As Reiki energies flow between the practitioner and the recipient during the Reiki session, the two bodies may respond or react with particular sensations. We’re often asked about the significance of feeling heat, but one can experience a myriad of other sensations like warmth, cold, goosebumps, chills, and even short-term uneasiness if there’s pent-up emotional tension and stress in a certain area of the body.
Every person’s attunement and healing experience are unique but some valuable insights on this topic from well-experienced Reiki Masters are always extremely useful and appreciated by our community!
Question from Susan Liskowicz:
“I just received Reiki Level 2 Attunement. I mostly self-practice but have recently given treatments to my husband and daughter to start learning to give Reiki to others.
My question is, when I self-treat, my Heart chakra gets very hot. Does that mean I should linger longer or is that a sign I should move to a new spot?
When I did my daughter, one of the positions on her head got very hot, and I thought I should move so she wouldn’t be uncomfortable. She noticed the heat too. Also, she had pain in her clavicle when I was near her Throat chakra. I didn’t know what to tell her regarding that.
So, does intense heat mean move on or stay in that area? And why would an area feel uncomfortable?”
Answer from Judy Camblor,
Great question! Here is my experience with heat in certain areas or chakras. Chakras are connected to certain glands and organs in the body. The Heart chakra is connected to the heart, immune system, lungs, lymph and thymus glands. The clavicle is in the Throat chakra area, and the Throat chakra, which is connected to the eyes, ears, muscles, nerves, throat and thyroid.
When I experience heat in an area or a chakra, I channel more Reiki to the affected chakra or area. While I am giving Reiki I normally channel Reiki to each area/chakra the amount of time that it takes me to take three deep breaths. This allows me to feel the energy of that area/chakra, notice any differences in temperature, receive any intuitive healing messages or other sensation I receive from it, and channel that area/chakra with the amount of Reiki that it needs. When heat is present, I hold the intention in that area/chakra to release any excess life force energy that is creating an imbalance.
When I feel heat, I am usually intuitively guided to intend that the Reiki I channel slow the activity of the chakra or energetic area to bring it back into balance. It is my experience that too much heat coming from a chakra means that it is overactive just as too much of a cool sensation means that it is underactive. While we all want our chakras to be active, over-or-under-activity in any chakra will create an imbalance throughout the system which can also result in physical pain.
In your case, where you have feel a large amount of heat in your Heart chakra, consider the following options in order to balance the chakra:
- Using essential oils such as jasmine, lavender, neroli or rose at bedtime or during a meditative practice;
- Using stones such as apophyllite, aventurine, calcite, chrysoprase, goldstone, kunzite, malachite and all pink and/or green stones by carrying them or wearing them or placing them on the heart during your self-healing sessions;
- Sit in meditation and ask your heart chakra what it needs to become balanced; ask yourself what emotions you are experiencing that are creating your heart chakra to become overactive and find different ways to express those emotions. Remember that unexpressed or repressed emotions get stored in the sacral chakra, which in turn will create yet another imbalance in your energetic body.
In the case of your daughter, where she feels a large amount of heat and pain in the area of her clavicle or Throat chakra, consider the following options in order to balance the chakra:
- Help her identify what it is she is having trouble communicating; perhaps she has emotions or circumstances in her life that she has trouble discussing. Teach her to journal about conversations she finds difficult by way of writing soul letters to the person(s) she has trouble communicating with or about circumstances she may have trouble dealing with. Communication is not just about speaking our truth, it is also about listening.
- Listening to soothing music;
- Using essential oils such as eucalyptus, lemongrass, tea tree, clove or peppermint at bedtime by rubbing a few drops into her throat chakra area or using them during a meditative practice;
- Using stones such as amazonite, angelite, aquamarine, blue calcite, blue lace agate, and turquoise by carrying or wearing them or simply placing them on her throat charka during a healing session.
As I mentioned before, the Throat chakra is also connected to muscles, nerves and the thyroid, so it may be a good idea for her to practice meditation, receive a massage and perhaps even have a thyroid test just to be safe. Pain appears when there is energy that needs to be released, so extra Reiki in that area will help to alleviate it.
Answer from Deborah K. Lloyd,
Susan, congratulations on completing the Reiki II level. It is common to feel sensations when giving and receiving Reiki, and these may occur for a multitude of reasons. When energies are being moved, released or enhanced, both the practitioner and the receiver often feel these movements. It is helpful to explain this possibility to a receiver and ask them to let you know if they experience any discomfort. If discomfort is reported, it is fine to move your hands a few inches above the body or move to the next hand position. Frequently though, these sensations may provide information about energies in those chakras.
