Everything you want to say but cannot express is stuck in the Throat chakra.
The Throat chakra governs the mouth, tongue, and throat, refers to communication and the ability to understand and speak the “pure” inner truth. When it is not balanced, there are difficulties in being honest with yourself and expressing your needs, desires and opinions about yourself and others.
How many times have you felt a lump in your throat when you felt you had to say something, but your mind was stuck for various reasons? How many times in situations of stress, anxiety, panic attacks did you not feel a lump in your throat that blocked you from breathing properly, but also from swallowing, as if there was a physical object there that blocked the air path? At the first sign of a cold, your throat is affected too much and the problems last a long time? Here, these are signs of a blocked Throat chakra.
The Throat chakra is the place where it hurts when you feel you can’t say things by name, the place that closes when you’re afraid to tell the truth, the place where art and magic are born, the house of inspiration, as a result of ideas and other people’s beliefs, to the detriment of those who belong to you, avoid saying the truth and refrain from saying what you feel. Repressed anger, emotional blockage, but also devaluation can lead to the imbalance of the Throat chakra.
How do you know if you have a blocked neck chakra? Answer the following questions honestly:
- Am I talkative?
- Am I manipulative in the words I use?
- Do I gossip?
- Do I listen to others with the intention of understanding and with genuine interest or do I just hear what I am being told?
- Am I honest with others in general?
- Am I sincere about my own mistakes and openly acknowledge my mistakes and wrongdoing in front of others?
- Do I tell small lies or unnecessary exaggerations?
- Do I speak with confidence?
- Do I express my opinion without fear of being ridiculed?
- Do I easily and freely express my thoughts, feelings, and emotions?
Imbalance of the Throat chakra can lead to physical problems of the throat, feeling of tightness in the throat, inability to speak, loss of voice, and emotional loss, loss of creativity, repress your emotions, anger and feelings of boiling inside.
Other indications that the Throat chakra is closed or unbalanced
- You can’t find your words, you’re afraid to speak
- You’re nervous that you can’t express yourself
- You are afraid to speak, to express yourself, you let others speak on your behalf
- You don’t think it makes sense to express yourself
- You let others dominate you verbally
- You think/feel misunderstood
- You’re afraid to say NO
- You are afraid of conflicts, you prefer to avoid contradictory discussions, you prefer to give your strength to avoid conflicts
- You have unexpressed feelings, unexpressed thoughts
- Tension and frustration, sore throat
- The words are stuck in your throat
- Fear, shame and guilt related to expressing yourself sincerely
- I don’t know the truth, I don’t know who I am, I don’t have the power, I can’t speak, it’s too risky to be honest
- Panic attacks, restraint
- Old stories that keep running in your head
- Old lies and illusions that you tell yourself
Chakra 5 is very likely to be closed or unbalanced if you were marginalized as a child, if you were verbally abused, if you were yelled at, if you were not allowed or encouraged to express yourself, if you were criticized, if someone laughed at you when you said something, if you were judged or misunderstood, unsupported in what you tried to say / express.
For me, the neck chakra has always been a challenge. I had difficulty expressing what I feel (and it’s still much easier for me to do it in writing than verbally), it was hard for me to confess, it was hard for me to be honest and open, not to upset those around me. What helped me the most was the blog, followed by reading workshops and cultural events in the Timișoara Penitentiary. I did a lot of Reiki healings and self-treatment and now it’s great! And liberating! Feeling that you can express yourself freely, without being afraid of the other person’s reaction to your truth! For me, unlocking this chakra meant finding out who I am and saying out who I am! That’s what I feel and that’s it! This is me! I accept myself as I am!
How to heal and balance your throat chakra?
The active color of the Throat chakra is blue, any energy visualized during meditation with the Throat chakra is usually perceived as blue. In general, all shades of blue are beneficial, and people who strive to improve the balance of the Vishuddha chakra often wear blue clothing, eat a lot of fruits, and diffuse or burn incense in the rooms where they spend most of the time. People who work on unblocking the Throat chakra wear sodalite, blue sapphire, lapis lazuli, or any other beneficial stone.
Many different mantras, prayers and songs were composed to honor the Throat chakra and help in efforts to balance it. As with each of the primary chakras, the Throat chakra also has a single-syllable mantra that is useful in meditation and other forms of healing practice: HAM. This can be repeated vocally or subvocally during meditation.
At the same time, reflect on the questions above in your journal, recognize your patterns when it comes to self-expression and communication with the outside world, and write down your intention to heal.
Unblocking is also facilitated by choosing alternative methods of expression: singing, dancing, painting, drawing, cooking, poetry, etc. Write letters (even if you don’t send them, what matters is to express yourself, put on paper everything you would like to say to someone, good or bad).
Some of the flavors that can be used to activate the fifth chakra are eucalyptus, myrrh, sage, bat, orange blossom, mint.
Ask someone to tell you as honestly as possible what they think of you. Especially if it’s someone you care about. The more you care about what this person thinks about you, the more it will help you hear what he or she has to say. Just listen and watch your reactions.
Perform a ritual of silent retreat a few hours a week.
Throat chakra sum-up:
Active color: Blue
One-syllable mantra: HAM
Flavors: Eucalyptus, myrrh, sage, bat, orange blossom, mint
Crystals: Sodalite, blue sapphire, lapis lazuli
Reflexology: The point on the roundness under the big toe
Suggested activities:
- Keeping a diary
- Writing down all your troubles on a piece of paper and burn it
Suggested exercise:
Lie comfortably on your back and take a deep breath. Exhale slightly as you turn your head to the left, inhale gently and return your head to the center. Exhale slightly as you turn your head to the right, inhale gently and return your head to the center. Repeat the exercise nine times for each part.
Soothing music:
Article by Patricia Lidia
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Patricia Lidia is a corporate engineer, writer, blogger, and coach on creativity and emotional balance. She is passionate about reading and writing, alternative therapies, and spirituality. She is a Reiki master teacher with over ten years of experience. Her aim is to help women find their emotional balance and create the life they’ve always wanted.
She resides in Timisoara, Romania. You can find her at patricialidia.ro/ or patricialidiaemotionalhealing
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