Many people wonder why to take a Reiki course if they don’t want to be therapists. The answer is that the Reiki course does not train therapists, it trains Reiki practitioners –Reikistas, as we say in Spanish. Some people will dedicate part of their time to giving Reiki sessions, others will do it full time, perhaps even making a living out of it. But, in my personal experience, out of 240 trained Reiki students, less than 10% of them have done this.
The vast majority of my students use Reiki for themselves or to help their loved ones. Some begin timidly by offering it to their family, but many times it is the children themselves who ask their parents to be their first patient. Opening that door to do Reiki to our children or our partner is wonderful. It generates a new opportunity for dialogue, from a place of high vibrational frequency, from compassionate love, from the heart, from the Soul.
Those of us who enjoy this technique know that the changes it produces in us and in others go beyond what we can imagine. I have been practicing it for 16 years now and each workshop, each email or message from a student continues to pleasantly surprise me.
Explaining what the session is like for your child and doing that session together creates an inexplicable bond, a look that you probably haven’t had before.
As you might know, if you do Reiki, you don’t need a big space or a wonderful table. You can give Reiki on a bed, on a chair, on a mat on the floor, what matters is the intention you put in that session, the Love that connects you to that patient so the Reiki energy flows through both of you. We do not heal the other; we heal ourselves and help the other to heal himself.
From this point of view, you can take a Reiki workshop simply out of curiosity, as a tool that will be there when you need it, as something that has awakened in you out of the vocation to help others because your personal growth has brought you here.
There are no coincidences in our lives; everything that comes, comes for some reason, and if Reiki knocks on your door, it is not that you choose it, it is that Reiki has already chosen you for some reason and for doing something.
Nowadays, Reiki courses are no longer something economically prohibitive as they were when I started. Cheap doesn’t mean tacky. In order to make your Reiki experience enjoyable, a great point to start is taking time to realize where and with whom you will do it. Explore the training of your putative teachers; if it is possible, talk to some of their students, and above all, listen to your conscience. Sometimes it is preferable to wait to be able to pay for something that resonates with us than to rush to take a course because that is what the money is for at that moment.
In my practice workshops, I encourage parents to bring their children to practice the sessions here. Many of them end up taking the Reiki course for children, or once they grow up they come to take the first level of Reiki. Many moms have told me the level of trust that Reiki has aroused in their relationship with their children. For kids not feeling judged, being able to recognize the compassionate gaze of their parents opens the door to deeper communication, a hot issue in our times.
So now I want to talk to you who are reading me. If Reiki awakens that in you, go for it. If you have already taken a level of Reiki, share your experience with your loved ones. The bad news spread all over the networks; let us be the ones who make good news spread, let us spread what is good for us, what has helped us. Sharing the good will bring you abundance.
May Reiki flood your life and family more than the media and empty practices.
May you be the Light that illuminates those around you and the places you go.
Article by Gustavo Cristian Fritz
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Gustavo Cristian Fritz is a Reiki Master and holistic therapist in Baradero, Buenos Aires, Argentina. He is dedicated to the dissemination of Reiki and Shiatsu among other therapies. After 10 years of applying these techniques, Gustavo is leaving the practice of chemical engineering to fully engage in these activities and provide outreach sessions in all places where he is called. Gustavo can be contacted through his email,, or his website
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