As humans, we are wired to connect. Connection is not only important, it is the fundamental need of human existence. The first connection we experience is with our parents, so this one comes with immense responsibility. As a parent, you play the most influential role in shaping the thought process of an individual. The quality of relationships a person experiences with his parents is one of the major determinants in several aspects of a person’s life. The kind of relationships this person builds later in his life are greatly influenced by this primal connection. Therefore it is of paramount importance for parents to heal themselves and get rid of their own emotional baggage to be able to shape a child’s life beautifully.
Many parents carry the agony of not feeling loved enough by their own parents and their children inherit the same from them. It is important for you to break this vicious cycle of inheritance of pain. When you heal yourself, you are already on the way to heal several generations that follow. So here are a few tips on how to foster a healthy relationship with your children right from the initial formative years of a person’s life:
1. Love between parents
Children emulate their parents, they pick up whatever their parents do since a very early age. So the onus is on the parents to provide an atmosphere that is conducive to the complete physical and emotional growth of a child.
It is important for parents to maintain a healthy, loving relationship towards each other. This is possible when both the partners come together for a conscious relationship, and share the common ideal of respect and love towards each other. So create the environment of love and acceptance towards each other. Even if you have differences, sort them out while children are away. Don’t complain about the other parent to the child, because the latter holds both of you as his/her ideals or role models. This is the kind of environment that every child needs for proper growth. The lack of a healthy environment impacts upon the trusting ability of a child and this influences his physical and emotional setup.
2. Communicate often
Children are emotional and feel every little gesture. They need a friend as well as a guide in a parent. So become their friend, win their heart over and over again. Be the best confidante they could ever imagine. Children will definitely keep to themselves if you judge them, or criticize them every time. Spare some time for them every day and let them talk. Once you get access to their heart, you can teach them discipline and everything you wish to.
3. Praise the child and don’t compare
Appreciation is the food for our emotional body, and especially children because they crave attention. So appreciate your child every single day for something – it could be anything, even as little as being able to walk another step. Your appreciation helps him inculcate the sense of confidence which goes a long way in every step of his life. Don’t compare him to a neighbour’s child or to the other sibling. Every child has some special skills, help him identify that and support him pursue it, even if it is an extra-curricular hobby.
4. Pay attention to your own well-being
Take care of your own physical and emotional health and love yourself. Your children would inherit the quality of self-love as well as family love.
Although each one of us creates our own lives, parents play the most crucial role in that. So the more you heal yourself, the better you will be able to heal your children. So take on the role with joy and responsibility and it will come back to you manifold. That’s the law of nature. What goes around comes around.
Love and light
Article by Dr. Jayashree Ramana
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Dr. Jayashree Ramana is a scientist and nutritionist. She uses Reiki healing as a part of her holistic healing program.
She is Usui Reiki Grand Master and practices Usui Reiki, Karuna Reiki, Crystal healing, Lama fera, Magnified healing, Emotional Freedom Technique(EFT), acupressure, etc. She is a fitness enthusiast and helps people achieve optimal levels of wellness by amalgamating physical measures including nutrition and exercise along with various alternative therapies. Her vision is to empower people and help them tap into their individual power while simultaneously creating a life of abundance and joy.
She is working as Senior Information Scientist at International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology. She was formerly a university professor and scientist in the field of Biotechnology for a decade. Her own personal transformation with reiki sparked her passion for metaphysical sciences and this led her to found ‘The Healing Soul’.
Get in touch with Dr. Jayashree Ramana through her website or you may reach her at Her youtube channel is
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