Article by Prajakta Sonawane
Hello everyone,
I have always been attracted and fascinated by the word Angels. For me it was massive and I always thought to seek their guidance or help is not very easy. For months I just kept on reading about Angels on Google but never thought of going much deeper to know about them or to seek their guidance in my life.
One fine day I was surfing the internet and came across a few Angelic symbols known as Zibu symbols which were channeled by Debbie Almstedt and I became very curious to know about those symbols.
I continued to browse the internet about the Zibu symbols and found lots of symbols but as a fresher, I was not very sure about it. After a few days, I got a detailed knowledge about these Angelic symbols from my soul- sister, mentor, guide and a very good friend Vidya Di (Vidya Bunty Talreja).
I started my Angelic journey with these symbols. I started with the Forgiveness symbol among the other Zibu symbols. The reason I chose forgiveness symbol was for letting go all that was not needed and accepting that was for my highest well being.
Forgiveness symbol helped me a lot and also developed a state of calmness and patience within me which was missing since quite a long time in my life. I also noticed minor changes happening around me which did not make big changes but surely helped me know the situations better.
Below I have mentioned how the Forgiveness symbol has helped me
- It helped me to develop Unconditional love
- It helped me in letting go
- It helped me in healing issues
- It helped me in freeing myself from the heaviness
- It helped me in expressing myself more openly
- It helped me in boosting my confidence level
Ways to use the Forgiveness symbol
- Simply go with your intuition.
- Trace the symbol with your fingertips over and over again.
- Draw on a piece of paper and carry with you.
- Keep staring at the symbol whenever you feel like.
- Draw in air, over yourself, on walls, in front of you, etc.
- For relationship issues write names of the people who have issues on a piece of paper and surround their names with forgiveness symbol. Keep doing it till you see changes.
- You can also use a happy image of the couple and draw the symbol behind the image and intend forgiveness between both of them.
This does not limit the usage of the symbol. You can always help yourself with different methods according to your own guidance from your Higher Self and Guardian Angels.
I hope you have enjoyed reading the article.
Thank You and Love & Light!
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Prajakta Sonawane
Prajakta Sonawane is an Interior Designer and presently working as a Teacher in a School. She’s also a Spiritual Energy Practitioner, a Chakra Healer, a Crystal Therapist, a Certified Professional Angel Card Reader by Carolan Dickenson, and a multimodality Reiki Master/Teacher. Prajakta holds her diploma as an Advanced Angelic Practitioner and is accredited by the International Association of Therapists. She lives in Pune, India and can be reached by e-mail [email protected] and also through Facebook at
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