Article by Vrunda Moghe Dev
What is static energy and how is it formed?
This is a question often asked by people who feel that although they are active and working, they feel drained out and their energy gets sapped too early. They could feel disoriented, grumpy and listless too. Static energy as the name suggests is where there is no circulation of positive energy and things lie in neglect for weeks and months and sometimes years on end.
In the busy daily schedules of modern life, people tend to overlook some vital aspects like decluttering. Too much clutter of papers, clothes, unused items, etc. blocks energy flow. Hence, it is important to rearrange wardrobes, put out mattresses to air, discard chipped crockery and things which are of no use or value as such. These are the primary steps to be taken before using Reiki symbols to activate positive energy flow.
Special care must be taken in children’s rooms as they are vulnerable to the lack of good energy. It is reflected in their behaviour like irritability, lack of interest, etc. Their rooms need regular clearing and rearranging.
In houses or apartments bought from some other people, it is of paramount importance to have proper energy that is congenial to the new owners. Even if the new owners, repaint the walls, bring in new furniture, it is better to give Reiki energy to all corners before setting up the household. The same applies to offices, shops or workplaces.
Static energy is also found in houses that are closed for long periods. When the occupants return, they remove dustsheets, sweep and mop and wash the window panes. They may burn herbs and incense but that is only partially activating the energy that has been stagnant for a long time. It is important to keep all ventilation open and switch on lights and fans in all rooms for some time. At this juncture, the energy is mobilised to some extent. To get rid of inert energy, some Reiki steps would help.

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First and foremost, after the initial cleaning, the practitioner should sit in a meditative pose and take a few deep breaths. Thereafter invoke the energy of Reiki and express gratitude. The symbols to be used are Cho Ku Rei, Raku, Iava and Dai Ko Myo and close with Cho Ku Rei. Devote at least five minutes for each symbol. In cases where there have been sick people around use Mara and Gnosa. The best time for invoking Reiki energy is early hours or late night as these times are quieter and undisturbed.
Proper intent of inviting active and positive energy should be given along with visualisation that static energy has disappeared and replaced by active and beneficial energy. The practice should be at frequent intervals in cases where the houses have been in disuse for a long time. Regular practice in other places would work wonders for residents or employees as the case may be. Ideally, a weekly routine with the above symbols help a great deal.
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Vrunda Moghe Dev is a Mumbai-based writer and journalist of over two decades. She has been a Reiki teacher and healer for 15 years.
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