Article by Christine Renee
Past life energy is stored in the coccyx of the tailbone, close to the center of the Root chakra. Our past life memory’s purpose is to keep us alive. When we walk to the edge of a cliff and feel overwhelming fear, it is the past life survival map telling us, “Don’t go near the edge or you will die.” This is where severe phobias are stored. Each overwhelming fear and phobia is hardwired into our Root chakra to help us survive this lifetime.
Therefore, one’s past lives can affect the person’s current lifetime. Any kind of trauma, such as famine, can be carried over. Using the example of famine, the individual may have a tendency to store extra food in the pantry, over prepare for travel making sure they’ll have enough food options upon arrival, and may even have weight issues. The underlying emotion experienced is fear of not having enough food.
Fear is the negative emotional expression of the Root chakra and can carry over from past life to the present life. Fear can be felt as anxiety, and can make the Reiki practitioner pause when having a client with severe anxiety and consider, “is this valid from this lifetime or past?”

Image by EllenChan
It is even possible to have recurring injury themes that are carried over from past lives. For example, the “witch” who was beheaded for talking against authority, can experience Throat chakra issues in this lifetime including, no speaking their truth, neck pain, and even chronic injuries to the neck. This occurs, because the body is still screaming for help to heal the underlying trauma of the beheading. Once the individual understands that their recurring injuries have a past life connection, they can address it so it will not play over in this life and into the next.
One of our jobs in this present life is to realize the truth. These are outdated survival patterns that no longer are applicable to this lifetime, and that we no longer have to carry the weight of those lives in this one! The “witch” can learn to see that she can voice her truth and opinions and she will not die. This understanding allows her to live more freely and without fear that had harbored in her body for so long.
Reiki is an excellent tool to remove past life emotional trauma, heal the stuck emotional energy, and free ourselves from old survival patterns that don’t serve our higher purpose.
Stay tuned for Part Three on How to Apply Reiki for Root Chakra Healing!
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Christine Renee is a Shamanic Reiki Practitioner and Spiritual Coach with over 20 years of Reiki experience and 15 years of Shamanic experience. Combining the two modalities came naturally to her as she found power animals, spirit guides, angels, and galactics working alongside her during sessions and ceremonies. Christine believes that trusting your intuition, your guides, and your higher self are all integral pieces to embodying the Shamanic Reiki Practitioner. She challenges healing practices which restrain the practitioner’s innate spiritual abilities and ties them to rules, manuals, and gurus! She believes in her clients tapping into their own wisdom, mixing modalities, and breaking old paradigms of healing. She is founder of ReikiCafe University, cohost of the ReikiCafe Radio podcast, and supports a community of over 4,000 members in the ReikiCafe Community Facebook Group
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the abundance of information on your website. I come on here every day to practice a daily reiki meditation and to obtain more knowledge of reiki through the many articles. Thank you, your website is a great guidance on my journey and has come into my life at the right time.
Thank you for this kind message, Sandra! We are very grateful and happy to be able to support the Reiki community, especially during this difficult time.
All this amazing work is the result of the entire community – those who share from their inner wisdom and life experiences and those who are open to receive support and guidance through them. All of us are contributing to this safe and healing space of inner transformation.
Blessings, dear Sandra. <3