Our chakras are known as energy wheels or discs. There are seven main chakras (but many more minor ones!). Our chakras are energy centers that exist in our energetic bodies (animals have them as well), but are not seen by the naked eye. When functioning well, they spin clockwise. They each serve a specific function, have a unique color, and correspond with specific glands/organs. Illness, stress, and emotions can often impact the flow of energy in our chakras. As a Reiki Master, I love working on clearing, cleansing, and balancing my chakras. When our chakras are open and balanced, our body functions at it’s best. Below are some breathing exercises to help clear and cleanse each of the seven major chakras.
Before starting, you can take a moment in Gassho and ask your guides to assist you in clearing and balancing your chakras. You can then place your hands on each specific chakra, and channel Reiki, while focusing on your breath.
Chakra One: Root
- Close your eyes and take three cleansing breaths in.
- On your next inhale, picture yourself inhaling beautiful red air. Allow the red mist to fill your body and move towards the base of your spine, where you are physically connected to your chair/seat. Breathe in RED three times.
- Envision that red energy spinning clockwise at the base of your spine.
- Send the red mist down through your thighs, knees, ankles, feet and toes.
- Feel the red energy at the bottom of your feet transform into red roots that burrow into the Earth below you.
- Breathe in and out of the Earth three times.
- You are now rooted and balanced.
Chakra Two: Sacral
- Close your eyes and take three cleansing breaths in.
- On your next inhale, picture yourself inhaling pale orange air. Allow the light-orange mist to fill your body and move down into the space below your navel. Breathe in ORANGE three times.
- Envision that orange energy spinning clockwise below your navel.
- As it spins, the shade of orange gets brighter and brighter. You are now creating a bright orange ball of light that is spinning and providing you with all of the warmth and creative energy your body needs. Continue with this for three breaths.
- You are now clear and balanced.
Chakra Three: Solar Plexus
- Close your eyes and take three cleansing breaths in.
- On your next inhale, picture yourself inhaling clear yellow air. Allow the yellow mist to fill your body and move down to the space above your navel. Breathe in YELLOW three time.
- Envision that yellow energy spinning clockwise, in the space above your navel.
- As it spins, the yellow energy transforms into a bright yellow sun, filling your body with joy. Stay here for three breaths.
- You are now clear and balanced.
Chakra Four: Heart
- Close your eyes and take three cleansing breaths in.
- On your next inhale, picture yourself inhaling pure green air. Allow the green mist to fill your body and move down into your chest. Breathe in GREEN three times.
- Envision that green energy spinning clockwise in the center of your chest.
- As it spins, the green light transforms into the shape of a green heart, filling your body with unconditional love.
- You are now clear and balanced.
Chakra Five: Throat
- Close your eyes and take three cleansing breaths in.
- On your next inhale, picture yourself inhaling aqua colored air. Allow the aqua blue mist to fill your body and move down to fill the space within your throat. Breathe in BLUE three times.
- Envision that blue energy spinning clockwise in your throat.
- Let the energy transform into a beautiful blue waterfall. Allow the blue energy to flow down into the rest of your body.
- You are now clear and balanced.
Chakra Six: Third Eye
- Close your eyes and take three cleansing breaths in.
- On your next inhale, picture yourself inhaling dark purple air. Allow the indigo mist to fill your body and move up to the space behind your eyes and sinuses. Breathe in INDIGO three times.
- Envision that indigo energy spinning clockwise in the space behind your eyes and nose.
- As it spins, the indigo light turns into the shape of an eye. It is providing you with a stronger sense of intuition and knowing.
- You are now clear and balanced.
Chakra Seven: Crown
- Close your eyes and take three cleansing breaths in.
- On your next inhale, picture yourself inhaling beautiful violet air. Allow the violet mist to fill your body and move up to the top of your head. Breathe in VIOLET three times.
- Envision that violet energy spinning clockwise at the top of your head.
- As it spins, the violet light becomes a column that expands to the skies. You feel connected to the Heavens.
- You are now open and balanced.
Article by Stefanie Ruth
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Stefanie Ruth is a Reiki Master Teacher, Ordained Minister, and Empath. She holds a Master’s Degree in Speech-Language Pathology. With divine timing, Reiki entered her life in 2009 and empowered her to change her future. She enjoys sharing the power and light of Reiki with others. Stefanie provides private and distance Reiki sessions and teaches Reiki classes. She can be reached on Instagram at www.instagram.com/live.and.breathe.reiki/ or on her website, at liveandbreathereiki.com.
Beautiful and very informative article
Thanks for sharing. I will do it.
Graciiiasss infinitas !!! NAMASTE 🙏 de 💖