Since most healers are souls who have volunteered to come to this planet on a service mission, meaning that they’ve come to earth to help uplift collective consciousness, it can be challenging to just sit around and watch others speak about ‘the new normal’. Our souls guide us to do something and create our own ‘new normal’ made out of compassion and authentic care for ourselves and each other but how we do it in those cases where permission is a must?
Here’s what Suzanne felt guided to ask us and the valuable insights she received from our AskRMT guests on this topic of great interest in nowadays:
Question from Suzanne Claussen –
“Can you share best practices for sending Reiki over time and space to heal the Earth and history where permission cannot be obtained (e.g. forest fires, slavery in America)?”
Answer from Ssanyu Birigwa,
Best practices to clear the environment, to release the wound of slavery, from the timelines, and send healing to the world. With the current uprisings here in the United States, and abroad, natural disasters across the globe, healing is needed more than ever. In this practice, it is our intention that is most important. When we have an intention to increase the positive vibrations of the planet, to clear and heal timelines the Universe cannot help but to be a participant in this action. One must ready themselves, clear, ground and protect their energy, their light body first before sending the distance reiki symbol. The important thing is to have the intention to help, to send love and healing to improve the life of the world. You can visualize the distance healing symbol as a whole or just say its name 3 times. The invocation gets the energy flowing.
Answer from Pamela Miles,
The best Reiki practice we can offer our planet is our daily self Reiki practice. We ourselves are the ones we are here to heal, and our daily self-practice helps everyone else and our planet. Our self-practice is the piece only we can do. Don’t be distracted and try to fix. Rather, become the beacon only you can be through your committed daily self-practice. Then your presence will inspire others and your footsteps will heal the earth.
Answer from Kathleen Johnson,
Hello Suzanne! Thank you for your question. The issue of permission can be contentious among practitioners, as each of us brings our opinions and perspectives to the practice of Reiki.
However, the general consensus (including my view) regarding the sending of distant Reiki to places, situations, and events is that permission is not required. Most practitioners are eager to help ease pain and suffering during difficult times and circumstances by sending Reiki to them. This is something I do every day, as part of my morning blessing. It is a very simple practice – I set my intention for the blessing, whether it is for a particular event, situation, place, or issue, and then activate the time/distance symbol, plus any others I’m guided to use. I then simply allow Reiki to flow as I remain focused on the intention, which always includes deep healing and blessing for all those involved, in accordance with the Highest Good.
For events and issues that occurred in the past, my intention also includes healing from trauma sustained so that those involved can move forward with confidence, again in accordance with the Highest Good. Although we cannot change the past, we can reshape and change our response to the trauma incurred (with Reiki’s guidance), so that it no longer continues to wound us. We can then release it into the Light to be transmuted.
As always, our intention is essential – remember that “Energy Follows Intention.” So, with a clear intention and the power of Reiki, we have the ability to effect enormous change. As Reiki practitioners we are indeed blessed.
I hope this helps you, Suzanne, and I wish you bountiful blessings on your healing endeavors!
Kathleen Johnson
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* All answers were organized and displayed based exclusively on their content, aiming to create fluency and flow in exposing the perspective of each Reiki Master on the topic discussed.
** ASK RMT is a Reiki Rays project where experienced Reiki masters answer questions from members of our communities. If you need clarity on a certain Reiki topic, send us your question at, subject line ASK RMT.
We are deeply grateful to all the Reiki Masters who are offering their time and expertise to support our Reiki community. Blessings!
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