Remember that the Root chakra is a sensitive area of the body, especially when working around the pubic bone! When offering Reiki here, hover a few inches above the chakra. Feel the energy, remembering that in Sanskrit, the word ‘chakra’ means ‘wheel.’ The energy wheel could feel gritty, or blocked, like there is sand or a stone in the way, preventing the spinning. The energy blocks can manifest in different sensations; intuition plays a major role in energy work. The energy might feel like a rod, which gives one the opportunity to pull the rod out, unblocking the area. Same with the sensation of a rock blocking the flow.
Don’t forget the Feet!
The entire session can be done just through the feet! Charge the feet with the CKR symbol. Standing at the feet, ask an angel (Archangel Raphael, generally) to stand at the head of the client. Pass the energy between the angel and yourself, going up the legs and back from the feet along the Governing Channel pathway, over the back of the head and down the chest, back to the feet along the Conception Channel pathway. It feels like the practitioner is sending a wave of energy up the back to the angel and then the angel sends a wave of energy down the front of the client to the practitioner. Spending time sending Reiki back and forth with angel assistance is an effective way to bring balance to the whole body as those energy waves clear and balance the chakras.
And of course, GROUNDING!
Don’t forget about grounding! Ground one’s self and the client after Reiki sessions is key to help safe travels home. At the end of a session, sweep across the body of the client toward the feet to clear any releases that bubbled up from the session. Send the releases to the earth. Then place your hands on the feet of the client to ground their spirit back into the body. Remind clients to drink plenty of water, walk, and have a snack if they are feeling light headed after a session.
The earth is our ultimate grounding source, and imagining roots growing from the feet into her soil is a very effective way to ground. Starting from the Crown chakra, feel the energy flow down and out through the feet, releasing everything that is no longer serving the individual to the Earth for her reuse and recycling. Release fear, anger, anxiety, and anything not serving the holistic body. She can handle anything, and will always provide for her children. Doing this for at least five minutes every day is an effective grounding exercise.

Image by armennano
More Tools for Grounding
- Guided Meditations
- Stones (Hematite, tourmaline, ect..)
- Root Chakra Reiki at Bedtime (Place hands on hips/thighs)
- Counseling/Coaching for Childhood Trauma
- Going Barefoot
- Time in Nature
- Grounding Sheets/Strips for Bed
- Essential Oils (Black spruce, sandalwood, patchouli, ect.. Combine w/ carrier oil and rub on feet)
- Eating Mindfully (Root veggies, protein, nuts, red foods)
- Wearing Red (clothes, undergarments, jewelry..)
- Past Life Readings with Revisioning Technique
Most importantly, it is important to find our deep core wounds and traumas. Balancing the chakra system is not as easy as wearing a crystal (although it helps!). Doing the work takes retrospection, introspection, emotional changes, and more. It’s not going to be easy but I do believe that it is what we are here to do.
This is an era of healing, and it begins with you.
Check the previous parts of this insightful series here:
- Root Chakra: Your True Foundation ~ Part One
- Past Life Energy Carries through the Chakra System ~ Part Two
Article by Christine Renee
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Christine Renee is a Shamanic Reiki Practitioner and Spiritual Coach with over 20 years of Reiki experience and 15 years of Shamanic experience. Combining the two modalities came naturally to her as she found power animals, spirit guides, angels, and galactics working alongside her during sessions and ceremonies. Christine believes that trusting your intuition, your guides, and your higher self are all integral pieces to embodying the Shamanic Reiki Practitioner. She challenges healing practices which restrain the practitioner’s innate spiritual abilities and ties them to rules, manuals, and gurus! She believes in her clients tapping into their own wisdom, mixing modalities, and breaking old paradigms of healing. She is founder of ReikiCafe University, cohost of the ReikiCafe Radio podcast, and supports a community of over 4,000 members in the ReikiCafe Community Facebook Group
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