion. He believes that Reiki can act as a catalyst towards the key elements for spiritual growth: compassion, forgiveness, and gratitude. You can reach him at
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