“The wounding becomes sacred when we are willing to release our old stories and to become the vehicles through which the new story may emerge into time.”
― Jean Houston, Author & Spiritual Scholar
The challenge and opportunity of being a healer are in unraveling the wounds within ourselves and heal them with loving-kindness so that we can heal others, as well. The healing begins within you as a healer and then, transforms the Collective Consciousness of the Universe.
So, isn’t it important that you plunge into the roots of all causes?
Your subconscious mind is more receptive during your childhood years. As a result, you tend to form the most important thought and behavior patterns of your life as a child. The formative years of your life between 0 and 8 years set the foundation for your intellectual, social, emotional, and physical development in your adulthood according to UNICEF.
According to the Enneagram Personality Theory, every person has a unique combination of 9 psychological archetypes that depend on their unique set of beliefs and fears developed from their childhood. However, only one out of the nine archetypes dominates the rest of their persona due to various triggers from their environment, experience, and hereditary factors.
Here are 9 archetypes that are part of the Enneagram Personality Theory. Every Enneagram persona/archetype has a unique set of positive and negative traits reflecting both “The Light Self” and “The Shadow Self” within a person.
- The Reformer
Personality Type: Principled, Purposeful, Self-Controlled, and Perfectionistic - The Helper
Personality Type: Demonstrative, Generous, People-Pleasing, and Possessive - The Achiever
Personality Type: Adaptive, Excelling, Driven, and Image-Conscious - The Individualist
Personality Type: Expressive, Dramatic, Self-Absorbed, and Temperamental - The Investigator
Personality Type: Perceptive, Innovative, Secretive, and Isolated - The Loyalist
Personality Type: Engaging, Responsible, Anxious, and Suspicious - The Enthusiast
Personality Type: Spontaneous, Versatile, Distractible, and Scattered - The Challenger
Personality Type: Self-Confident, Decisive, Willful, and Confrontational - The Peacemaker
Personality Type: Receptive, Reassuring, Agreeable, and Complacent

Image by Greyerbaby
● In 1st part of the blog series, “How To Heal Childhood Wounds connected to 9 Enneagram Types – Part 1”, we explored how to heal the childhood wounds of Enneagram Archetypes 1-3.
● In 2nd part of the blog series, “How To Heal Childhood Wounds connected to 9 Enneagram Types – Part 2”, we discussed how to heal the childhood wounds for Enneagram Archetypes 4 – 6.
● In 3rd part of the blog series, “How To Heal Childhood Wounds connected to 9 Enneagram Types – Part 3”, we share how to heal the childhood wounds for Enneagram Archetypes 7 – 9.
Sevens are The Enthusiasts
Light: Spontaneous and Versatile
Shadow: Distracted and Volatile
They’re optimistic extroverts who during challenging times lose their direction and become undisciplined. In childhood, they would have been impatient and impulsive due to the fear of pain and unfulfilled needs. The Seven as a child would have rushed through adventurous experiences in order to camouflage their inner fears and pain which they continue in their adulthood, as well.
How to heal the Sevens
- Invoke the power of HZN to heal their past and present memories of using their extrovert attitude to hide their painful experiences.
- Heal their thought and behavior patterns related to their childhood wounds.
- Invoke the power of SHK to heal their mental and emotional auric fields.
- Cleanse their Auras and balance their Chakras, with special focus on their Sahasra Chakra, Ajna Chakra, and Vishuddha Chakra.
- Guide them to connect with their shadow selves.
- Slowly and softly heal the triggers that rekindle memories of their troubled childhood with loving-kindness.
- Guide them with simple daily practices for self-empowerment and self-love instead of depending on others’ to love them.
- Invoke CKR to strengthen & empower their healed “Self” as they gradually let go of their shadow selves during the Reiki healing.
Note: It’s possible that they carry the shadow traits as a shared emotion or memory from their mother. You can guide them to reconnect and heal their Swaddhistana Chakra to heal their parent-child etheric bond.
Eights are The Challengers
Light: Decisive and Resourceful
Shadow: Wilful and Ego-centric
Eights are a source of inspiration to those around them and are adept at self-mastery. On the downside, they face problems in handling their temper and find it hard to share their vulnerabilities even with their loved ones. In childhood, they could have had unhealthy experiences that made them more secretive and fearful of their environment. They need a lot of reassurance and loving-kindness to become their best self.
How to heal the Eights
- Invoke the power of HZN to heal their past and present memories that demanded them to become short-tempered and resentful.
- Heal their thought and behavior patterns that are specifically related to their childhood wounds.
- Invoke the power of SHK to heal their mental and emotional Auras and Chakras.
- While cleansing their Auras and balancing their Chakras, they need special focus on their Sahasra Chakra, Ajna Chakra, and Vishuddha Chakra.
- Guide them to connect with their “Shadow” selves.
- Identify and heal the triggers that rekindle memories of their troubled childhood with loving-kindness.
- Guide them with simple daily practices for self-empowerment and self-love.
- Invoke CKR to strengthen & empower their healed “Self” as they gradually let go of their shadow selves during the Reiki healing.
Note: It’s possible that they carry the shadow traits as a shared emotion or memory from their mother when they were a fetus. You can guide them to reconnect and heal their Swaddhistana Chakra to heal their parent-child etheric bond.
Nines are The Peacemakers
Light: Agreeable and Receptive
Shadow: Complacent and Resistance to Change
Nines are highly receptive to other’s emotional needs and bring harmony in conversations between people. They’re the peacemakers on the bright side but can become more stubborn and resist change in order to maintain the status quo. In childhood, they would have been conditioned to believe that they should abide by the rule book to maintain peace and harmony at all times. They need to be more open to transformation as a natural part of life.
How to heal the Nines
- Invoke the power of HZN to heal their past and present memories that prevent them from reaching their highest good.
- Heal their thought and behavior patterns related to their childhood wounds.
- Invoke the power of SHK to heal their mental and emotional Auras and Chakras.
- Focus on their Sahasra Chakra, Ajna Chakra, and Vishuddha Chakra while balancing their Chakras.
- Guide them to connect with their “Shadow” selves.
- Identify and heal the triggers that rekindle the memories of their troubled childhood with loving-kindness.
- Guide them with simple daily practices for self-empowerment and self-love.
- Invoke CKR to strengthen & empower their healed “Self” as they gradually learn to let go of their shadow selves during the Reiki healing.
Note: It’s possible that they carry the shadow traits as a shared emotion or memory from their mother. You can guide them to reconnect and heal their Swaddhistana Chakra to heal their parent-child etheric bond.
There are no hard and fast rules in healing oneself and others. The “Enneagram Personality Theory” is a practical guide for Reiki healers to better understand the persona or psyche of their healees. It offers a whole new perspective to healing people through their ever-changing personality types developed due to varied childhood experiences.
In this three-part blog series, “How to Heal Childhood Wounds for 9 Enneagram Types”, I’ve tried to explore a few possibilities for healing the childhood wounds of people belonging to 9 different Enneagram Personality types. I hope that all 3 blogs of this series share meaningful insights for healers around the world. Love and Light!
Article by Durga Pillai
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Durga Pillai is a writer, Usui Reiki®️ Healer, Vedic Astrologer, and certified Magnified Healing®️ practitioner. She channels Distance Reiki sessions in Chennai, India. Durga also practices Vedic Astro Healing with the Divine Guidance of Reiki. In her alone time, she explores healing with Sanskrit mantras, music, creative arts, and ancient wisdom that awakens the creator within. Reach Durga at durgapillai.com and on Facebook at healingwithdurga, or Instagram @healingwithdurga
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