Our chakras are never perfectly aligned. If they were, we would be enlightened, we would sit in meditation most of the time, project ourselves astrally, beyond this realm. When one is perfectly aligned, he or she is a spiritual being, does not have earthly needs, is disconnected from human society as we know and experience.
But not being fully aligned all the time doesn’t mean anything bad. Every day, every minute, our chakras change their energy level, depending on our mental, physical and energetic state, depending on the people we interact with, the decisions we take and the events we go through, independently of ourselves. That is, every day the energy in our chakras increases, decreases, balances, just as a DNA sequence.
Just as every cell in our body has its own embedded code and its own memory, so each chakra has its own embedded code and its own memory, only that this information transcends over time, space and lives, so to achieve chakra balance, it is necessary not just to work with the present, but to heal the past as well.
While there are hundreds of chakras that mitigate energy flows throughout our body, in our daily practice we usually focus on the seven major chakras. There are many methods to balance the chakras, but today I want to focus on using positive affirmations to emotional balance the chakras.
Our thoughts create our reality. What we think, what we believe shape our reality. According to the Universal Law of Attraction, we create our own reality, because positive thoughts bring positive results into a person’s life, while negative thoughts bring negative outcomes. Thoughts are a form of energy and positive energy attracts success, making it easier for things to flow and manifest in our life. From psychological point of view, positive affirmations focus our attention and emotions on positivity, so that we manifest more positivity in our own lives and see the positive outcomes (and acknowledge them better and easier). The positive affirmations rewrite the patterns in our subconscious minds and direct healing vibrations to the chakras associated with that particular vibration and mind space.
To sum up, when we open our chakras using positive affirmations, we open our mind to the positivity around us.
Chakra balancing using positive affirmations program
In order to heal and balance the chakras using positive affirmations, we can create our own daily ritual. For each chakra we can allocate 7 days. For each chakra:
- Choose ONLY ONE affirmation every day, the one that best suits your current need, from the affirmations provided below (or any other that you feel more connected to).
- Write the positive affirmation on a card, while reading it out loud.
- Put the chosen card with the affirmation at view sight, in the room where you spend the most time, so that you can see it as often as possible.
- Repeat the positive affirmation several times a day, in your mind or out loud.
- Wear at least one object in the color of that chakra in each of the days. It’s important to have that color on you, not to be dressed from head to toe in it.
- Meditate on the affirmation.
Optional, you can make your own chakra balancing package, from:
- Balancing activities
- Balancing essential oil flavors
- Balancing crystals
- Music you can listen to during meditation
- Exercises for each chakra
- Reflexogenic points that can be massaged
Every day, give yourself permission to allocate about 30 minutes continuously for this activity.
That being said, set your intention for this program to bring you the benefits you need now and to bring you healing in your body, mind and soul.
So be it and so it is!
Chakra balancing positive affirmations

I am here and I am safe.
I am nourished and supported by Mother Earth.
I am safe, protected and guided in this world.
With every breath, I release the anxiety and fear within me.
I am immersed in abundance.
I love my body and trust its wisdom.
I am grateful for all the opportunities life puts in my way.

I radiate, I am beautiful and strong, and I enjoy a healthy and exciting life.
I embrace my vibrant sexuality.
I honor the sacred body in which my soul resides.
I’m exactly where I need to be.
I move easily and effortlessly.
I allow my creativity to flow through me freely.
I attract like-minded people who support and love me for who I am.

I am the embodiment of inner peace and trust.
I perform my tasks easily and effortlessly.
The fire within me burns through all blocks and fears.
I am worthy of love, kindness and respect.
I honor the power within me, I honor myself.
I am manifesting easily and gracefully.
I am worthy and capable of achieving my dreams.

I completely forgive myself for my mistakes of the past, mine and others, and I grow from them.
I live in harmony with everything around me.
I receive and give love effortlessly and unconditionally.
I embrace infinite love.
I love myself and I accept the love of others.
I free myself from judgment and hatred.
I give myself permission to be loved.

I allow my Supreme Self to speak through me.
What I have to say is important to others!
I am the only authority in my life, and I set clear boundaries.
My thoughts are positive, and I always express myself with sincerity and clarity.
I make wise choices in my life!
I feel free to express my emotions!
I consciously align myself with the divine plan.

I connect myself to the universal divine wisdom.
I always understand the true meaning of life and situations.
All the answers are inside me and I am free to know and choose what is best for me.
I am free to be myself and I trust my intuition, which grows day by day.
I take full responsibility for my thoughts, words and actions.
I am grateful for a clear mind and a strong intuition.
I give myself permission to be where I am, as I am right now.

