Article by Geeta
Coronavirus is a large family Virus which causes illness ranging from the common cold to severe respiratory problem named as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV). Few common symptoms of the viral infection are fever, cough, cold, breathing difficulty. In some more severe cases, the infection may cause SARS-CoV, the kidney may fail and it can even lead to death.
The most important methods to stop the spread of infection are to wash your hands frequently and cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze.

Image by ArtsyBee
Here, I am sharing few tips on how to protect yourself and those around you from the viral infection:
- Shield yourself every time you go out as a protection from the viral infection.
- Cleanse your aura and chakras twice a week and send Reiki to yourself so you won’t get infected with the virus.
- Pray to Archangel Raphael and Archangel Michael to protect you and your family members from viral infection and ask them to shield all of you with their divine green and blue lights.
- Program Reiki for 24/7 to yourself and your family members that you all be covered with the divine light.
- If you are attuned to the Master symbol, draw it on all sides (front, back, left, and right) and ask it to protect you from the viral attack.
- Last but not least, draw all the attuned symbols in your both hands, imagine the globe between your hands, connect to it with the distance symbol and send Reiki with the intention that all infected people be cured and everyone stays protected from the virus infection, for the highest good of all. Do this daily for 15mins before you go to bed.
Let’s hope for the best that our scientist will discover a medicine to cure it.
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Geeta is a certified Reiki Master, Karuna Reiki Master and Money Reiki Grandmaster. She is a certified crystal healer as well. After several fruitful experiences with Reiki, she was inspired and decided to spread Reiki to others as it shows the right path to everyone. She offers courses like Reiki and Karuna Reiki as well as distance healing. She stays in Bangalore and people can reach her on
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