“Everything happens for a reason.” True? It’s easy to say when something goes right.
I met my husband at a wedding I almost didn’t attend. “See, everything happens for a reason,” my mom said.
It’s also something we say when we want to give people hope. I got let go from a job that I loved and felt devastated. “Everything happens for a reason,” friends said.
Days later, I discovered Reiki, and awakened a passion within me, which I didn’t know existed. It was truly life changing. So, yes… I agree, there was a reason I lost my job and discovered a passion.
Everything happens for a reason.
The truth is… if you believe this… you need to believe it fully, without exception and that is when it can be heart breaking. You can’t just believe in this when it works for you.
So, what happens if we lose a loved one? Or, if our child is sick? It is not easy to believe there is a reason. It is easier to think that this phrase is nonsense.
The deeper I trust in Reiki and the more I connect with my energy, the more I realize that there is always a higher intelligence at work. And, while we might have to move through tremendous pain, grief and suffering, as that is sometimes the human experience, there is an element of surrender that needs to happen. A letting go. A trust.
When you can connect with your light and feel your connection to your life force energy, you can build this trust.
It’s possible with Reiki, to find that light, to ground yourself in that trust and to feel a level of inner peace that keeps you centered, through the toughest times. Reiki connects you with faith.

I always like to give examples from nature to illustrate this concept. For this idea, I’d like to share a story of a pot of daffodils my mom had given me.
I had just moved into my new home in New Jersey and she came to visit in early Spring, with a cute daffodil plant. It had three blooming flowers on it and looked very cheerful. “You know, when they die, you can plant it outside and it will come back next year,” my mom said.
I am no green thumb, but thought this was amazing and I would give it a try and planted it outside near my porch. Months later, when the green leaves popped up through the soil… I was excited.
Year after year, the flowers pop up, in early spring. As my children grew, the flowers multiplied.
Any good gardener reading this is probably rolling their eyes thinking, “yeah… this is the way it works with annuals.” And, maybe the simplicity of this awe is lost in translation. But, the fact that year after year, regardless of what was going on in the world, regardless of how many storms covered those leaves, regardless of whether or not I ever bothered to water them or pay any attention. They grew, they came, they knew exactly what to do, without the help or assistance or reminder of anyone or anything. It is the life force of the daffodil.
It’s easy to overlook this and just expect it. But, when you appreciate it and connect with it, it helps you build trust in your connection to your light and your life force energy. The same energy that moves through that daffodil and makes sure it pops up each year, is moving through you at all times. Even on days you feel pain and question if you can find the strength to face another day, it is there.
It’s YOUR light. You can trust in it. It is that simple. You are connected.
It reminds me of the Rumi quote: “Sell your cleverness and buy bewilderment.”
It’s easy to just trust the daffodil. But, some of us don’t even take a moment to appreciate the cycle. It’s just expected. Yet we don’t always trust in ourselves. In our light. And, it’s there. Connect with your light and allow your trust to bloom, season after season. Through bad storms and long winters, it won’t let you down.
Article by Vicky Roncero
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Vicky Roncero is a Usui Reiki Master Practitioner/Instructor, with a practice in Upper Montclair, New Jersey. She has been working with clients to control stress and anxiety, heal from injury and illness and maintain wellness through Reiki. Vicky has worked as a television producer for over twenty years and has always been drawn to energy work, as she feels everyone’s energy tells a story. Regulating our energy helps us make the choices that create the next chapters of our lives. She lives in Montclair, New Jersey, with her two children and husband. You can contact Vicky through her website ronceroreiki.com or by email at vicky@ronceroreiki.com
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