“Reiki will change your life” these were the words that my Reiki master whispered to me on my first attunement over 2 decades ago. My Reiki Master, Katherine Knox, passed away a long time ago but I can still hear her quietly saying those words in my ear. This quote is now one that I use when recommending people to be attuned for Reiki.
I was at a really low point in my life when I made the decision to try some new things. I had decided to introduce 3 new hobbies into my life to see if I could meet new friends. I chose yoga, interior design and gym workouts. Around this time a friend also suggested that I should go for a Reiki healing. I went for the session quite skeptical but I loved it. It had a really soothing effect on me. I can still remember a dreamlike vision that I had while receiving the Reiki.
I knew that I now wanted to be attuned for Reiki but, at that time, the teachers that I approached all seemed to be either moving away or really busy. I remember a friend saying to me that I must be waiting for the “right” teacher. I didn’t really understand this at the time. Then one evening when I decided to go to a yoga class, I saw, pinned to the wall, a notice for Reiki 1 attunements. I took the phone number and booked it that evening.
Some time passed after my attunement when I was sat at home with a friend. I suddenly had a stabbing pain in my left eye and it was getting worse as the evening wore on. It got so bad that I had to be taken to hospital. The surgeon couldn’t find anything wrong. My eye swelled up and turned red and was quite painful for a further 2 weeks. I went to a Reiki share to receive some healing. One of the attendees was a psychic medium. She said to me that my third eye had been opened up in a dramatic way and if I accepted it then it would heal quicker. I did accept it, although I didn’t really understand it. The next day my eye showed noticeable improvement and continued to heal from that point.
I decide to go for my second Reiki attunement after it had healed completely. I think that it was about 2 weeks after this attunement that I started seeing things psychically. I went to visit the medium and explained what was happening. She gave me some “tests” and confirmed that I had mediumistic abilities. This, in turn opened up my world and led me onto a fantastic journey. I honestly think that I would never had discovered my psychic gifts without the benevolence of Reiki!
After receiving my Reiki Master attunement I made myself busy, teaching others and singing the praises of Reiki. I even managed to get a part time job in a salon providing Reiki on Saturdays to their clients. I worked in an office Monday to Friday and would go to the salon every Saturday. On Sundays I would give Reiki healing sessions at my home.
One day at the office, my manager called me into his office. He told me that he had pulled a ligament in his leg, while playing football at lunchtime. He asked me if I would “do some Reiki” on him. This was in his own office. I agreed, he sat down and then I felt as If I was going into a trance (by this time I was practicing trance mediumship as well). In my mind I saw a man who told me that he was my new healing guide. He said that all I had to do was to allow the trance to happen and that he would do the rest. I was anxious and asked what about my manager? The man told me to open my eyes. To my astonishment my manager was asleep in his chair. The guide told me to close my eyes again. I could see, in my mind’s eye everything that he did. When he had finished he said that I should wait about 30 seconds and then my manager would wake up. He gave instructions on what to say and do and that it would be beneficial if we could repeat the process in the next 3 days.
I don’t know who was more astonished, my manager or myself! He said that the pain had left him and that he could even walk without a limp! We repeated the process 3 days later and it was a real success.
Following this I started to use this technique on all of my clients. I am sure that this was the reason why my mediumship skills developed so quickly. I found that my forte was to give distance healings. I had some really major successes with distance healing. My Reiki master was really happy and provided me with another symbol to help with this.
I found that if I could talk with a client over the phone then I could get a stronger connection for the healing. This worked particularly well with my sister, who was blind and had many medical problems owing to her using the strong medication that the doctors had prescribed over the years. I can remember her husband describing it as ”miraculous’ every time she received a distance healing.
One evening I was taking a bath when I remembered about a distance healing that I had promised to do for a friend. I decided to just do it there and then, whilst in the bath. My friend phoned straight away to report that she had felt a surge of energy run through her. She asked if I had just sent the healing. Wow! This was something I hadn’t even considered! Could the water help with the transmission of the healing? I then began experimenting with sending healing whilst using water in different ways. It always seemed to be stronger and I am convinced that the water magnified the transmission of the Reiki energy!
My journey has been exciting and I have travelled to many countries, meeting very interesting people. I have now lived in Chiang Mai, Thailand for 10 years where the main service that I provide is Akashic Records Teacher and Chaneller. However, my first love is, and always will be Reiki. It did change my life in so many ways for which I am eternally grateful.
I still get requests from different parts of the world, from all sorts of people, asking me to send Reiki to them for varying reasons. The results are always successful in differing ways. I know that I am just a vessel, a medium, for energy to work through me. I never charge for this service. Although I do charge for the other services that I provide. I believe that it is my way of giving back a gift that keeps on growing. Now, so many years later I look back in astonishment at my Reiki journey.
Reiki did change my life in more ways than I could have anticipated. I am forever humbled and grateful to this beautiful energy.
Article by Neil Burgess

Neil Burgess
Neil is a Reiki Master/Teacher. He has travelled through many countries teaching and practicing Reiki and mediumship. He has worked with Buddhist monks in Cambodia, where he set up 2 schools and helped to fund over 60 water pumps for people who lived in jungles. He worked in Vietnam, teaching English and massage to blind students. His Buddhist master gave him his Dharma name ThienTinh, meaning “at peace with God”. Neil also studied healing techniques with an international healer, in Bali. He has consulted with Ram Dass about philosophy and has also met and received healing from Diane Stein, author of books such as Essential Reiki. Neil now lives in Thailand, where he is a teacher of the Akashic Records but still provides Reiki healings, both distance and “hands on”, free of charge. Neil can be contacted via his website at www.globalakasha.com or facebook.com/globalakasha.
Hi Neil. Thank you for your article, I enjoyed the read. I’m going to experiment with water in a distant Reiki healing, thanks for the idea. Do you have any suggestions for techniques that have worked well for you?
Hi Leigh, I have experimented using bowls or glasses of water but it always seems to work best when my body is in the water eg in the bath or shower. I have another technique that I use which I was taught by a Japanese master. I am going to write an article explaining what it is and how to use it.
Thanks Neil! I look forward to your next article. Have a great day.
Hi Neil,
I just read your article in Reiki Rays and am in awe of the life you live. You are an extraordinary person giving so much of your time to help and heal others. I look forward to reading more articles from you and to learn more about the different techniques you use. You are loved and blessed.
Thanks Chris!
Such lovely words and kindness. People like you light up my life. You are more loved and thought about, more than you can imagine. Thank you so much!
That was so beautiful Neil, so so beautiful! I feel really moved right now, just after reading this, filled with a light/shaky/tingling feeling. Feeling grateful for knowing just that little more about you, your life, your journey, your growth, understanding you just that little bit more now. & the water conduit connection was mind blowing. Looking forward to your next article! Thank you for everything, absolutely everything. We love you!
Cullen thank you so much. I am truly moved by your kind words. Love you both .