If you feel that your free will is often violated, you fail to connect to the highest knowledge, to divinity, if it seems to you that the subconscious is working against you, you certainly have a blockage in the crown chakra. Alternative names: Crown Chakra, Seventh Chakra, Sahasrara Chakra, Crown Center, A Thousand-Petaled Lotus, Crown Lotus, Vertex Chakra.
The crown chakra is located in the top of the head. If the crown chakra is not open, none of the other chakras can balance. When the child is born, the crown chakra is the first to develop – the last being the root chakra. Through the crown chakra, we gain divine inspiration, creative power. It is the center of vision capacity. It is the chakra where everything comes together, where the information from all the chakras is integrated. Things that may have each had their own logic now come together, so that we can be conceptually composed as a whole, as an overview. This is pure intuition. Purity. It is the chakra of understanding, of the intuition through which we see the high purpose of our life, through it we manifest the capacity to be our own master, the faith and the courage to be US. The seventh chakra represents that level of being that we define as the soul, the deepest part of what we are. It is that part of us that travels from one life to another.
The crown chakra is the portal through which we can access information from higher dimensions. The more information we can access, the more grounded and anchored we need to be in the physical world. So all the chakras need to be well balanced.
To look for the cause of the imbalance, ask yourself the following questions:
- What are my beliefs about spirituality?
- I was put in the situation to give up personal power, not to feel my own master, not to know who I am?
- Am I aware of any feelings of anger, injustice, fear, which may be due to the fact that I was inhibited?
- I have people around me who think that I have to adopt a certain doctrine, that I have to practice a certain method, to be spiritual, to be connected? Am I allowed to disagree?
- Am I open to new ideas and concepts? How do I treat people and how am I treated?
The imbalance of the top chakra leads to distrust in life, inability to have an overview or to look at from a broader perspective, selfishness, loss of free will, inability to make decisions, obsession, phobia, hysteria, irrationality, possessiveness, annoyance. When this chakra is in imbalance, so is our connection with divinity; there is excessive fear of death, ambiguity about the purpose of life and spirituality, the feeling that we are alone in the world or, conversely, a huge complex of superiority, the feeling that we are not loved by divinity and can even manifest anger against the Creator.
When the crown chakra opens, we have the ability to see the polarities, but to perceive reality beyond these polarities (good/bad, right/wrong…), to see the potential of everything that exists and to perceive, to feel that darkness (the field of infinite possibilities) from which reality is born. Therefore, it is possible, as this chakra opens more and more, to deal with all sorts of paradoxes. It is important in this process to give up judgments and old mentalities based on concepts such as darkness and light, good and bad, male and female, normal and abnormal, acceptable and unacceptable, and to rely more on inner wisdom. To let ourselves guided by our own intuition.
How to heal and balance your Crown Chakra?
The active color of the crown chakra is purple, any energy visualized during meditation with the crown chakra is usually perceived as white or purple.
People who strive to improve the balance of the Sahasrara chakra often wear indigo or white clothing, walk a lot in the open air and look into the distance, meditate, remain silent, participate in silent retreats, organize a personal shrine. People working on chakra unblocking wear selenite, transparent quartz, amethyst, diamond.
Many different mantras, prayers and songs were composed to honor the crown chakra and help efforts to balance it. As with each of the primary chakras, the crown chakra has a one-syllable mantra that is useful in meditation and other forms of healing practice: AH. This can be repeated vocally or subvocally during meditation.
Also, reflect on the questions below, recognize your patterns when it comes to communicating with the spiritual and with the Divinity, and note your intention to heal:
- What is my opinion about …?
- Do I believe in black and white?
- Do I believe in what is allowed and what is not?
- Do I believe in good and evil?
Some of the flavors that can be used to activate the seventh chakra are lotus, cloves, mint, cinnamon, rose, incense, myrrh, sandalwood, lavender.
Crown Chakra sum-up
Active color: Violet
One-syllable mantra: AH
Flavors: Lotus, Cloves, Mint, Cinnamon, Rose, Incense
Crystals: Selenite, Transparent Quartz, Amethyst, Diamond
Reflexology: The sensitive point on the tip of the big toe and the one next to it
Suggested activities:
- Walking in the open air and looking into the distance
- Long silence, silent retreat
- Organizing a personal sanctuary
Suggested exercise:
Take a comfortable Lotus position on the floor, straight spine, palms on your knees, join the tip of your index finger with your thumb on both hands, focus your vision on the tip of your nose, relax and exhale slightly, inhale through your nose, fill your lungs with three fast and deep breaths, close your eyes and rotate them upwards towards the crown chakra, exhale slightly and visualize a bright purple spiral as it starts from the crown chakra and envelops the whole body. Keep your eyes closed and repeat the exercise nine times.
Soothing music:
Article by Patricia Lidia
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Patricia Lidia is a corporate engineer, writer, blogger, and coach on creativity and emotional balance. She is passionate about reading and writing, alternative therapies, and spirituality. She is a Reiki master teacher with over ten years of experience. Her aim is to help women find their emotional balance and create the life they’ve always wanted.
She resides in Timisoara, Romania. You can find her at patricialidia.ro/ or patricialidiaemotionalhealing
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