Nobody is untouchable or untouched by this pandemic, but we all have a choice on how we respond and use it as an opportunity to change people’s mindsets when it comes to distant healing work. And since “distant healing is probably one of the most undervalued ways of providing healing and treatment sessions”, it can be challenging so a little bit of inspiration is always welcome!
Below you’ll find some insightful tips and tricks on how to successfully market your distant Reiki:
Question from Diana Balgaard –
“I have tried so many things to market my distant Reiki and people are not interested. The shutdown from the virus has not helped either. I would like to receive some tips to expand my practice.”
Answer from Deborah Dalziel,
Reiki is about connecting and experiencing, being, not doing. Sometimes our funny busy mind thinks we need to ‘do’ to have clients come to us and book our services. But it is the opposite that brings them to you.
Keep practicing your Reiki meditations and any other things in life that bring you joy, bring you peace and help you tap into your own self-love. As you keep practicing Reiki for self, this natural self-love will energetically call people to you. And people will want to tap into this.
So much of Reiki with clients is actually about ourselves, and looking after ourselves. Diana, your offering is greatest when you are happy, calm, and not seeking clients.
So this can be hard yes? – Use the precepts, meditate on the precepts and let their wisdom filter into your day. Say them out loud, write them, draw a picture of what they mean to you. Breathe them in and then rest your hands on your hara and centre and relax.
When you feel happy and you are not ‘craving’ clients, then the clients will come. When you feel joyful, share your joy on social media (if you use it). People will see the joy. Maybe every now and again you can then remind people you offer distance healing. Perhaps write a blog post for your website of what distance healing means to you and a testimonial or two from clients and share this on your website and in a newsletter (remember to only do this when you are full of joy, no craving or expectation that you will get a client)
Sit at the end of your morning/afternoon/evening meditation session (whichever is your usual) and offer a distance healing to anyone who wants one. Just offer the universal energy and let that offering fill your being. Unconditional offering. When you do this you are reminding clients energetically that you offer treatments. But it must be unconditional, and mind conditions, like “I hope they come” I hope they book” will have them running away!
So keep filling up your own inner pot of joy and I promise, the clients will want some too!

Image by jplenio
Answer from Thea van der Merwe,
Distant healing is probably one of the most undervalued ways of providing healing and treatment sessions. Mostly, I believe, it is because people generally do not understand what it entails and also don’t trust the fact that healing can work on a remote basis. I have experienced similar frustrations with lockdown and it was only when I included a page on my website that explained distant healing in greater detail that more clients booked distant healing sessions. On my page “Distant Healing Explained”, I also included a short video where I explained the process – we as humans are social beings and having physical contact, particularly during the intimacy of a healing session, is a very basic and primal need. The video is of me personally explaining what a client may expect and experience during a distant healing session. This created a personalized interface and foundation that encourage clients to be okay and trusting of a distant healing treatment. I generally also make an extra effort to video-call clients before and after distant healing sessions to maintain that personal contact. To be honest, distant healing sessions probably take about twice as long as in-person sessions considering all the preparation and interaction, but it has been worth the effort. I have had quite an increase in the number of distant sessions performed.
Pricing is obviously also something I had to consider and I have been very flexible in what I charge for distant healing sessions, particularly during our lockdown period. I have widely published and marketed the discounted rates and the response on that has been quite positive. Ultimately clients still prefer in-person healing and distant healing may never be as accepted and sought after as in-person contact, but by creating and maintaining the element of personal care, I have certainly seen an increase in the distant healing sessions that I have been doing.
As a final note, I offer a wide range of spiritual/energy healing modalities other that Reiki. This has been a saving grace as my practice is not just Reiki based and I could offer clients the option of other healing modalities that are more accepted on a distant healing basis.
Answer from Sue Wang,
Dear Diana,
Distant Reiki transcends space, time, and location. As Reiki practitioners, we know it can work well, but to a layperson, they wonder about the unseen and the value they are getting for the fees paid. To give this work a more ‘3D’ or earthly presence, one can:
- Offer detailed written notes documenting the intention for the session and any intuitive message received regarding the Reiki treatment, then follow up in email the day after treatment for feedback.
- Set a time for Reiki treatment that is convenient for both client and Reiki practitioner, so that there is an expectation and container to get grounded and relax. In an email a day before the session, ask for an intention for the session, give grounding instructions, and ask the client to be open to receive the Reiki.
Other than the emails exchanged, there is no contact between me and a client. That has worked fine. Reiki is much needed now during the pandemic, and there is an opportunity to expand our services based on its benefits -testimonials and trust is super important. Also approach this work from a place of service, how you can help, and expect the energy given to be balanced by compensation.
Best wishes on your Reiki practice!
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* All answers were organized and displayed based exclusively on their content, aiming to create fluency and flow in exposing the perspective of each Reiki Master on the topic discussed.
** ASK RMT is a Reiki Rays project where experienced Reiki masters answer questions from members of our communities. If you need clarity on a certain Reiki topic, send us your question at, subject line ASK RMT.
We are deeply grateful to all the Reiki Masters who are offering their time and expertise to support our Reiki community. Blessings!
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