Article by Durga Pillai
It took a million thoughts to become the person I am today. Every little step I took whether knowingly or unknowingly lead me to my destiny as a full-time writer in 2010. It was financially a challenging time for me and my family. I graduated from college and was clueless about my career path as none of my career plans worked out the way I wanted. That’s when Reiki’s magic happened.
I started journaling my daily life when I was just 10 years old and since then, writing has helped me switch on “The Light” within me in both good and dark times. However, I took writing seriously only after I was first initiated as a Reiki healer when I was 15. It was truly a cathartic experience for me to wield together writing and healing to express my thoughts and define my actions.
My Reiki Guru always asked us to “Go with the flow of life” and so, I did unwillingly. We might enjoy writing but choosing writing as a profession is not an easy task. About 10 years back blogging wasn’t popular or practical as a primary source of income. It took a lot of time for me to accept my career path as a blogger. Today, when I look back at my life I simply feel grateful and blessed to have Reiki’s love and support by my side always.
Yes, I’ve completed Okuden, and still, I feel I’ll only be a student of Reiki for my entire lifetime. The path of wisdom and knowledge has been revealed to me through several courses of action in my daily life. Reiki alone allowed me the benefit of lifelong learning and unlearning in happy and unhappy times, alike. For instance, the choice of my career path wasn’t my doing at all. It was completely the grace of Reiki’s motherly love and wisdom as to which career would best suit me.
Choosing the Right Career
It’s through willingness and practice that every Reiki healer begins to hear the voice of Reiki. It took me about a decade to know and experience the Guiding Light of Reiki in my everyday moments. We always think what makes us feel happy is good for us. I’ve found through my own experience that what makes us feel peaceful and content is the best for us at all times.
Reiki’s SHK has brought in the sense of contentment and peace into my consciousness for without which a fulfilling career is not possible. Reiki helps us change our perceptions about people and situations which eventually solves all problems over time. It taught me to be patient and reap the benefits of patience in the long-term. It’s tempting to quit sooner but it’s rewarding to stay, learn ad become wiser.
Every decision involves the heart and power of will. So, balancing the Manipura Chakra and Anahata Chakra are both responsible for good decision-making, especially in your career. Meditation and “Bija” mantras can help balance and energize the chakras.
Enduring Unemployment
In moments of dilemma and despair, Reiki’s symbols have always reached out to me and empowered me to make the right decision. I receive a divine reminder in the nick of the moment and once I learned to heed the divine reminders, my heart started meditating on one of the many Reiki symbols that is relevant for that particular situation/person. For example, I meditated on Reiki’s HZN if I wanted to make lifechanging decisions or heal a regret from my past decision.
I’ve suffered from very depressing thoughts during my jobless years in the past to the point that I’ve almost given up on myself. It took every ounce of guts and will for me to pull myself through times when I was jobless. Happy memories, friends, and family couldn’t help me heal through those difficult times.
Reiki’s CKR came to my rescue and empowered me with the “will to live” against all odds. Sometimes, you need to fight your own thoughts and stay stronger than your fears. I turned to my most favorite activity in the world, writing which was healing in itself. It was a natural choice since I could write without any need to socialize or feel awkward while going through depressing thoughts in my mind. I got better days and worst days but it all passed as I wrote my mind off with words gifted to me by Reiki.
What’s the most important thing to you in your life?
Clarity and calmness. They can help you win over your career, relationships, and every other aspect of your life. The human mind is such that happy memories can make you feel both happy and sad. It’s your change in perception that can bring you true triumph at all circumstances.
Wishing you Reiki’s love and light.
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Durga Pillai is a writer, Usui Reiki®️ Healer, Vedic Astrologer, and certified Magnified Healing®️ practitioner. She channels Distance Reiki sessions in Chennai, India. Durga also practices Vedic Astro Healing with the Divine Guidance of Reiki. In her alone time, she explores healing with Sanskrit mantras, music, creative arts, and ancient wisdom that awakens the creator within. Reach Durga at and on Facebook at healingwithdurga, or Instagram @healingwithdurga
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