I am fully aware and open to the will of my higher mind.
I give myself permission to function in perfect health.
I have full control over my body, and I act responsibly.
I accept and recognize my spirituality.
I allow each cell of my body to release itself.
I am full of greatness.
I am one with the divine energy.
Chakra balancing additional possible methods
Root Chakra
Active color: red
One-syllable mantra: LAM
Flavors: rose, jasmine, patchouli and sandalwood, cedarwood (for connecting with the Earth), cloves (for dissipating blocked energies)
Crystals: red jade, smoky quartz, hematite, red jasper, obsidian
Reflexology: the sensitive point on the heel, slightly inward
Suggested activities:
• Contemplation in the mirror
• Personal, feminine care activities
Suggested exercise: Sit on the floor, feet forward, knees slightly bent, place your palms on the floor, push up and support the weight for 7 seconds. Gently jump the buttocks off the floor. Repeat the exercise nine times.
Sacral Chakra
Active color: orange
One-syllable mantra: VAM
Flavors: jasmine
Crystals: carnelian, coral, opal
Reflexology: the point immediately above the heel to where the plantar arch begins
Suggested activities:
• Baths, showers
• Pampering the body and treating it with tenderness and love
• Drinking liquids – water, fresh juices, soups
• Swimming
• Walks on the edge of a lake
• Sensual dance
Suggested exercise: With your knees and palms on the floor, in a four-legged position, inhale gently as you push your back down and lift your head, then exhale slightly and round your back and bend your head. Create a rhythm from this movement. Repeat the exercise nine times.
Solar Plexus Chakra
Active color: yellow
One-syllable mantra: RAM
Flavors: musk, sandalwood, ginger, cinnamon, black pepper, cedarwood, cypress, geranium, juniper, petitgrain, vetiver, ylang ylang
Crystals: citrine, yellow jade, pyrite, tiger’s eyes
Reflexology: the point in the plantar arch located in the center of the sole of the foot
Suggested activities:
• Abdominal breathing techniques
• Shouting as loud as possible
• Breaking objects
• Create a list of people you admire and see how they use their power, what makes them what they are
Suggested exercise: With your knees on the floor, place your bottom on your heels and your palms on your knees, inhale gently as you push your chest up and out, then exhale slightly and round your back and shoulders. Create a smooth, flowing rhythm. Repeat the exercise nine times.
Heart Chakra
Active color: green
One-syllable mantra: YAM
Flavors: mint, sage, ginger, musk, rose, lavender
Crystals: green aventurine, pink quartz, green jade, fluorite, malachite, kunzite
Reflexology: the point on the roundness under the big toe
Suggested activities:
• Contemplating a pink flower
• Massage
• Contemplation in the mirror
• Charity acts
• Creating a notebook with the wishes of the heart
• Giving yourself permission to cry whenever the need arises
Suggested exercise: Choose a comfortable Lotus position on the floor, place your right palm under your left arm and your left palm under your right arm. Close your eyes and feel your heartbeat. Synchronize your heartbeat with your breathing. Visualize a bright green light growing in a spiral shape. Repeat the exercise nine times.
Throat Chakra
Active color: blue
One-syllable mantra: HAM
Flavors: eucalyptus, myrrh, sage, bat, orange blossom, mint
Crystals: sodalite, blue sapphire, lapis lazuli
Reflexology: the point on the roundness under the big toe
Suggested activities:
• keeping a diary
• writing down all your troubles on a piece of paper and burn it
Suggested exercise: Lie comfortably on your back and take a deep breath. Exhale slightly as you turn your head to the left, inhale gently and return your head to the center. Exhale slightly as you turn your head to the right, inhale gently and return your head to the center. Repeat the exercise nine times for each part.
Third Eye Chakra
Active color: indigo
One-syllable mantra: OM
Flavors: lavender, mint, jasmine, rosemary, sandalwood, grass, wormwood
Crystals: amethyst, purple fluorine, black obsidian
Reflexology: the point on the navel of the big toe
Suggested activities:
• Contemplation of the starry sky
• Keeping a dream diary/journal
Suggested exercise: Take a comfortable Lotus position on the floor, your palms on the floor slightly behind your shoulders, your fingers pointing back, tilting your head back and creating a smooth, flowing breath, visualizing your breath as a spiral of bright blue as it enters and comes out of the “third eye.” Breathe in this way nine times.
Crown Chakra
Active color: violet
One-syllable mantra: AH
Flavors: lotus, cloves, mint, cinnamon, rose, incense
Crystals: selenite, transparent quartz, amethyst, diamond
Reflexology: the sensitive point on the tip of the big toe and the one next to it
Suggested activities:
• Walking in the open air and looking into the distance
• Long silence, silent retreat
• Organizing a personal sanctuary
Suggested exercise: Take a comfortable Lotus position on the floor, straight spine, palms on your knees, join the tip of your index finger with your thumb on both hands, focus your vision on the tip of your nose, relax and exhale slightly, inhale through your nose, fill your lungs with three fast and deep breaths, close your eyes and rotate them upwards towards the Crown Chakra, exhale slightly and visualize a bright purple spiral as it starts from the Crown Chakra and envelops the whole body. Keep your eyes closed and repeat the exercise nine times.
Article by Patricia Lidia
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Patricia Lidia is a corporate engineer, writer, blogger, and coach on creativity and emotional balance. She is passionate about reading and writing, alternative therapies, and spirituality. She is a Reiki master teacher with over ten years of experience. Her aim is to help women find their emotional balance and create the life they’ve always wanted.
She resides in Timisoara, Romania. You can find her at patricialidia.ro/ or patricialidiaemotionalhealing
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