Article by Geeta
Did you know that we feel very disturbed or irritated at our home or at our work due to lower vibration or negative energy around us? Yes, it’s true! The energy around us has an impact on our mood. Some people will even carry negative energy inside the house when they come from outside. Because of this, the energy level at your home goes down. An unhealthy relationship at home i.e. frequent quarrels at home also makes the aura of the house weak or low. The best way to clear the spaces is by using Reiki.
Below are the few methods that help to clear spaces and fill the place with Love and Peace:
- Sit in a comfortable position and take a few deep breaths. Set an intention to clear the space and send Reiki to every corner of your house. Imagine a white light of Reiki energy in every room and their corners. The entire house is filled now with white light which has cleared the space.
- Take a bowl of sea salt and charge it with an intention to stop negative energy entering the house and clearing all the space. Place this bowl opposite to the entrance of your main door or in the hall. Change the salt on every New moon day.
- Even Sage helps to clear the space. Burn the sage and carry it to all the rooms of your house.
- Program a Tourmaline crystal with an intention to clear the space and place them in every room.
- Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Imagine that it is raining with CHK symbols in your house. This is an amazing technique to clear the space.
- One more technique to protect your house is by shielding it.
- Draw a big CHK symbol on the main door and windows to stop entering any negative energy.
- Sticking the Antahkarana symbol on the wall opposite the entrance will not allow negative energy into the house.
- We know that Selenite is a self-cleansing crystal. Charging a few Selenite crystals and placing them near every window and the entrance will help to cleanse the energy flow in your house and purify the air.
- Burn few incense sticks and carry them in each and every room. Set an intention to clear the space and draw all the attuned symbols on the walls of your house.
I want to conclude this topic with one last point but not least which everyone has to remember: clear away all the unnecessary and broken things, things which you are not using from your house. These create a negative energy inside your home. So, clear all your spaces to experience healthy relationships and peaceful life.
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Geeta is a certified Reiki Master, Karuna Reiki Master and Money Reiki Grandmaster. She is a certified crystal healer as well. After several fruitful experiences with Reiki, she was inspired and decided to spread Reiki to others as it shows the right path to everyone. She offers courses like Reiki and Karuna Reiki as well as distance healing. She stays in Bangalore and people can reach her on
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
CHK symbol?