You appear fine and loved on the surface until someday out of nowhere your fears start resurfacing, you experience a decline in your health, or simply start losing opportunities and turmoil in relationships. As much as you hate it, your subconscious and unconscious minds mingle with your conscious minds in many instances during the day. Today you learn how to heal your shadow self so you can experience better health, loving relationships, career success, and much more.
What is Shadow Self?
To be precise, your shadow self is your inner darkness! Emotions that you have suppressed over the years, embarrassing moments that you never discussed with anyone, moments of rejection that you lived through, a weakness for a person, thing, or a habit, anger towards the relationships you have had be it your parents, siblings, spouses, kids, in-laws or anyone else, these all create a subconscious turmoil and judgments that you never really realized you have been creating in the back of your mind. You don’t want anyone else to know all these ‘dark’ secrets of yours therefore you hide them deep into your subconscious minds where they are stored for many years and sometimes for many lifetimes too.
What can this do to us?
Accidents, explosive arguments, a continuous trail of losing amazing opportunities, depression, negative thoughts, loss of appetite, a decline in your health are some of the examples that shadow self can create in your lives.
But, can’t you just ignore what you don’t like and move ahead?
There are three facets of any story. The truth, the denial, and the neutral! If you seek a prosperous life full of love towards self and others. You have to come out of your comfort zone of the ‘Good’. You live in a world where the truth lives a symbiotic life with lies, light with darkness, and acceptance with rejection. As humans, you tend to love the good and ignore the bad. But do you really ignore it? Well, you do, at least consciously!
It’s easy to choose the easy path but remember if you are genuinely interested in healing yourself as a whole then there’s some serious work you’ve got to do.
5 Ways to heal your Shadow Self
In order to try out these ways, you need to first accept and surrender. Know that you have a shadow self that stops you from becoming a better version of yourself every day. Once you have done that, here are the ways you can use to heal your shadow self that feels rejected and unloved.
Method #1 – Stand in the mirror each night before you go to sleep. Here’s what you speak to yourself in that mirror: “Dear (your name), I understand that you have hidden fears, pain, emotions, and issues I have conveniently hidden deep within. But as I go to sleep tonight, I forgive you. And let me tell you that you are an important person that is now ready to experience the best of health, relationships, and life situations. Everything that comes to you will be tackled with deep self-love, compassion, and gratitude. I love you every day more and more. Good Night.”
Method #2 – It’s time to express yourself by doing what you love the most. It’s easier said than done but once you express yourself with something you adore, like dancing, writing, painting, DIY, or any other activity that requires full focus, there are fewer chances that you will verbally or mentally abuse yourself or anyone else.
Method #3 – Burn a pink tealight with lotus|rose essential oil. Sit in a meditative position and as the candle burns, imagine your heart and body oozing with bright pink energy, overpowering your evil intentions towards yourself or others. This is the time to start forgiving yourself.
Method #4 – Stop continuously judging yourself and others, everyone has their struggles, be kind, and practice compassion.
Method #5 – Place a Harth (Karuna Reiki®) over your heart and sacral chakra every time you go to sleep. Say to yourself: “I am sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you!” Imagine your shadow self receiving this prayer as you speak. Tell your shadow self that you both are healing with each breath you take. Take note of the people and situations you see in your dreams after this exercise. These are the suppressed emotions that you need to work with for at least a month.
While this is time taking, healing your shadow self is rewarding in the long run. When your shadow self is in its healing process, you will experience positive people and outcomes in your daily lives. Miracles are then not far, are they?
Hope you enjoyed these amazing techniques.
I wish you love and light.
Article by Chanchal Mishra
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Chanchal Mishra
Chanchal Mishra is a Certified Reiki Master and Angel Therapist. She also practices Kundalini Reiki, Crystal Reiki, Angel card reading, Money Reiki and Karuna ki. Chanchal completed her English Literature Master’s degree from Delhi University. She also completed her Post graduation in Fashion Marketing from California, USA. Chanchal loves to read and write. In her free time, she empowers others and provides guidance to those in need. Reach her at
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