Our hands becoming warm is one of the most common experiences of the Reiki practitioner. It has been my experience that the Heart chakra is frequently where my hands become the warmest! Usually, this indicates the person has strong, compassionate love towards other people – and an openness to Divine unconditional love. But it can also indicate the chakra’s energies are depleted, due to a large expenditure of love being given, and the energies are not replenished. My experience is this is common among healthcare professionals, especially during the current pandemic. Reiki energies are rushing in, filling the Heart chakra energy. Another possibility is the receiver is lacking self-love and self-worthiness; Reiki is healing these perceptions.
It is helpful to study the chakras and their functions, as this can give you and your family members, friends, or clients information as to why these areas are reacting in certain ways to Reiki healing energies. However, there may be times when neither you, nor the receiver, has any idea about why the sensations are happening. That is when we trust the wisdom of the Universal Life Force energies. Reiki always brings healing.
Answer from Carrie Anderson,
The feeling of heat during a Reiki session is usually a good sign. Reiki itself can do no harm. Its intent is to move energy through the body and to focus on the area where there is an energy blockage. Unhealthy energy, or byoki can physically affect body parts. The healing energy from Reiki flows to these areas where there might be a blockage of energy, negative energy or byoki. The heat that is generated during a Reiki session is a sign that the healthy Reiki energy is working on clearing up a blockage.
When I am doing a self Reiki session or one on a client, if I feel an area of heat, then I focus on that spot for a bit longer. I don’t solely focus on that spot but continue to do the other hand positions. One thing that I like to do before a self-reiki session is to do a full-body scan meditation. This helps me become aware of spots that might need extra attention. After your self Reiki session you can do another body scan to see if you notice any differences.
Regarding the pain your daughter felt on her clavicle. First, I would want to make sure that she was in a comfortable position. Making sure that undue stress from her position wasn’t causing her pain. Next, if you are using hands-on Reiki, then I would check with her if the pressure is comfortable or ask if she might prefer hands-off for that area. I have had clients that do not like any hands-on or near their Throat chakra. For personal reasons that chakra brings up issues that cause them discomfort and hands-on in the throat area makes them feel claustrophobic. If pain continues then she might want to consider getting a medical opinion because Reiki should not cause physical pain and the pain may have just coincided with her ability for her muscles and mind to relax during the Reiki session and allowing her time to focus more awareness on her body.
Answer from Tracie (Eaves) Talbott,
While channeling Reiki, I often pick up different sensations, such as heat or tingling in a particular area. I seem to feel different things depending on the client, so I don’t try to interpret the sensations, but I do mention them to the client. Sometimes they understand what is causing it. For example, I once felt an intense heat and some tingling over a client’s abdomen and when I mentioned it she told me I was right above a recent surgical scar that had yet to heal completely. Although clients often feel heat as well, I have never had any complaints of discomfort from it and most seem to find it quite pleasant. I let clients know to communicate with me and let me know if they would prefer me to move on or hold a position longer, but if they do not do so I let Spirit guide me and move on only when I feel that urge to do so. Follow your intuition and you will know if you should stay in the area or not.
Answer from Haripriya Suraj,
Reiki practice is intuitive. Energy flows to a chakra until it feels complete. When you are new to Reiki practice, you may be advised to spend a specific number of minutes at each chakra position. However, with experience, you begin to get a sense of when a chakra has received sufficient healing and you feel intuitively guided to move on to the next position. Feeling heat is a classic Reiki experience. Very often, heat is a sign that the energy is flowing smoothly and can be allowed to flow until the sensation of heat dissipates. It is unusual for the heat to make one uncomfortable. Most often, heat is experienced as a relaxing warmth. In order to ensure the recipient is comfortable, you may talk to him or her beforehand and tell them to let you know if they feel any discomfort during the session (so you may change your course of action if necessary).
Some people experience aches and pains as the energy moves through their body and balances the chakras. Unless one has a medical condition that could be the cause of pain/discomfort (in which case one would need to see a doctor), the discomfort experienced solely as a result of energy work is not a cause for concern. It settles with time. Once the session is complete, ensure the recipient drinks sufficient water, and is well-grounded.
Answer from Deb Karpek,
Something I learned early on in my Reiki practice, from my teacher, is “put your hands on the person and get out of the way.” Good advice. If you can, try not to worry about what you feel, what you do not feel, what does it mean? Just put your hands on the person and get out of the way. Turn off your mind and let Reiki teach you. I was taught that wondering so much what things mean you are letting your ego in. Try if you can to just allow yourself to go with the flow.
I would also add to trust your intuition. Reiki increases our intuition the more we do it. Trust what you feel and go with the flow. It really is that simple. If someone asks me “what does it mean,” I turn the question around to them, and ask them what they think it means. 🙂
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* All answers were organized and displayed based exclusively on their content, aiming to create fluency and flow in exposing the perspective of each Reiki Master on the topic discussed.
** ASK RMT is a Reiki Rays project where experienced Reiki masters answer questions from members of our communities. If you need clarity on a certain Reiki topic, send us your question at, subject line ASK RMT.
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