Off late my clairaudience has been going up a notch. Its almost as though I can hear soundwaves in my mind’s ears whenever I seek guidance. There is a sort of a loud clear, gentle but firm etheric voice that guides me whenever I seek clarity. Sometimes, songs play in my head as answers to my questions and it has almost become a game I enjoy because the guidance is sometimes cryptic. And no, I am not hallucinating. I have taken my time to understand and accept that this is guidance from the higher realms and it doesn’t feel dense or scary so I know it is from my Angels. (When I say my Angels, I mean the Angels in general. I just love calling them mine).
Clairaudience is a gift that a lot of us take for granted or don’t fully understand as a gift because when it starts to unfold, it often sounds like our own voice talking to us in our own head. And once we get comfortable with it, the Universe and the Angels show us a whole new world.
My initial clairaudience experiences were fleeting and far between. I still remember hearing a singing choir of angels for what was a split second (but felt like an eternity) during one of my meditations. I can’t really explain how it sounded, except for the fact that it was pure bliss and like nothing comparable on earth. It left me with tears in my eyes. This was over 2 years ago. Having tried really hard to experience this again, I realized that I was creating resistance by trying too hard so I began setting intentions for this gift to unfurl naturally and gently at it’s own pace. And it did. While meditating with my crystals or energizing them for my clients, I began hearing their sound vibrations and soft messages. And I absolutely love it!
Off late, songs have been a fun way in which the Angels have been sharing their messages with me. And even though I consciously know very little about Archangel Hadriel – he has been showing up for me in his beautiful vibrant light. His energy is so gentle and pure that I almost didn’t realize he was there, until he made himself clearer and more visible.
He can assist you clearing your thoughts and ear chakras so that you can listen to the subtle messages from the Universe and your Spirit team more effectively. He can help you be more like them and in a way, more like your true self. He can help you become more benevolent and loving by overcoming bitterness in your life. Just call upon him and he’s got the clearance he needs to help you out.
You can also practice this visualization to consciously activate your clairaudience with Archangel Hadriel.
- Sit in a comfortable place where you will be undisturbed for about 15-20 mins.
- Ensure you have a glass of drinking water next to you before you begin.
- Close your eyes and take your time to ease into your natural breathing pattern.
- Follow the rhythm of your breath and bring your focus to your heart.
- Invoke Archangel Hadriel to guide this session and work with you. You can choose words or language of your choice or just say – “Thank you Archangel Hadriel for being here with me today. I invite you into my space and into my life. Thank you for working with me and bringing me the healing that I need. Thank you for opening my heart to others and to my gifts. And so it is.”
- Allow him to work his magic. You may see visuals, hear inner sounds or feel sensations in your body as he works with you.
- Once you feel the session is complete, come back to focus on your breath and become conscious of your heart space.
- When you are ready, thank him and gently open your eyes.
- Drink water to balance your energy.
Would love to hear about your experiences. You can also check out my other article on Clairvoyance with Archangel Raziel here.
Article by Sneha Khanna
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Sneha Khanna
Sneha Khanna is a Growth Catalyst and Angel Medium who fuses her passion for energy work and mindfulness with practical ways of living. She truly believes that we are all superheroes – it is just a matter of discovering your superpowers and talents and effectively using them.
You can drop her an email at [email protected] for Intuitive Soul Therapy (Online), several Individual and Group Workshops (Online). You can also follow her page on Tarot Reader Sneha Khanna for uplifting and positive content.
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