Article by Elaine Hamilton Grundy
Reiki really comes into its own during times like these. We can use Reiki as a self-healing modality, to increase our own immune response, to calm our frayed nerves, to stay centred amidst the fear and drama. We can also send Reiki via distance to loved ones, and to global calm and healing. It’s like Reiki was made for times like these!
Here are a few tips and ideas of how to utilise your practice for yourself, your loved ones, and the greater good.
◊ Firstly, your self-practice
It may seem obvious, but your health and wellbeing must be your top priority. With many of us at home or self-isolating, finding the time should not be an issue! It’s an opportunity to reinvigorate a one hour practice, put on some soothing music, and use Reiki as a way not only to pass the time, but also to come into a deep communion with your calm centre.
If you are watching the news or engaged in social media, you will find yourself buffeted by a larger global panic that is not helpful. I would not recommend hours spent watching the news or any other fearful media – what do you gain by this? You are fuelling the wrong energy vibration.
Coming into your own peaceful centre is extremely important at times like these. Building your own immune system, not stressing, going with the flow – these are the important lessons of this time.
What are the stressful thoughts you are engaged in? Are they helpful? Every day is a new day, planning is a wasteful energy right now. Take each day as it comes, and if you remain trusting and centred you will be surprised at how peaceful you can remain, even amid major challenge. This is what many of us have been preparing for all our lives – the ability to walk our talk “go with the flow” we all say. Well, now let’s live it.
◊ Secondly, be of service to others
If you are Reiki 2 or above, offer to send Reiki to others who are suffering. Even if your loved ones are not ill, they may be facing extreme anxiety and worry and not have the same coping tools you have. Many people remain trapped in the confines of their mind, with no way of escaping or even realising they are trapped. They watch the news and the fearmongering and become absorbed by the greater fear, they believe the fear to be true. When you send Reiki, the people you send to have a chance to recalibrate subconsciously, and to reclaim their inner peacefulness. Sending Reiki to others has the added benefit of relaxing and settling you down too as many people report that sending Reiki to others is as beneficial as Reiking themselves.
If you can’t get permission to send people Reiki then sending to a general concept “to help all those suffering the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic” or to “the perfect unfolding and healing of the COVID-19 pandemic” or words to this effect will add more healing energy – every little bit counts.
◊ Thirdly, extend the overall energy of Reiki
I am a huge fan of group work. If you are still sceptical of its effects just look at the scale of things today. The global domino effect of COVID-19 is group power in action – in its wake are positive and negative impacts. Feeding the positive aspects are what we need to focus on. Joining online Reiki group sends and healing groups is both nurturing for you and healing for everyone else. There is immense power to group work as evidenced by experiments carried out by Transcendental Meditation groups. A 1% shift in consciousness has an impact on the entire population, when 1% of a population is engaged in meditation for example, it lowers crime rate for the entire town. Studies like this are profound as they point to our efforts being of vital importance to the whole. As we come together in our online groups and send healing to the whole, our individual efforts are amplified by the group, and our overall impact is significant and real.
If you look online you will see many Reiki communities are beginning to organise online events, including my own. These are free, powerful, and immensely healing for you if you are feeling helpless in the face of this global wave.
In times of crisis is when the rubber hits the road. Your Reiki practice will be tested, your belief in Reiki and the principles will be tested. Can you trust your practice and remember to use all your tools? Can you bring yourself into calm alignment with your inner peace? Can you then extend your healing help to others, and the “Reiki effect” out into the world as vibrations of love and light?
I hope to meet you in the Reiki ether!
With love and light,
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Elaine has been teaching Reiki for over 20 years and founded The Reiki Centre in 2007 to focus on bringing high quality Reiki teaching to those interested in self-empowerment. Over the past 2 decades, Elaine has trained thousands of Reiki students and over 80 Reiki Masters via her vigorous Teacher training program.
She is the author of Reiki, Pure and Simple a down to earth beginners guide to Reiki, and most recently Reiki- A Path to Freedom, an advanced Reiki book exploring Reiki as a spiritual path to your inner truth.
Elaine’s passion is bringing the spiritual aspect back into Reiki and helping people find their inner truth and autonomy through their Reiki practice. She runs regular online webinars, workshops and community healing groups and can be contacted via or facebook:
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