I have seen Reiki do so many things since my journey began in 2012. I started out being attuned to Reiki just simply because it was a healing modality, and beyond that, I really didn’t put much weight in it as at the time, I was working with Herbs. Little did I know that I had taken my first step on a healing journey that would eventually lead me here to January 2021 as a Holy Fire 3 Reiki Master. After my attunement to Usui Reiki 1 and 2 in 2012, I really didn’t practice or use it if at all. However, in 2014, after my Reiki Master had moved and hearing many of his clients ask what they were going to do now that he was moving several states away, I felt compelled to step in.
I began giving Reiki to those few souls that had been his clients and began to notice that they were getting well and were happier. In an effort to be a better practitioner and find ways to increase my Reiki’s strength, I began to read and understand. Little by little, Reiki was changing my life and I was still not fully aware of how much it would change. In July of 2014, I met a wonderful individual who lived in Massachusetts and, over time and talks, we became close. After some time talking, we decided to meet half way. All this while, I was sending Reiki to this situation for my greatest and highest good. It turned out that as we began to know one another, I received very clear guidance that I would be marrying him.
I moved that year in December and we got married the following year in September 2015. Things were coming together with such ease that I was astounded how well things were going. Over the course of my 4 years in Massachusetts, I continued to use Reiki for those that came to me. I heard reports of pain being alleviated, depression going away, and seeing people finding peace and relief from the things that troubled them. In 2018, we received guidance that I was to return back to PA and after much discussion, we followed that guidance. It was time to heal the past and be present for whatever it was I was to do there.
Reiki led us to a house that fit everything that we wanted including an addition with a separate entrance that would become my Reiki and Wellness Business. Since my time here in 2018, I have gone on to become a Reiki Master Teacher, and most recently, guided to become a Holy Fire 3 Master Teacher. In just the short amount of time that I have been a Holy Fire 3 Master Teacher, I have had so much vitality restored to me that I feel like I am 18 again.
Since being here, I have seen side effects of chemotherapy for clients being completely erased. Reiki empower students to heal and change their lives for the better. Pain removed, and in my own life, fear of success being healed and empowered to move forward with the knowledge of the gift that is Reiki to the world. I look back at where I was at in the beginning to now, and see how Reiki has healed my life in such a way that I have more peace, security, and stability in my life. The journey wasn’t always straight forward and at times, it required great acts of faith. However, through it all, I just kept doing Reiki for myself, life, and others. Reiki will guide your life even when you don’t know where it is going. Just keep doing Reiki. When you don’t know what to do, do Reiki. I give thanks and gratitude for the gift of Reiki from the creator, spirit, and God.
Article by Gregg LeMay
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Gregg LeMay is a Certified Holy Fire 3 Reiki Master Teacher and Certified Medicinal Herbologist. He has been doing Reiki and wellness since 2012 and owns and operates his business Higher Dimensions Reiki and Wellness out of his home. His website is www.myhigherdimensions.com and his Facebook business page is facebook.com/higherdimensions2.
He can be reached at [email protected]
Nice article
Thank you!
Wonderful article!