Reiki distance healing represents the ability to transfer the universal life force energy in time and space. You can do so for another person and even past or future events.
Like with all Reiki techniques, its role is to place the mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies in a state of healing.
It might sound abstract. Some even disapprove of it. Still, it’s good to know that it actually belongs to the traditional Reiki system, Usui.
How Does Reiki Distance Healing Work
Remember that, at a very basic level, we are all made out of energy and information that manifest into matter.
Our thoughts are no different. Therefore, we have the ability to project them in time and space using intention.
The same mechanism applies to Reiki distance healing.
It’s a process that facilitates the transition of a certain goal, person, or event into a state of healing. Of course, this “healing” can mean various things for different people, but the idea stands.
Considering that the physical plane intertwines with many higher and lower vibrational realms, this transfer happens almost instantly.
At their core, thoughts and intentions manifest at the energetic level. This means that the physical principles we live by every day don’t apply in these dimensions.
And, because everyone has access to the universal life force energy to some extent, whenever you want to send a thought, idea, or Reiki to someone, you connect to that person and allow the transfer to take place using your self-guided intention.
This simple theory allows us to send Reiki at a distance.
We can reach people who live on different continents, future events we want to support, and past episodes that require healing.
Even though the transfer happens in an instant, the effects take time and perseverance to manifest. It’s no different than the regular Reiki practice.
Using The Distance Reiki Symbol
Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen is the symbol that helps you transcend time and space through a deeper understanding of channeling the universal life force energy.
But, note that the distance Reiki symbol doesn’t work in isolation.
To support this concept, let’s see what the name means:
Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen – roughly translates to “There is no past, present or future.”
Indicating that it makes the flow of energy possible beyond our usual limitations.
It’s like opening a window.
Still, you need another force to recycle the air and put everything in motion.
So, without a few key elements, it can’t do much.
Of course, you can always meditate on it and discover yourself through this symbol. But to facilitate a proper distance transfer, you have to add Cho Ku Rei and Sei He Ki to form a sequence. These two symbols will act as guides for the universal energy and will be supported by your intention.
The Cho Ku Rei + Sei He Ki + Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen sequence will create an energetic bridge towards a person, future, or past event.
What Are The Benefits Of Using Reiki Distance Healing
Before becoming overly enthusiastic about the wonderful effects of Reiki distance healing, we can’t overlook one important detail.
Always have the consent of the person you send energy to and add “to my/her/his greater good” regardless of your intention. You want things to manifest in an optimum way, not as you think it’s best.
I’ll come back to this concept throughout this post.
Having said that, the first and most apparent benefit is the ability to aid someone who is in another physical location.
I’ll always prefer practicing Reiki in person. The energy doesn’t travel necessarily better, but the whole experience certainly is more efficient.
Going one level deeper, you can use Reiki distance healing to address a specific issue or a person’s overall health. You can support them in their journey, help them overcome obstacles, and find answers to troubling questions.
Some might require only a couple of sessions, while others constant daily practice. It’s different for everyone. Do what’s necessary and feels right.
When you plan on sending energy to personal goals, you should aim for everything to happen harmoniously and in the best way for you and the people involved.
When you try to heal past events, have even more patience. In this case, you don’t want to send Reiki more than 10-15 minutes per week. It’s a process that will gradually heal the negative emotional effects that are still present in your life. Yet, you don’t want to dislocate any energies from the past by insisting on solving the problem too quickly.
With time, you’ll notice that these feelings will stop bothering you. You detach from those events and can continue living without being tied to the past.
It’s when you know Reiki distance healing is working and that you can soon pause these specific sessions.
The Main Reiki Distance Healing Technique
There’s more than one way to do this.
Still, it’s important to master one method before experimenting with others.
Regardless of the way you’re going to eventually do this, use the following sequence of Reiki symbols as a base:
Cho Ku Rei + Sei He Ki + Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen
It works even if you apply it the other way around.
With this sequence, you can connect to anyone and anything. Therefore, be mindful of how you use it.
Step #1 – Use the CKR + SHK + HSZSN sequence to activate your palms and the Crown chakra;
Step #2 – Apply it again in front of you to open the energetic gateway. Have a clear intention of what you’re trying to achieve;
Step #3 – Send energy for ~10 minutes towards the desired goal;
As said before …
- Remember to have the person’s consent if you’re sending energy to someone at a distance and add “for her/his greater good.”
- When sending Reiki to your past, you can choose a specific event or simply aim for a general healing effect. Do so for 10-15min. per week. Too much energy can disrupt the past traumatic event and manifest some of that energy into the present. You want to heal that episode, not bring it back.
When To Use Reiki Distance Healing
Reiki Projects
An excellent time for distance healing is when you have a Reiki project or a crystal grid containing a Reiki project.
Either way, you’re sending energy to that project and, therefore, stimulating its potential to manifest in the future.
Regardless of where you are in the world, you can connect to Reiki projects using the same sequence of symbols (CKR + SHK + HSZSN).
Unhealed Traumas
Whenever feelings from the past affect your present, you know it’s time to try and heal them. This will break the chains of negativity and help you move on with your life. Otherwise, you risk compromising your evolution on all levels.
Someone Who Passed
Send energy to someone who passed for their greater good and to support them in their spiritual evolution. It’s a way to ease their transition towards a better, higher dimension.
To Someone Else
If someone asks for your help, you can send Reiki distance healing with their consent. As said before, you always have to add “for their great good” because people tend to want things to happen in their own way. Let the universal energy guide you, and allow it to do its best work.
Send Reiki Distance Healing To Yourself
Finally, you can send Reiki distance healing to your future as often as you’d like. The universal energy will spread over many situations and will be by your side when needed.
Use this technique for important events that will take place in your life. These can be exams, job interviews, and even choosing a house. Have the intention to make the correct decisions so the outcomes will be in the best way for you. This will also help remove part of the anxiety that occurs in such situations.
Through the Divine energy, you become the creator of your own world. Even if you encounter circumstances out of your control, these efforts will promote a more balanced experience.
Final Words
Reiki distance healing can be very useful in supporting the spiritual journey.
It’s common to see our experiences unravel differently than expected. That’s because we’re limited to our perception. But when you know that everything happens for a reason, you can offer support to specific moments.
It doesn’t have to be perfect execution.
Your intention could be out of tune.
Still, using Reiki to help you navigate this uncertainty is a wonderful way to focus on what matters when you get there.
Allow yourself to be guided, be flexible, and open to change.
Be creative!
With Reiki distance healing, you can connect beneficial elements that you’re not even aware of. When working with others, know that these actions can produce a mindset shift, so prepare them for what might happen.
Through this work, we get to develop our understanding and grow our potential for spiritual growth.
Article by Vlad Dimancea
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Vlad is a Usui Grand Master/Teacher who has also gained the Master/Teacher level in Karuna, Shamballa Multi-Dimensional Healing, and Gendai Reiki. After more than 15 years of experience, he now shares his knowledge through ReikiScoop. Even if he went through various experiences in life and received teachings from many spiritual practices, Reiki is his passion. He believes that Reiki can act as a catalyst towards the key elements for spiritual growth: compassion, forgiveness, and gratitude. You can reach him at
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