When we are fully transformed into a new being, the blocks created by us dissolve – the spirit of being into oneness.
We all come to a point in life when one chapter ends and another one begins. In that stage of our spiritual evolution, transformation can be even related to our DNA or larger sections of genes or chromosomes.
The human soul is given a male and female body to fulfill certain tasks in the physical realm. A man and a woman carry both masculine and feminine traits. Feminine traits include gentleness, empathy, humility, and sensitivity, whereas masculine traits emphasize strength, energy, and sex drive.
The creative and subtle part of the human soul is enhanced through spiritual practice. The cycles of human creation are a biological function and it takes nine months to give birth through the mother’s womb. The mind is represented by the mother and encompasses the human emotion, therefore the 27 lunar house LUNA is comprising 3 prayaya or cycles i.e., 27/3 = 9 stars in one cycle.
Hence, the 9th part of each zodiac is considered as the fruit that bears soma (elixir) of each sign. The nine types of human emotions or nine forms of our mental state derive from each phase of the moon, from New Moon to Full Moon (Amavasya to Poornima).
Number 99 has become mystical energy that shows you the right path. This double-digit number when added 9+9=18; 1+8=9.
We experience a variety of emotional states depending on each day of the waning and waxing moon. Shukla Paksha – or light phases of the moon – is the process of releasing and Krishna Paksha – or dark phases of the moon – is the restoration of the water element or the creative faculty alive.
The masculine part is going through phases of high and low tides each day with the rising and setting of the Sun. Sun rules the Fire element and is the source of light and enlightenment. The dark and light phases also help us to understand life better and connect with the spiritual side of our existence in order to lead a happy and fulfilling life. Hence blending both male and female energies is what differentiates us from the animal kingdom.

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These 9 human emotions are also called Nav-Rasa.
Śṛṅgāraḥ (शृङ्गारः): Romance, Love, Attractiveness
Presiding deity: Vishnu
Colour: light green
Hāsyam: Laughter, Amusement, Comedy
Presiding deity: Pramata
Colour: white
Raudram: Fury
Presiding deity: Rudra
Colour: red
Kāruṇyam: Compassion, Mercy
Presiding deity: Yama
Colour: grey
Bībhatsam: Disgust, Aversion
Presiding deity: Shiva
Colour: blue
Bhayānakam: Horror, Terror
Presiding deity: Kala Ratri
Colour: black
Veeram: Heroism
Presiding deity: Indra
Colour: saffron
Adbhutam: Wonder, Amazement
Presiding deity: Brahma
Colour: yellow
Śāntam: Peace, Tranquility
Deity: Vishnu
Colour: perpetual white
The blending of all the above Nav-Rasa (9 flavors) is Creator or Adi Parashakti. In Rigveda, Rasa means a liquid, an extract, and flavor, while the Upanishad refers to the “essence, self-luminous consciousness, quintessence” and “taste” in some context.
In Tantra, worship of Devi-Shakti is referred to as a Vidya. From hundreds of tantric practices, the worship of the 10 major Devis is called the Dasa Mahavidya. These forms of the goddess are described in the Todala Tantra. They are Kali, Tara, Maha Tripura Sundari (or Shodasi-Sri Vidya), Bhuvaneshvari, Chinnamasta, Bhairavi, Dhumavati, Bagalamukhi, Matangi, and Kamala. These ten aspects of Shakti are the epitome of the entire creation.
Tantra aims to enhance each and every aspect of human life. To attain liberation, one must become perfect. First, one must perfect the physical & mental faculties, then learn to control and sublimate them, and then convert and divert them to rise the soul to higher levels of spiritual progress. It enables you to perfect and control anger, hunger, thirst, hatred, ego, concentration, psychic faculties, etc. It also teaches you to perfect and control sex, which is a part of our daily natural life. But to pick on this three-letter word only and to project tantra as a four-letter practice is a ludicrous jocundity. Few Siddha gurus like Sivananda, Satyananda, Chinmayananda rise their disciples to their level.
What Is Tantra and why it was designed to live a blissful life?
Tantra is derived from the two Sanskrit words – Tanoti, meaning to expand, and Trayate, meaning to liberate. It is the Hindu science of expanding and liberating the soul. It encompasses almost all the spiritual practices of the Hindus – like Pooja, Stotra, Mantra, Yantra, Yoga, Meditation, etc.

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The science of Tantra teaches magical and mystical formularies, mostly in the form of dialogues between Lord Shiva and Mother Durga, treating five subjects as under:
- The creation.
- The destruction of the world.
- The worship of the Gods.
- The attainment of all objects, especially the six super-human faculties.
- The ways of union with the Supreme Spirit through meditation.
Several spiritual practices were done to master the art of tantra in Vedic text, and it involves ritualistic worship of Hindu Deity called Durga. The worship of Durga was held to liberate the soul from the cycle of death and rebirth.
Our female part is always in communion with the male to procreate. Shiva and Shakti, the two supreme cosmic forces of creation and dissolution.
Ancient sages formulated a few rituals to liberate human sufferings because tantric practices give quick results and are highly effective. However, they must be practiced under the guidance of an expert guru. If not performed properly with expert guidance, quite a few of them can have negative side effects. The repercussions of provoking and playing with the highest forces can be devastating at times.
