Standard Reiki treatments usually last for an hour or so, and they cover all body areas and chakras.
The images below are suggested hand positions for healing others. We have another article with hand positions for self-healing here.
There are variations of these positions, and some Reiki Masters teach different hand positions. If you’re in doubt, it’s best to stick to what your Reiki Master has taught you, or to follow your intuition, try different things, and see what works best for you.
At the end of the article, there’s a PDF chart you can download and print.
Reiki Hand Positions for Head
Position 1: The eyes.
Position 2: The ears.
Position 3: Back of the head.
Reiki Hand Positions for Body
Position 4: Collarbones/shoulders.
Position 5: Chest (hands forming a T)
Position 6: Higher abdomen / lower thorax
Position 7: Middle abdomen
Position 8: Lower abdomen
Position 9: Hip area (ovaries area for women)
Reiki Hand Positions for Legs
Position 10: Knees
Position 11: Ankles
Position 12: Feet
Reiki Hand Positions for Healing Others – Downloadable PDF Chart
To download the full chart in PDF format, see below.
License: You may print an unlimited number of copies of the Reiki Hand Positions for Healing Others PDF document. You may use the document in a commercial setting, and you may distribute the document, as long as it remains intact and this license notice is included. You may not modify the document in any way.
Thank you so much. I will include this in my Reiki Manual for my students. Was struggling to find something like this on the internet
Hi too like your chart! It’s fun and contemporary compared to others out there! Thank YOU!!!!
Thank you!
The photos don’t show the “crown chakra” at all
Thanx a ton. May God bless you.
Insightful and interesting book…Many thanks for this wonderful book and I look forward using this on many different areas with my clients.
Fran from: Infinite Rainbow Tarot Card Readings
I wonder too why there is no hand position on the Crown chakra.
But the chart is very helpful
I have read that we shouldn’t place hands on the crown chakra during a treatment as it can block the crown chakra from the divine/source.
I have always placed hands on crown chakra in treatments so was a bit shocked to read this
I cannot understand how people get so tied up with the chakras. They originated from India and have never been mentioned in Sensei Usui`s system of Reiki. I am 81yrs old and have been healing for well over 60 years and I only practice the Jikiden Reiki which (with the present knowledge) is as close to Usui`s way as anything. I am learning Japanese and read all the books that the Japanese authors have written. I am not saying that other systems are wrong because it is not my place to judge I am just saying that the system I use is right for me as I am sure you feel the same with your system. If it works for you then do it! Just broaden your outlook and read as much as you can. It can`t hurt!
Bernard Berrie, I agree with you 100%.Healing comes with feeling.You know it`s right when the recipient tells you “I have no pain”
Is it ok not to put the hands on the back of the body??? I knew that we should give reiki on both sides of the body.Somebody could explain?
You are true… It’s preferable to work on both sides of the body during a full reiki healing session
I was taught that Reiki finds where it needs to go and therefore you dont need to turn the patient over???
Friendly easy quick review. Love the charts, the for sharing. I can use this with clients
Very helpful. After a bit of experience this becomes unnecessary. You just sit in room with client and let it flow! You can also use an energy ball and monitor it as it moves thru the client. It amazes me how many “Masters” don’t include hand positions in the workbooks.
Masters are wise in this aspect. Orginal Reiki got nothing to do with exact positions. Any position map can become the essence in the eye of the student. So yes, find something that fits you, Brie open to changes and never make the positions a bible.
Mada,, front and back, yes,, in advanced levels you will know different! “Intention” is key. Also you will evolve into an “Artiste” of Reiki and realize how many options you have in delivering a thorough session. Thank you Reiki Rays for all the help and info that you provide. Namaste’
Thank you for sharing these tips and charts – it is very generous of you. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Just what I was looking for and came at the perfect time. Thank you.
Thank you very much for allowing this download. This and the personal healing chart is amazing, so simple to understand, but so effective. I will use it with my students to help spread the Reiki message. Thank you so much, for this and your website which is full of good information and help.
Thank you so much.
I love all your interesting and informative articles. First thing I do every morning is to go on Facebook and read and save all your nice tricks on Reik and then practice them. Thanks so much for your generosity.
I love doing Reiki on my clients feet…one hand on top and one on the bottom. The hands just seem to naturally fit in this position. I see people visibly relax with this hand position and sometimes even sigh out loud. It is wonderful.
awesome thank you .
Thanks a lot for sharing! Your pictures are diferent and beautiful. <3
Thank you! Xx
Thank you so much for sharing.
I was also taught the top of the head, over the crown chakra. Interesting the different ways this can be done, yet the client still benefits.
How long do you hold the hands there?
I do it for 3 minutes. My master taught me so.
Thankyou so much for sharing. I am even more keen to develop my experience of this ancient healing art.
Thank you so much.
Thank you for your generous gift.
Thank You!
Thank you for sharing these hand positions it’s very helpful.
Thanks a million for sharing, it’s lovely to share it with others <3
Thank you so much for the charts they will be very useful. Thank you also for the books I am really enjoying them and rediscovering the delight of Reiki x
What a great service you have provided.I have just become a Reiki Master and this site can only enhance my knowledge.Thank you so much.
Thankyou for the charts, will come in very useful. Love and light
Maybe there is a time to let go of positions. I was taught most of the positions.
Then intuition interrupted it all. A woman was on the table. I put my hands on the back of her head and my thumbs on her temples. I brought up the emotions of love, peace and joy She moved then shook violently.
Afterwards she said “How can you send me so much love when I do not love myself?” The healing was done. One sample of love, the rest is hers to create
I was taught by my reiki master that the hand positions are a good “guide” but that our intuition will tell us where to place our hands and for how long. Of course when healing someone else in a timed session we need to keep some idea of time, I find that I feel energy flow much more freely when I let go of (x) amount of minutes with (y) hand position during a session.
The downloads aren’t working anymore on this site!
What a beautiful gift, thank you so much <3
When you click on the link for Reiki Hand Positions for Others it comes up with the self-treatment instead
Please ignore my previous comment!
It is now working…not sure what happened but all is good!!! Thank you, Carolynn
Thank you so much explains alot
Infinitas gracias por compartir, hablan de unos libros, los buscare y los traduciré, confio con Google
Much gratitude to you for sharing.
Thank you so much for this!
Thank you to Reikirays for posting an insightful photo and chart. I appreciate the helpful tips and tricks. The only critic, the hand positions are slightly different than ones that Furumoto used and learned from Ms. Takata. There is a total of 18 hand positions to heal others. I do realize times have changed, but I’m a stickler for tradition.
Thank you again!
Dear Matt,
Thank you very much for your comment. Indeed, there are various ways to practice Reiki hands-on healing and we always have great pleasure to post articles on this topic. We have this on our list, but if you want to speed up the process with your knowledge and help the community, our suggestion is to write yourself an article on this subject and submit it to Here are the guidelines ( We will make sure to add pictures to each hand position.