If it is difficult for you to let yourself be carried away by the wave, to make changes, to be receptive to new ideas, or to express your sexuality, then you have a blockage in the sacral chakra.
What’s up with the Sacral Chakra?
The sacral chakra is located halfway between the pelvic bone and the navel. Think of it as the point through which flows freely, just like a smooth plain river, all the sexual and sensual energy, passion, trust, pleasure, and desire. This is the center of feelings – pure, true emotions.
If you feel unattractive, distrustful, if you feel that you lack femininity, you close yourself in you and do not share the love of your loved ones, you cannot enjoy every aspect of your relationship – friends, family or loved ones, then certainly you have the sacral chakra blocked.
The sacral chakra is the place where all the unconsumed energy gathers, in an unsatisfactory sex life, the negative energy following from a past sexual abuse, the feelings of love that have remained unspoken and unconsumed, the energy of an unresolved relationship.
How do you know if you have a blocked sacral chakra? Answer the following questions honestly:
- Do I feel comfortable with myself?
- Do I enjoy all aspects of my life?
- What are my beliefs about sexuality?
- What do I know about sexuality from childhood? Have messages been sent to me that it’s not a good thing to have the sex I have?
- Was I ashamed of my body as I matured? Breasts appeared, pubic hair – was I proud of the new body I was discovering?
- Has the issue of sexuality been openly discussed in the family? Was it an embarrassing subject, approached clumsily, or totally ignored and rejected?
- Was sex considered unclean, dirty, something bad, something to hide, or a subject of giggles with friends?
- Were my parents affectionate and open to sex? Did they tell me it was a good and healthy thing to be a sexual being?
- Did I have a seductive, helpless parent? Did I learn to hide my feelings in order to survive?
- What are my beliefs about relationships?
- Do I feel satisfied in my relationships?
- What is my image of a relationship? What does it look like to me? Have I acquired the ability to have healthy or distorted relationships?
- How do I establish a relationship with others? Do I ever feel what another person feels?
- Is it hard for me to be in the middle of a crowd without feeling overwhelmed and exhausted?
- Am I a sensitive person?
- What are my beliefs about food?
- When my parents didn’t know what to say, did they feed me to shut my mouth?
- Was I punished when I didn’t eat everything on my plate?
- What prejudices do I have about food?
- What emotional blackmail did parents use in relation to food?
- What emotions do I compensate for with food when I am angry or feel rejected?
Sacral chakra imbalance can lead to low sexual appetite, feelings of dissatisfaction or boredom in relationships, feelings of unworthiness, endometriosis, irritable bowel syndrome, painful menstrual cycles, and infertility.
The second chakra stores memories, feelings and information on how to relate with other people, the quality of relationships, the daily physical aspects, the way we use our sexual and creative energy. The pelvic organs, including the reproductive ones, along with the shawls are most susceptible to disease when there is a blockage or imbalance in the second chakra.
If the energy of the second chakra is balanced, a positive creative state can set in. Thus, plastic, literary, musical works can be born, sometimes reaching the most miraculous and impressive form of creation – a new life. Anger can be transformed into passion – passion for life and creation.
How to heal and balance your Sacral Chakra?
- The active color of the sacral chakra is orange, any energy visualized during meditation with the sacral chakra is usually perceived as orange. People who strive to improve the balance of the sacral chakra often wear orange clothing, wear accessories with carnelian, coral, or opal.
- The essential oil that can be used to balance this chakra is jasmine.
- The element of the second chakra is water, so those who feel the need to balance shall drink as much pure and alkaline water as possible. Liquids pass through the body faster than solids and help purify the body and prevent the kidneys from overloading with toxins. Juices and teas can also support this cleansing process. You can also eat orange food, carrots, oranges, pumpkins, as well as foods that contain a lot of water (watermelon, cucumber, coconut water).
- Many different mantras, prayers, and songs were composed to honor the sacral chakra and help in the efforts to bring it into balance. As with each of the primary chakras, the sacral chakra has a one-syllable mantra that is useful in meditation and other forms of healing practice: VAM. This can be repeated vocally or subvocally during meditation.
- Also help to unlock the sacral chakra hot baths with salts and essential oils, swimming, dance lessons, Tantra Yoga, or any other exercises that involve movements in the hips and abdomen – salsa, meringue.
Sacral Chakra sum-up:
Active color: Orange
One-syllable mantra: VAM
Flavors: Jasmine
Crystals: Carnelian, Coral, Opal
Reflexology: The point immediately above the heel to where the plantar arch begins
Suggested activities:
- Baths, showers
- Pampering the body and treating it with tenderness and love
- Drinking liquids – water, fresh juices, soups
- Swimming
- Walks on the edge of a lake
- Sensual dance
Suggested exercise:
With your knees and palms on the floor, in a four-legged position, inhale gently as you push your back down and lift your head, then exhale slightly and round your back and bend your head. Create a rhythm from this movement. Repeat the exercise nine times.
Soothing music:
- www.youtube.com/watch?v=cMzuE0iLEdY
- www.youtube.com/watch?v=E3cVgaGS4ys
- www.youtube.com/watch?v=_IC_f7m5xWw
Article by Patricia Lidia
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Patricia Lidia
Patricia Lidia is a corporate engineer, writer, blogger, and coach on creativity and emotional balance. She is passionate about reading and writing, alternative therapies, and spirituality. She is a Reiki master teacher with over ten years of experience. Her aim is to help women find their emotional balance and create the life they’ve always wanted.
She resides in Timisoara, Romania. You can find her at patricialidia.ro/ or www.facebook.com/patricialidiaemotionalhealing
Great article! Thank you!