Fairies, the spirits of the air, are beautiful elementals that possess and personify certain forces of nature. The Earth Fairies are considered guardians of the Earth who inhabit trees, vegetation, forests, woods, caves, mounds and the mountains.
Humans have always been connected with Earth and nature. However, what we give to Earth, we get back from Earth. Each land exudes an energy suitable for some, while not for others. Some lands allow dwelling while others don’t. Some places may be protected by elemental spirits and fairies who may not welcome humans and might cause certain mishaps to wade them away. Indigenous Australian Aborigines and Native American Indians always greet the land they visit for the first time to convey their presence and that they do not demand anything from their land. Reverence and grace are vital when we connect with a new land.
Fairy Realms Reiki was gifted to Keith Zang of the Moonglow Enlightenment Center (www.moonglowonline.com) who shares it freely with anyone who resonates with its energy. It is a unique combination of energy that carries and bestows on its practitioner a soothing and nurturing energy along with its earthy and protective vibrations. Fairy Realms Reiki has been one of my favourite ways to connect with Mother Earth. I have been using this modality for grounding every time I channel Reiki.
Levels in Fairy Realms Reiki
We lightworkers and fairies have a common mission – to help heal the planet. Fairy Realms Reiki is a powerful modality in a healer’s toolkit. It is recommended to use this energy in open air, however, I have also used it under a roof and it’s equally powerful anywhere we are able to connect with the Earth.
There are three levels in Fairy Realms Reiki each representing a symbol.
- The first level deals with the physical aspects of healing. Used for healing plants and animals, the energy can extend to huge areas encompassing ecosystems like Amazon Rain Forest as well. It serves areas which are logged and ecologically damaged.
- The second level is concerned with healing the emotional aspects associated with destruction and trauma to the planet. This trauma originates not only with the damage caused to plants, animals and humans, but also to the elementals associated with Earth. When there is a release of emotional issues or blocks, either spontaneous or intermittent, allow it to flow until it subsides.
- The third level is the Master level associated with chakra activation and attunement. Attunement can be done physically or at a distance. Distance healing is not only possible but encouraged since certain places and areas are out of our physical reach. We can also ask the beings of the highest good from the fairies realm to join us in the process.
Fairy Realms Reiki and Colours
It won’t be a surprise to know that the colours associated with Fairy Realms Reiki are GREEN and BROWN showing its affinity with plants and the Earth. I use the green energy while healing and the brown one while grounding. A combination of brown and green can be used while healing soil or land.
Benefits of Practicing Fairy Realms Reiki
I have witnessed the two-fold energies of Fairy Realms Reiki umpteen times. It not only has a motherly nourishing quality, but also possesses an impregnable powerful texture. Since Earth represents everything physical, material, fixed, solid, manifest, practical, and rooted, it is most useful in aspects that represent these including but not limited to health, practicality, wealth, stability, land, agriculture, business, grounding and centering. Here are a few benefits that I have personally gained from this energy.
I can swear on this one! I have experienced such strong rootedness to Earth with this modality that it becomes difficult to separate the self from Earth; it’s that powerful. The interconnection becomes so evident that I could feel my body made of Earth and its elements while using the modality.
Healing Flora
I have been using this energy all the time for my plants. I have seen even the diseased ones recover. It’s especially useful while replanting when there’s a possibility of the plants dying. It’s a wonderful tool to heal and help the growth of plants.
Animal Reiki
Animals are the most receptive to Fairy Realms Reiki. I have been healing diseased stray dogs and wounded birds with this beautiful energy and have seen the fauna recover quickly.
Healing Mother Earth
Cleansing the earth of toxins, damage and ceasing destruction has been a continuous endeavour of the fairies realm. Lending a wee bit of support in this assignment not only brings satisfaction but also peace to my mortal life.
Connecting with Nature Spirits
This modality facilitates the contact between the human and fairy realms. It does this by opening the psychic centres to communicate with fairies and other elementals and nature spirits. It is common to witness or feel a nature spirit around while practicing this modality.
Fairies not only are assisting the Earth in its journey but also assists us who call for them. Rendering upon us a shield from psychic attacks, the energy of the fairies realm always protects us from unwanted energies. And I can swear on this one too!
Ancestral Healing
I find this energy very soothing yet penetrating. Going beyond the physical, it has an ability to purge debris from the psyche lying dormant from not only this lifetime but also of ancestral origin. Emotional breakdown while using this energy is not very common though. It has an innate grounding power that stabilizes any imbalances and allows the purging energy to melt away.
John Muir puts it beautifully, “In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks.” And this is true, for all that nature manifests is the demonstration of its generosity and grace. Start using Fairy Realm Reiki and you will know what I mean. Good luck and abundance awaits you at its doorstep.
Fairy Realms Reiki being a growth and proliferation aiding energy is not recommended in people diagnosed with cancer or tumors.
Article by Reiki Master Supriya Nair
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Dr. Supriya Nair, IMD, PhD has been a Reiki and Kriya Yoga practitioner since 2008. A conduit between the scientific and spiritual worlds, Dr. Supriya has a profound fascination for the healing arts. Apart from holding the title of Usui Reiki Master Teacher, Dr. Supriya is a certified Health Coach and proficient in various integrative medicine modalities. She is also the author of "Train Your Brain to Unchain Your Pain."
To get in touch with Dr. Supriya, you can reach out via email at suprianair@gmail.com or connect with her on Facebook at facebook.com/supriyanair111 and on Instagram at instagram.com/proconscious.cafe.
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