“In all chaos there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order”– Carl Jung
Chaos is everywhere. It is in fact the chaos that leads to great changes. Chaos is a reality both in our external as well as in our internal world. Chaos is good as long as we can handle it. Beyond a point it creates confusion and conflicts. When the conflict is with another human being, there are ways and means on all levels to avoid it and we probably all have a good knowledge on that. But what happens when we ourselves become so much tied up with our own internal conflicts and the internal argument keeps us on day in and day out?
Side effects of the internal drama
Imagine a situation. You met someone. He/She abused you badly and moved on. Now from that moment on what do we usually do? We always tend to recreate the scene over and over and over again. Where do we replay the scene? In our own thoughts. So in a way that person abused us just once but we while replaying the exact same scene actually abuse ourselves an umpteen number of times.

Image by Lars_Nissen
The internal conflict almost works like a parasite and eats up the peace. So how can we find the stillness amidst the chaos? This internal dilemma and dialogue creates not just a lot of stress but completely drains us. It has some adverse effects on the body as well. Many a times we find people dreaming and sleep talking about their issues. So even in sleep when the body is in a state of rest the brain still works on the conflicting thoughts. Let’s then look at the way to handle this.
The way into stillness:
- Sit in a comfortable position with your eyes closed.
- Watch your breathing
- Invoke the symbols and watch or feel the Reiki energy flowing
- Connect to the highest source
- In that state ask yourself the following questions
1. What am I observing?
2. How am I feeling?
3. What do I need?
4. What is the best way to solve this? - Observe the sensations in the body
- If you feel like placing your hands on any one or more of the chakras or anywhere else on the body please feel free to do that
- Notice the tension releasing and keep breathing normally
- Once you are ready open your eyes
- Give gratitude to Reiki. If you can make it a part of your practice in a very short time you will notice a calmness amidst the chaos.
Article by Debashree Bandyopadhyay
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Debashree Bandyopadhyay is a Holistic Image Consultant and helps people with their confidence and body positivity. She is a Master level Reiki Practitioner and practices mantra-meditation and vibration meditations. She is also a yoga enthusiast and particularly takes interest in practicing an yogic lifestyle. She is a practitioner of yogic beauty rituals. You can connect to her at debashree85@gmail.com
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