Article by Nivedita Bhosale
As mammalians, we have evolved bounds and leaps, yet our instinctive behavior towards any kind of threat perceived in current circumstances turns to old approaches.
Our bodies and minds have a unique way of processing information, blocking or diverting that we don’t necessarily find meaningful for adaptation. Rita had chronic irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) for which she was treating herself with conventional medicines for numerous years. Hitting rock bottom, she desperately chose a Reiki session hoping to rest the cycle of IBS.
Our body is wise and has self-healing capabilities, yet we continue to recur the illness due to lack of awareness and tend to prolong the symptoms through resistance thus, failing to decipher the messages being delivered. Reiki chose Rita to rediscover herself from a place of love and a sense of responsibility. Rita’s awareness about her body revived. She learnt about how her body was functioning by creating a defense (in the form of disease).
IBS is an inflammation of the intestines that causes indigestion, intolerance to foods leading to diarrhea or constipation. The symptoms of IBS increase or decrease with lifestyle changes, sudden life events which may or may not be minor or major. The psychological causes for IBS to be triggered are based on the beliefs around life, and how one perceives life. For example, if you are a sensitive person then listening to controversial world news on television could turn on your fight or flight mode, to which your body could respond by showing symptoms of sadness or anxiety. Rita’s illness lay trapped in her childhood since when she relentlessly was dealing with the issue of emotional non-acceptance from her parents. She had unconsciously developed an energetic wall of resistance which had clogged into her intestines thus manifesting IBS.

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A strict home environment with tightness in expressing emotions, lack of display of love and acceptance from the nurturer seems to be a prominent childhood scenario amongst most IBS cases. This gradually leads to accumulation of insecure feelings creeping into adulthood. Rita put herself in a resistant space to ‘feel safe’ and accepted. In the entire attempt of self-control and proving herself to being accepted, she suppressed her true self until she ended up losing control that showed up as a disease. Rita would find herself sailing on waves of emotions of fear, sadness, unworthiness, and anxiety.
Reiki refined her energetically as she subtly released painful memories. It assisted in raising her awareness about letting go the projections that her family carried, and bringing a mature understanding that she has to be in total acceptance about herself first. Eventually, the craving for acceptance and love from others replaced the love she had for herself. Reiki helped in replenishing her bond with her true self. It rescued her out of the physical ailment gracefully as she practiced allowing herself to be in accordance with her beingness. Her emotional response to the situation had changed to that of self-acceptance and ownership. This deep outward to inward shift was effortlessly navigated with Reiki. Her desire of “being accepted’’ was transformed into ‘“self-acceptance’’.
Rita continued with counseling and also took up yoga along with Reiki to bring complete healing. During the session, Reiki was channeled primarily to Solar Plexus or Manipura chakra, while also balancing other chakras. Solar Plexus, being the center of power, empowered her to take control of her reigns and explore self-love. Solar Plexus is the place where you either recognize that you are in control of your own life, or that you’re giving away control. It is the chakra associated with happiness, anger, and fear. Reiki is bound to heal and work when approached with openness to receive. Rita’s soul figured out the path and Reiki, her comrade remains to be her invaluable kinship for life.
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Nivedita Bhosale is a graduate in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering followed by Post Graduate Diploma in Advanced Computing. Serving 9 years in the Corporate sector, her strong inclination towards Reiki drove her to be a healer and a teacher. Born as an intuitive and gifted with deep compassion, she got enthralled with the divine gift of Reiki and would like to expand her experiences by nurturing Reiki in everyone’s lives. She is a Holistic healer, Independent Reiki Teacher, and a Traditional Usui Reiki Master-Teacher. You can reach her at
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