Once you’ve become attuned to the Reiki Symbols at Reiki Level II, you are bequeathed powerful new tools to support your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual growth.
The symbols of Cho Ku Rei (CKR), Sei He Ki (SHK) & Hon Sha Za Sho Nen (HZN) provide assistance in deepening and expanding your connection to Reiki, and allow amplified Universal or Source Life energy to be focused and directed to a specific person, place or situation through time or place.
Truly, the usages for these Reiki symbols are only limited by your imagination!
Why Use Reiki to Clear Crystals?
Crystals are a storehouse of powerful earth force energies. They can absorb energies from people, pets, surroundings, etc. And just like people, they also need to be grounded and recharged to continue working at optimal capacity.
You may notice your crystals feel tired, draggy, or they might even get lost in your house – all a sign of low, blocked, or stagnant energy. And one thing that Reiki has taught me – energy needs cleared space to move and heal.
In fact, I was recently at a friends’ house having tea, and she showed me one of her pens’ that contained Swarovski Crystals. She told me about her love for this pen, but for some reason she didn’t want to use it anymore.
As if struck by lightning, I asked to hold the pen for a moment. She passed it over to me and I quickly formed the three Reiki symbols over it, setting the intention of the crystals being cleared and replenished with fresh energy. I passed her over the pen and asked if she noticed a difference. She did! And my goodness – the creativity after the pen was cleared was inspiring!
How to Create a Crystal Clearing Reiki Bowl
Materials Required:
Materials Optional:
- Paints, regular stones, glitter, glue, stickers, stars, and imagination
- Take a moment to ground yourself. A body needs to be grounded to process the healing energy that is about to flow. When you are grounded, you are better able to provide healing energy – as you are fully present in your body, and you are not blocking energy.
- Bring your hands to Gassho position to center your mind and begin your connection with Reiki.
- Set your intention. Ask your guides to come forth and be with you, ask your ego to step out of the way of any healing, and allow your higher self and Source for this session to be for the highest good, and the highest healing of any person who comes in connection with your Reiki’d crystals.
- Start with your glass bowl. Using a glass bowl ensures your crystals look like a wonderful kaleidoscope of art that you would want to put anywhere.
- Make sure your glass bowl is clean, then imagine what your bowl will look like. Will it be a traditional glass bowl, or will you paint/glitter the sides, write inspirational words on it, cover with stickers – use your imagination. Remember to put newspaper down prior to any gluing, decorating/painting.
- Take a fresh piece of blank paper, then use your eyes/mind/hand to draw the SHK (mental & emotional symbol) & CKR (power symbol) over the page, and send pure light and intention of Reiki to the paper. You are not physically drawing anything as yet, you are simply clearing the paper of any negativity or stagnant energy.
- Place your bowl onto the cleared paper, and use the bottom of your bowl as a template to draw a circle on the paper. You can use pen or pencil for this.
- Draw the HZN symbol on the paper in pen. You can write it in pencil first if you’d like. Say the words in your mind or out loud to invoke the symbol, and mentally send this symbol into the paper. Feel the paper receive your offering of energy with gratitude, love, and thanks of its own. Sense the Reiki energy sign being absorbed by the paper, and feel the energy that this symbol brings to the paper. Intend that this symbol will bring clearing through time and space for your crystals.
- Next, draw the SHK symbol on the paper in pen. You can write it in pencil first if you’d like. Say the words in your mind or out loud to invoke the symbol, and mentally send this symbol into the paper. Feel the paper receive your offering of energy with gratitude, love, and thanks of its own. Sense the Reiki energy sign being absorbed by the paper, and feel the energy that this symbol brings to the paper. Intend that this symbol will bring clearing through time and space for your crystals. Intend that this symbol bring purification, protection, and balancing as well as emotional and mental healing to each crystal.
- Next, draw the Cho Ku Rei symbol on the paper in pen. You can write it in pencil first if you’d like. Say the words in your mind or out loud to invoke the symbol, and mentally send this symbol into the paper. Feel the paper receive your offering of energy with gratitude, love, and thanks of its own. Sense the Reiki energy sign being absorbed by the paper, and feel the energy that this symbol brings to the paper. Intend that this symbol will bring clearing through time and space for your crystals, along with infused power, peace, and balanced energies.
- Cut out the circle, and place into the bottom of your bowl. Leave it free (don’t glue into one place) so that you can wash the bowl if it gets dusty, without too much problem.
- Optional step – Decorate some of your stones, painting or using glitter, pen, with the Reiki Symbols. Let dry overnight before placing in your bowl. This will only amplify the symbols on the paper, and the clearing through the crystals.
- Place your amethysts into the bottom of the bowl as a base. Use enough to cover the paper – aim for about 80% or more of the paper to be covered.
- Put your crystals and jewelry into the bowl to be cleared. Then ask the bowl where it would like to live when there isn’t a full moon. My Crystal Clearing Reiki Bowl wanted to live on my bookshelf, right where my energy for knowledge is at its strongest. Yours could want to live on a coffee table, your kitchen table, your alter space or on your fireplace.
- Bring your hands to Gassho position to finish this exercise, and give gratitude to your guides and your connection with Reiki.
- Remember to send your Crystal Clearing Reiki Bowl and the crystals some Reiki love and healing energy at least once a week to keep energy moving. Notice at any time that the bowl needs to be cleaned and washed to keep the dust away, or even set a specific month to wash your bowl and amethysts. For an added energetic boost, leave your Crystal Bowl outside or in a windowsill on the night of a full moon.
Points to Remember
Just like a kettle should be cleaned out once in a while, so do crystals. Simply by using Reiki energy, we can provide a multilayered energetic connection for clearing our crystals – without having to resort to waiting for the full moon/waning moon, burying them in the earth, etc.
However, being able to utilize the Reiki symbols – the distance healing symbol (HZN), the emotional/mental symbol (SHK), and the power symbol (CKR), means that we can direct and focus the Reiki energy to a precise intensity to thoroughly imbue each crystal with a deep clearing.
By personally creating our Crystal Clearing Reiki Bowls, it means that we are placing a fragment of our heart, a measure of our creativity, and a portion of our time energy that has been granted to each of us in this reality – linking us forever to this beautiful fusion of creativity and function.
The Reiki connection we share is a beautiful gift that we have been given in this lifetime. We owe it to each other, ourselves, and to Reiki, to learn new ways to distribute Reiki energy with the world. When we aim to resonate at a higher vibrational frequency, we will change the world around us.
Article by Krista Ellis-Smith
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Krista is a Reiki Master-Teacher from Canada. Her spiritual journey started in earnest in 2015 when she took her first Reiki class. Since then, she has shared this healing art form with numerous clients and students. As a lifelong student-she most recently signed up for her doctoral dissertation through the University of Sedona.
You can follow her on Facebook at MetamorphosisJourneyIntoPurposefulLiving/ or email her at MetamorphosisJIPL@gmail.com
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