However, all tantric practices are not dangerous. There are several which are quite safe and can be practiced by the common man to get positive results. We can practice a few rituals on a daily basis without any fears.
The minimum rules to be observed:
- Worship only after taking a bath and wearing clean clothes.
- Sit facing the East or North.
- Use Deer Skin, Silk, Woolen or Cotton as Asana or seat. Avoid synthetic material.
- Light a lamp and offer some prasad – even milk or sugar will do.
- Ladies must avoid worship during the menstrual period.
- Never do the worship with any negative Sankalpa (purpose) like harming your enemies or to bewitch a woman, etc.
- Before you start worshiping, offer a prayer to Ganesha, Guru, and Saraswati – these are called Vandana Trayee
The 3 short salutations with Beeja mantras are as follows:
- For Guru: Om Gum Gurubhyo Namaha
- For Ganesha: Om Gam Gloum Ganapataye Namaha
- For Saraswati: Om Aing Kleeng Sauh Saraswatyai Namaha.
We possess many sources to experience love. The most beautiful creation is the innocence that comes through when we master the art of love. A child is born naked and pure hence if we can love someone with the same innocence where ego, jealousy, hatred, and competition are forsaken, then this love is pure and there are similar benefits as practicing 100 rituals in tantric practices.
Few key notes on Tantra:
- Adoration for the human soul is the key to expansion and liberation.
- Attraction towards childhood; expressing our love and joy by being with children.
- A compassionate expression of a man and fiery expression of a woman.
- The evolution of silkworm into colorful butterfly wandering in nature.
- Being into nature, admiring flowers and plants.
- Music is the sound of our soul.
- Traveling and experiencing variedness is all about tantra.
- The ability to communicate our feelings to others is our sexual energy transmuting into spiritual energy.
- Highly specialized knowledge in science, medicine, and human psychology.
- Ability to influence others through speech or action (is tantra)
- Few comprehensions are more vivid and can only be understood as per your spiritual evolution.
As stated in Mahanirvana Tantra: Chapter 14 – The Consecration of Shiva-linga and Description of the Four Classes of Avadhutas:
“Suvrata! as Thou art my most excellent Brahmi Shakti, and art to me dearer than life itself, know Thou that the Mahanirvana Tantra is likewise.
As the Himalaya is among the Mountains, as the Moon is among the Stars, as the Sun is among all lustrous bodies, so this Tantra is the King among Tantras.
All the Dharmmas pervade this Tantra. It is the only means for the acquirement of the knowledge of Brahman. The man who repeats himself or causes others to repeat it will surely acquire such knowledge.
In the family of the man in whose house there is this most excellent of all Tantras there will never be a Pashu.
The man blinded by the darkness of ignorance, the fool caught in the meshes of his actions, and the illiterate man, by listening to this Great Tantra, are released from the bonds of karma.
Parameshani! reading, listening to, and worshipping this Tantra, and singing its praise, gives liberation to men.
There are all manner of Tantras and various Shastras, but they are not equal to a sixteenth part (in value) of this Mahanirvana Tantra”
The conclusion on the subject:
Light Phase of Moon (Shukla Paksha): The Full Moon day is the best time to enjoy creativity. Since Full Moon helps us to channel positive energies, it’s good for the communion of Shiva and Shakti.
Dark Phase of the Moon (Krishna Paksha): A phase of high emotional withdrawal is a process of alteration in our DNA cells, for evolution.
The DNA strand activates of its own when we meditate on a daily basis. The meditation is to bring consciousness into the present moment.
Human Being by nature and its characteristics has high libido when Kundalini is awakened and hence female attracts male and vice-versa. Nature has given the potential to express our sexuality as long as we feel alive; our sexuality is expressed better when we follow the discipline in our sexual approach of the physical act of making love. Here, creation is kind to give the female aspect within each individual the ability to enhance the dormant feminine/masculine qualities in our DNA cells and develop/evolve as a better human being.
Our conscious mind is influenced by Tithis (lunar days). When a spiritual practice like meditation is replaced with a sexual act of higher-order like Mantra chanting, yantra, and meditation, we develop the qualities of higher beings or “Siddhas”.
Article by Saummitta A Mazumdar
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Saummitta A Mazumdar is a professional Vedic Astrology practitioner and counselor. Her interest in occult studies started at very young age when she met with her school principal’s father. She is a Reiki practitioner and healer and combines various healing modalities including DLA (Divine Light Ascension). She has an MBA in human resource from a reputed institute. She practices Usui Reiki, Karmic Reiki, Excalibur Reiki, deep healing Reiki and Divine Light Ascension and she is a a beginner in Pranic Healing. You can contact Saummitta via her website saumaazholistichealing.wordpress.com/ or follow on Facebook at www.facebook.com/Saumaaz-Holistic-Healing and www.facebook.com/saumaazholistichealing/
Good write up and very informative 👌
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Awesome wisdom!
Very informative
Interesting and informative write up. Thanks for sharing in depth analysis of tantra.
Many Blessings.