The Heart chakra is the primary seat of emotions in our energy body. It is located in the centre of the spine and it is through this chakra that we feel joy as well as grief. So to maximize the feeling of bliss and happiness, we need to open, nourish and strengthen our Heart chakra.
Heart chakra is one of the most quintessential chakras because it connects our lower and upper chakras. While the lower chakras bind us more to the material world, the upper chakras connect us to our Divine Self. Since we are spiritual beings undergoing a human experience, we need to develop our upper chakras along with lower ones (not to say lower means bad or any less significant). The roots of the tree are just as important as the leaves or the trunk. We all yearn that our tree of life should expand and bloom in all its glory. So while the lower chakras help us more to manifest material abundance, the upper ones lead us towards spiritual upliftment. The Heart chakra being at the centre of the lower and upper ones, helps to bridge and integrate the earthly and spiritual aspirations. We need the right combination of both in order to experience fulfillment in life and this is why the Heart chakra is of utmost importance.
Just like all other chakras, this chakra gets blocked or becomes overactive, due to negative thoughts and emotions. When the Heart chakra is underactive, you experience the feeling of lack in many aspects- joy, compassion, fulfillment, ability to forgive or to let go. When it is overactive, you get carried away by your feelings and become oversensitive. Both of these are undesirable situations and therefore we need to strike the right balance. The ability to feel or emote is a blessing, not a curse, however, it becomes a curse when we don’t know how to channelize our feelings. At the physical level, an imbalance of Heart chakra manifests in the form of various ailments like asthma, allergies, apnea, breast cancer, lung problems, back or shoulder problems, etc.
So here is my two cents on how to supercharge our Heart chakra and unleash its full power to experience the best of both the worlds:
1. Deep breathing — Breath is the connecting link between body and mind. So the more haphazard our breathing, the more likely we will experience uncontrollable and overwhelming emotions. Try to incorporate ‘deep breathing’ in your everyday routine. First, start with a few minutes every day and practise until it becomes your second nature. I detailed this in one of my previous articles ‘Reiki and Breath Therapy In the Wake of a Pandemic’.
2. Express yourself — The Heart chakra is the central powerhouse of the subtle body. When you don’t feel understood or loved, it gets stifled. It is extremely important to cultivate self-love as I described in one of my articles ‘Reiki – The Journey to Self-Love’. It is important to have a few friends whom you can confide in safely, without feeling judged. So make sure to express your feelings with your near and dear ones. Also engage yourself in creative activities that excite you, anything that fills you with joy. If you don’t know what your creative passions are, try a few things and discover which one interests you the best. It could be anything artistic, like singing, dancing, cooking, painting or whatever you enjoy.
3. Reiki — Heal your Heart chakra every day with Reiki. If you are attuned to Karuna Reiki®, use the Harth symbol (along with Zonar and Halu) on your Heart chakra every day before you go to sleep. Harth helps to develop self-love and also attract unconditional love from outside. Zonar and Halu help to clear up the emotional debris of the past, creating space for the harmonious flow of love energy in your lives.
4) Crystals — Energize the Rose Quartz crystal using Reiki and set the intentions of manifesting love and harmony in your life. Hold it in your palms whenever you feel the need to calm down or relax. You may use it during meditation to amplify the feeling of bliss and manifest better health or relationships in your life.
Clearing and opening the Heart chakra is not an overnight process. It is one that requires consistency and commitment, but it is definitely worth the rewards. Love is intrinsic to us. As Rumi said it ‘Only from the heart can you touch the sky.’ So are you ready?
Love and light
Article by Dr. Jayashree Ramana
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Dr. Jayashree Ramana is a scientist and nutritionist. She uses Reiki healing as a part of her holistic healing program.
She is Usui Reiki Grand Master and practices Usui Reiki, Karuna Reiki, Crystal healing, Lama fera, Magnified healing, Emotional Freedom Technique(EFT), acupressure, etc. She is a fitness enthusiast and helps people achieve optimal levels of wellness by amalgamating physical measures including nutrition and exercise along with various alternative therapies. Her vision is to empower people and help them tap into their individual power while simultaneously creating a life of abundance and joy.
She is working as Senior Information Scientist at International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology. She was formerly a university professor and scientist in the field of Biotechnology for a decade. Her own personal transformation with reiki sparked her passion for metaphysical sciences and this led her to found ‘The Healing Soul’.
Get in touch with Dr. Jayashree Ramana through her website or you may reach her at Her youtube channel is
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