Article by Magalí Giménez
This is an exercise of meditation and connection with the energy of Reiki symbols to use the symbol that gives you the most appropriate vibration for your energy state of the day. This means that we are going to meditate briefly and ask ourselves, How am I today?
Find a quiet place to work on you for a few minutes and settle in a comfortable position. Ask your self “How do I feel today?” You should feel your current state without making a judgment, just feel your energy freely, taking a moment to take 3 breaths and feeling your energy from the skin to the inside and also contemplating your mental state.
If you feel introspective, browsing inside rather than connecting with people and the things around you should use the Mental/Emotional Healing Symbol (SHK).
On the contrary, if you feel that your energy is much more connected to the world and your energy expands outward much more than towards your inner world you must use the Power Symbol (CKR).
If you are in a very perceptive and sensitive state of the energies that surround you and you easily connect with sensations and emotions, even at great distances, you must work with the Distance Healing Symbol (HSZSN), this symbol will help you connect with your present.
If you feel very connected to the physical world and need to reconnect with the sacred energy of the Source, with the fullness then you must work with the Master Symbol (DKM) symbol if you are tuned to it.
This is a small help to guide you choose the symbol that can best help you, but if you feel a strong intuition by a certain symbol you must follow it. Dare to be guided by your own feelings.
This is the procedure
Once you have become aware of your energy state and know what symbol you can use in your current state, while breathing calmly you will draw the symbol in each of your energy centers (Chakras). It is very important to draw the symbol with full attention, as this will allow the symbol’s energy to remain vibrating in our energy centers. So draw the symbol and name it while you draw it paying close attention to the act of drawing it. Repeat this procedure in each of your Chakras, take your time, recognize the symbol well, draw it with full attention and full knowledge, feel its energy while you draw it and while you name it. If you feel guided to place the symbols somewhere besides the Chakras, follow your intuition. At the end of all the Chakras stay contemplating the energy state that you have achieved for the time you need.
Some final considerations
This exercise is very powerful because it gives us the mental clarity necessary to produce a positive purifying job. You can do this work every day and it is much better not to repeat the same symbol of the previous day to renew all our general energy. You can also do it every week or every 15 days when we feel that we need to reconnect with the energy of the source that stimulates our personal growth.
Feel the energy and enjoy it
Infinite love
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I am Magalí, I am a Molecular Biologist, I have a PhD in Biological Sciences, I specialize in plant genetics and epigenetics.
I am a Master in Usui Reiki and level two Karuna Reiki®. I am a reader and healer of Akashic Registers.
You can visit my meditation channel in Spanish @ElMayorBien, and you can contact me at
Very useful information…hanks for sharing
Thank you for your kind comment
Thanku so much for d article.. very well explained..
Love n Light 💞
Thank you Sunpreet!