Crystal healing is a holistic and natural therapy that taps into the energetic power of crystals and how they affect the body and mind. Most of us have heard about their benefits and even experienced their healing effects but still, there are people who are not sure about their gift of improving our life.
Today we’ll discuss with some of our dear Ask RMT guests to shed some light on crystals, crystal healing, and how to incorporate this practice into our Reiki work.
Question from Maura Reed –
“What are your thoughts on crystals? There are articles on the web that claim there are no proven benefits…and I have been asked about this personally. Have there been any special experiences that have made crystals a regular part of your healing sessions?”
Answer from Kathleen Johnson,
Hello Maura! I was excited to read your question because crystals and their healing applications are subjects near and dear to my heart.
Since beginning my Reiki journey, crystals have been an integral part of my healing sessions, both for clients and for my personal healing. In fact, Reiki guided me to the use of crystals more than 10 years ago and they have been a wonderful addition to my practice for many years.
Both are gentle and non-invasive healing modalities. When crystals are combined with Reiki in the context of a healing session, a powerful synergy emerges. In my experiences over the years, Reiki’s healing energy, which of course is extremely powerful and effective on its own, seems to respond to the healing properties of the intuitively chosen crystals, and thus the healing possibilities are enhanced and amplified.
I have often referred to this as an “energetic marriage” which harnesses the healing power of both modalities for the recipient’s benefit.
Several years ago, Reiki also guided me to develop a Reiki Crystal Healing Session as an additional service in my Reiki practice. It continues to be popular with clients, and I’m grateful for the opportunity to provide this additional layer of healing for them.
Of course, each practitioner must follow their own guidance, with Reiki’s help, in what they provide for their clients. So, I am not saying that crystals are necessary for a successful Reiki practice. However, with Reiki’s guidance, I learned long ago that they are a necessary part of mine and I continue to honor that guidance.
In the past few years, I have written several articles about Reiki and crystals, both for Reiki Rays and other publications. If you’d like to learn more about my experiences, check out some of them on Reiki Rays. And, I’m happy to answer any additional questions you may have. I love discussing crystals and Reiki!
Thanks for your question, Maura, and I hope my answer has helped. Brightest blessings!
Answer from Carrie Anderson,
Crystals have been a big part of my entire life. As a little girl, my dad would take me to gem and mineral shows. I kept boxes of rocks, minerals and seashells in my bedroom. I would spend hours sorting through them and just holding them. I’d spend hours, outside, digging for pyrite and quartz. I’m sure my parents thought that I was going to be a geologist, but that wasn’t my destiny.
As an adult, I spend my vacations on the beach, sifting through sand and looking for rocks, stones, and minerals that I feel drawn too. I love going into gem stores. Even now, I have shelves or crystals, rocks, fossils, and shells. Many have been with me for decades.
If you do go into a spiritual store that sells crystals, allow your Reiki training to help you choose one. I channel Reiki and allow my hands to hover over each one until I find my hand being drawn down to a certain piece. Then I hold that one and allow its energy to speak to me through it’s vibrations.
I have no profound experiences with crystals in regards to how others have experienced them with healing. Except, for over 40 years, I have noticed that I always feel better when I have crystals, stones, or gems on me. I feel more calm and feel a connection to crystals. I know that my life has been impacted because I have a deep respect and personal connection to crystals. They have helped me in many situations. Having them on me offers me peace of mind, and a feeling of safety and protection.
I use them intuitively. I treat each one as an individual. While I do have Crystal Reiki training, I prefer to make a personal connection with each crystal and treat it as a friend. I don’t read too much on crystals and their specific benefits, because I don’t want to alter the special relationship I have with them.
I feel crystals, rocks, and stones as living things. I’m sorry that I don’t have specific examples, but I have no doubt that my life has been made better because of crystals, rocks, and minerals.
Answer from Angie Webster,
Crystals have been used in various ways in healing work for millennia, especially certain crystal such as those from the quartz family. These stones contain minerals that allow them to hold, magnify, and focus an electromagnetic charge. Since we are working with the focused and intentional direction of the electromagnetic field when we do energy work, when crystals are used correctly, they can be very useful tools for this purpose.
While I can’t say I have had any special experiences when working with crystals, I do notice that there is an increase in the amplification of energy when crystals are used directly in the session (whether a distance session or in-person) or when crystals, especially those from the quartz family, are in the room. This energy amplification is often felt by the practitioner, as well as the client. It is also typically apparent by comparing session results with those without the use of a crystal, something I have my Crystals 101 students do for their case studies.
Animals, who react in very obvious ways to energy, and are sensitive to it, are often overly sensitive to crystals in combination with energy healing–which is among a number of reasons that I don’t recommend using crystals in animal energy healing sessions.
Some crystals and stones contain minerals that work differently than the quartz stones. They absorb and neutralize energy rather than magnify and focus it. For example, salt crystals are well known for absorbing impurities. In fact, we use salt water gargle to rinse our mouths when we have oral swelling or sore throat because the salt absorbs the impurities, reducing pain and swelling. Salt crystals in a room will also absorb negative energy. Selenite and black tourmaline work in a similar fashion. We can use these to absorb energies that are released or brought in during a client session or we can keep them in our homes to help purify them.
