Article by Stephanie Drane
The world seems to have turned upside down, and life has changed quite dramatically very quickly. It seems difficult to remember that ‘Just for today I will not worry’, but let’s try not to get bogged down in fear and anxiety. Even if all you can manage is to not worry for just a few minutes at a time, take some self-healing measures to make that possible. Whether its a moment of deep breathing, a chat with a friend, a gratitude list, escaping into a book, a song and dance, meditation or whatever else works for you.
Here are some ideas that may help as we muddle through together; some things to meditate on and some practical steps to take.
- Repeat the Reiki principles to yourself as often as you need to absorb their message and integrate them into your thoughts and actions.
- Keep your mind, body and soul active and engaged. Use the time constructively if you can manage it: tidy that messy draw, write that story, draw, or doodle, clear clutter and tidy, watch documentaries, read books and articles, practice a skill, pray, send Reiki healing, clean or set up a new altar, meditate and practice mindfulness.
- Offer distance healing in a way that suits you, reach out to others and set a time and date to send Reiki to anyone who would like it.
- Set up or join online social, supportive groups. If you’re able to, reach out to people who are isolated alone and could be lonely and struggling. A phone call and chat could make all the difference to their day.
- While isolated meditate on the connection between all things, feel and know that you are part of something infinite, loving and wonderful; you are never truly alone.
- Breathe calmly and focus on the air that enters and leaves your body. Channel Reiki and intend for it to cleanse the air as it flows in and out.
- Reiki your loved ones for protection and healing in whatever way feels right for you: draw symbols over them or a photo of them, visualisations, empowerments and distance Reiki are all possible ways.
- Put Reiki symbols on your home for protection and healing. Use Reiki to cleanse your living space.
- Send out Reiki to the world, intending for the whole situation to be surrounded in healing energy. If it helps visualise the Earth and all of humanity surrounded in a beautiful healing light, see people absorbing the light and being protected and healed. Think specifically about the people involved: Medical staff, Scientists, those responsible for passing on accurate information, people who’s jobs we rely on for life to continue as safely and healthily as possible. Send them Reiki for the highest good, for them to remain clear thinking, calm, positive and healthy. Think of the most vulnerable people, those with ill health, elderly people, pregnant women, send them healing and protection. Consider those with anxiety and mental health issues like OCD that make this situation hard to bear, send them calm, loving thoughts of comfort.
- Be aware of and tune into all of the positive, healing thoughts that are being sent out all across the world. Add your light and Reiki to this healing web of light.
- Trust – Trust that Reiki’s infinite flow of healing love will always be there for you and trust your own resilience to bear whatever is thrown at you.
- Create a Reiki Box or altar with words or symbols that help to give you a focus when sending out Reiki, loving, positive thoughts. As an example mine includes a crystal sphere to represent the Earth, photos of my loved ones, plants, herbs and objects that I consider healing or significant to me and those I am sending Reiki to, e.g. things that represent love, clear thinking, calmness, support, positivity, protection and health.
Think about the positives, they may be hard to find but they are there if we look for them. Here are the first few that came to my mind to get you started:
- Excellent excuse to stay at home, rest, retreat and slow the pace of life down.
- Being made to carefully consider consumption, meal plan, use leftovers, be less wasteful is better for the environment and good habits to form.
- Humour – keep laughing and support those who are trying to keep others spirits up by being light hearted.
- Opportunities to be kind and caring to others – comfort those who are anxious, drop food off to those who need it, etc.
- The reduction in flights and transport mean that we have cleaner air and the Earth is being given a healing breathing space.
- It’s a good time to rethink priorities and reflect on what really matters.
- Inspirational stories of human kindness and compassion.
Trust! Trust that Reiki’s infinite flow of healing love will always be there for you and trust your own resilience to bear whatever is thrown at you.
Keep calm, keep healthy, keep happy and raise each other up.
With Reiki Love, Steph

Stephanie Drane is a Reiki Master, Holistic Therapist and Spiritual Artist in Suffolk, England. Stephanie’s mission is to provide her clients with a calm and serene space away from their busy lifestyles, where she encourages them to take control of their own wellbeing and to value and nurture themselves to bring about inner peace, balance, and happiness. As a Reiki Master Stephanie is thrilled to be able to teach and empower others: “It is so rewarding to watch people discover the positive power of Reiki and experience the benefits for themselves.” When Stephanie is not giving Reiki and other holistic treatments or enjoying time with her family and friends she recharges herself by swimming in rivers, walking barefoot outdoors and eating good food. Check out Stephanie’s blog for her insights and wisdom on how to enjoy inner peace and a calmer life over at
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