“The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.” Pablo Picasso
Have you ever felt stuck in a job? Do you often think that you are doing something that you were not designed for? Does the place of your residence make you feel that you belong elsewhere? If you think that you are being double-minded when such thoughts strike your mind then you might be on a verge of shutting a door that may open up your everlasting potential. Thoughts are generated through your mind, which bears a direct connection with your instinct. Thus, compelling thoughts are not a mere diversion, but it can be a motivation or urge of your soul to elevate from a place or situation to discover your soul purpose.
What is Soul Purpose?
Every soul whether human or animal and everything is unique. And each one has come to this world to achieve a certain goal. As per broader human criterion, mountains, sand, rivers, forests, etc. do not possess a soul, but they all have life. They all serve a purpose in this world and once achieved they diminish gradually. Take a mountain for an example. It could be fold, block, or volcanic, but eventually, it ends up as a residual mountain. But can you ignore the amount of water and forest cover it gives to mankind during its lifetime? Similarly, the rocks that emerge during a volcanic eruption transform into crystals, coal, gems, and so much more losing their original form one day.
Everything in this world has life, which is also called the soul, and it serves a special purpose in this world. A human soul is no different. Often you feel dissatisfied with the kind of situation you are in or the type of work you do. You often feel an urge to do something entirely different. Sometimes it could be bafflement or a sign that you just need a vacation, but we are not discussing that here. If you feel that you need guidance over the matter of the soul-tapping that is willing to take you to another phase of your life then you were meant to be here.
How Reiki helps in finding your Soul-Purpose?
You are already familiar with the fact that Reiki works on pure intention. If you intend to achieve your highest good then the energy will flow in the same direction. For seeking your soul purpose, you can take the help of three kinds of Reiki sessions:
1. Reiki for Enlightenment
The session showers light on your current life path. You are often occupied in activities or involved with people that do not serve your life. Reiki for enlightenment helps in finding the real joy of your life. You will get to know that what it is that motivates you and levels up your zeal. In my session, I found that corporate culture disturbs me and what I enjoy more is artistic endeavors.
2. Reiki for DNA Activation
The structure of DNA not only possesses your parental or lineage information, but it contains the real purpose that your soul has chosen to accomplish before entering this plane. Often you choose a path in your life that does not resonate with your higher self. Thus, consequential events begin to follow in your life. These could show up in form of physical, mental, or energetic issues. DNA activation shows you the route, which can take you on the path of liberation.
3. Reiki for Chakra Stimulation
The prana (energy of life) flows through the energy centers of your body. When the chakras are healed, stimulated, and balanced, the prana flows through with ease. The proper circulation of life-force illuminates your higher self and uncovers your highest potential. Thus, your soul is directed back to your life purpose.
Disconnection with life-force, while you are willing to live life to accomplish your life purpose, is not going to help. You are designed for a specific purpose and it can be of great help to humanity. Even if you feel disconnected for long with that life task, it is never too late to start again. Reiki in combination with your strong will to achieve your ultimate goal can redirect you to the path.
Article by Aarti Seraphim
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Aarti Seraphim is a Certified Usui Reiki Master, Angels Therapist, and Tarot Card Reader. She has completed her Masters in English Literature from IGNOU Noida, India. Aarti is trained in Indian Classical Vocal Music and French Language. She works as a freelance writer. She idealizes love and peace as the sole purpose of the creator. She is inspired to enlighten the world about healing modalities and self-love. Her aspiration to restore love and peace in the world motivates her to use the blessings of lightwork for helping out those in need. You can reach her at reikiaarti777@gmail.com or www.facebook.com/AartiSeraphim777.
Namasté. Thanks for the aeticle. If we want to pursue the route of finding our life purpose, how do we do those 3 options? Are there links to other articles which tell us how to do sny one of the options?