As a Reiki practitioner and teacher, we have a responsibility to a higher standard of conduct. We know that Reiki does no harm, but it is extremely important that we do no harm in any way. The following is a code of ethics I created to help in my practice. It may be of help to you as you go forward with your Reiki practice. It is part of the manual I give my students. Once you have reviewed the following, you may wish to add to the list.
• Reiki Principles
Honor and support the principles of Reiki – Just for today I will not anger, I will not worry, I will be grateful for all my blessings, I will work with honesty and integrity, and I will be kind to all living beings.
• Receive Permission Before Session Begins
Always ask the client for permission before beginning a session. Explain what happens during a session and ask if there are any questions. Be respectful of the client’s situation and honor the client at all times.
• Do Not Manipulate
The practitioner shall not bring a personal agenda into the Reiki session. This is not about what the practitioner wishes for the client, but what the client wishes. Treat clients with respect and be sensitive to the client’s needs.
• Confidentiality
Any information shared between client and practitioner is confidential. No information is shared to others without written permission of the client. If any information is shared, the client’s identity shall remain anonymous. Remember many clients are in a vulnerable place and need to feel that the practitioner can be trusted. A personal intake form should be filled out at the initial session.
• A Safe Place
Make it a nurturing place for all who enter. A client must feel safe at all times. Infuse the session room with Reiki and clean the energy after each session with a client. Display any Reiki training certificates or degrees received and the Reiki Code of Ethics.
• Do Not Diagnose, Prescribe Medications, Nor Offer Therapeutic Advice
Refer clients to other health care professionals when necessary. Do not attempt to use intuition as a substitute for medical care. As stated and worth repeating, do not diagnose, prescribe medications, nor offer therapeutic advice.
• No Guarantees
Do not promise that a client will be healed. Suggest that there are many possibilities, but no guarantees.
• Levels of Intimacy, Privacy, and Boundaries
Treat clients and students with respect. Clients remain fully clothed at all times. If a client asks to disrobe, remind the client that it is not a massage. Touching another person is an intimate and trusting action. Be aware of the client’s comfort level. Ask if the client is comfortable with being touched. If a client is uncomfortable with touch, the practitioner should raise hands above the client’s body while conducting the session.
• Reduce Competition
Do not let ego take over. If clients decide to go to another practitioner, send them on with blessings. Trust a client knows what is best. We all have different gifts to offer. Let us reduce competition which will help us heal each other. If necessary and appropriate, recommend another practitioner for the client to see.
• Professionalism
Set business goals and carry them out with integrity and honesty. Be respectful of other professionals in Reiki. Do not use copyrighted materials, manuals, articles, etc. without the consent or written permission of the creator.
• Reiki and the Community
Go forth in the community. Take time to educate individuals, the medical field and the community-at-large of the value and benefits of Reiki. Create materials that would be helpful in this endeavor.
• Thankful for Reiki
Be thankful for Reiki and the gifts received. Acknowledge the blessings of Reiki. Study and learn other modalities to add to Reiki. A few to consider are mindfulness, meditation, and color therapy. Be a student for life.
I believe a code of ethics can be of help whether you are starting a business, teaching or simply living Reiki each day for yourself, family and friends. If you find the above code of ethics to be helpful, you can add it to your Reiki tool box.
It is my hope that the gifts of Reiki will guide you to live your dreams and accomplish your goals each day.
Article by Patti Barker Kierys
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Patti Barker Kierys is a Reiki Master-Teacher, artist and author. She is trained in all levels of Usui Reiki and is certified in Ligtharian Reiki I and II. She has been practicing Reiki for almost twenty years. She is a lifetime member of the Reiki Healing Association. Upon retiring after 45 years in the legal field and as a Senior Paralegal, she decided to expand the Reiki experience to the next level. In 2014, she formed The Art of Reiki and offers training in Reiki as well as individual Reiki sessions. Patti can be reached at and on Facebook – Patti Barker Kierys
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