Answer from Phillip Hawkins,
Dear Maura,
When it comes to the subject of crystals you have the science and the belief, both powerful in their own way. Science tells us how crystals are formed, their mineral properties and in some instances their ability to generate, store and release energy. We know through science colour has its own vibration and frequency so it’s not rocket science to figure out on an energy level we have a lot of things going on when we bring crystals into play. Again science tells us we are energy beings composed of photons of light and part of the fabric of a universe designed and defined by creative non-physical energy. Basically energy is all there is and the only thing creating different forms within this energetic soup is vibration and frequency.
The energy of the universe responds to our intention; what we focus on is attention, what we choose to do with it is our intention. What we focus on we feed, empower and energise, so our thoughts and beliefs when expressed as intention will influence the outcome of any situation we create or find ourselves in. This includes the use of crystals. Those who believe they work empower them to do so through their intention, those who believe they don’t work help create the result that already exists in their own mind.
If you like to use crystals continue to do so while educating yourself to how and why they may work. If you want to include crystals in your teaching, get your students to take responsibility for their own learning, do their research and then make their own mind up to whether they choose to use them or not. I don’t teach crystal healing, I choose instead to teach healing through the acquisition and application of knowledge and understanding. Without these two powerful physicians in attendance healing of any description be it physical, psychological or spiritual is impossible. I like having crystals around me; I like the colours and textures and how they feel when I hold them. I also like to be in my garden with its different colours and textures, and how I feel when I work with them. Both create the same effect physically, mentally emotionally and spiritually. I simply accept the experience with gratitude and don’t waste time or the moment on whether it’s healing or not, and what if anything caused it.
I don’t have all the answers and I freely admit this to my students, we are all a work in progress and when I get my students to take responsibility for their own learning it empowers them as my students and enriches me as their teacher. Your reality is designed and defined by your beliefs whatever they may be, and another person’s beliefs can only affect your reality if you allow it too. To me the subject of crystals is interesting but there is so much we don’t know or yet understand so I simply keep an open mind and focus instead on educating myself, which paradoxically means accepting what I believe today may need to be let go of tomorrow as I continue to develop and grow.
Hope this helps.
Answer from Judy Camblor,
My favorite topic: Crystals! When I began practicing Reiki, I discovered a number of different healing modalities that I found to be complimentary to Reiki. As you know, Reiki is effective on its own. However, not all of these healing modalities resonated with me quite the way that crystals did. The more I practiced on myself, the more I found a connection with color vibrations that I would see through my third eye this piqued my interested in the use of color and crystals. I decided to visit a metaphysical store near where I worked at the time because I knew they carried crystals to check them out even though I didn’t know the first thing about them or what they were for.
When I walked into the store I was immediately drawn to the section where the crystals were. I picked up a crystal that caught my attention as I looked over the huge display. I held it and immediately felt a love and connection to it. When I asked the shopkeeper what this crystal was for, she handed me a copy of a book I consider to be my personal crystal bible and bought it along with a few of my new crystal companions. It just so happened that the crystal I had picked up was exactly what I needed energetically at that point in my life. The synchronicity of the description of the benefits of the crystal and what I was experiencing at that time blew my mind. It has been that way for me ever since. Sometimes when I walk into a metaphysical shop, I know what crystal I am looking for, and sometimes the crystals find me!
In my practice, I use crystals all the time with my clients. I use seven different crystals once I have cleansed and balanced the chakras and place the corresponding crystal upon each chakra. Depending on the amount of healing that a client needs, I may create small crystal grids on different areas of their bodies. I ask my clients about their experiences with the crystals and the Reiki versus receiving Reiki without the crystals, and I have gotten positive feedback from them. Comments like: “I saw myself in a crystal cave of purple crystals when you were working on my head.” This, to me, is confirmation enough that the crystals are infusing their rate of energy and vibration into the client’s etheric and auric field.
As far as scientific evidence proving the effectiveness of crystals, for years the same has been said about Reiki, and it is still said today that Reiki does not work. However, you can find information of proven studies which is why Reiki is being used more and more in hospitals.
Everything contained in creation is made up of matter and energy. We are no different than the crystals themselves except for our varying vibratory energies that come from the different systems of our bodies, where crystals only have one form and one vibration. That would explain why certain crystals can be used for particular physiological imbalances.
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* All answers were organized and displayed based exclusively on their content, aiming to create fluency and flow in exposing the perspective of each Reiki Master on the topic discussed.
** ASK RMT is a Reiki Rays project where experienced Reiki masters answer questions from members of our communities. If you need clarity on a certain Reiki topic, send us your question at, subject line ASK RMT.
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Thank you to all the contributors on this topic. All the viewpoints carry interesting ideas and suggestions. I have learned a few interesting points from these articles today. Even just marvelling at the beautiful colours and designs of the Crystals raise my vibrations, which in themselves must surely invoke positiveness and healing.