Article by Stephanie Drane
Here in the northern hemisphere, we are nearing the grain harvest. The sun is beginning to wane and active growth is slowing. You may notice that your body, mind and spirit follow the cycles of nature and you are called to slow down and take stock at this time.
At this time of year, we sense fulness, fruition, and fulfilment and it’s a natural time to pause and think about the achievements, lessons and precious moments that we have experienced so far this year. An opportunity to review our direction and decisions to ensure that they align with our intentions and values.
Repeating and meditating on the Reiki Principles can really help to get a grip on what matters to you and how you embrace it into your life.
Now, is a fantastic time to separate the wheat from the chaff. To take some time for reflection and Reiki self-healing while you feel gratitude for all of the amazing things in your life, the people, natural beauty, animals the way your needs are met and all of the abundance you are blessed with. Send Reiki through all space and time, in gratitude for all your blessings. Along with this comes the letting go of all that does not serve your highest good. Release any worries fear and anger and feel the loving, reassuring presence of Reiki in your life.
Some affirmations that you might like to use include:
I am blessed, I am loved, I am free.
I am grateful for my blessings and release what does not serve me.
I have gratitude for my many blessings.
I hold my blessings dear and release my fear.
I let myself flow with the cycles of nature.
With love and gratitude, I welcome the healing love of Reiki.
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Stephanie Drane is a Reiki Master, Holistic Therapist and Spiritual Artist in Suffolk, England. Stephanie’s mission is to provide her clients with a calm and serene space away from their busy lifestyles, where she encourages them to take control of their own wellbeing and to value and nurture themselves to bring about inner peace, balance, and happiness. As a Reiki Master Stephanie is thrilled to be able to teach and empower others: “It is so rewarding to watch people discover the positive power of Reiki and experience the benefits for themselves.” When Stephanie is not giving Reiki and other holistic treatments or enjoying time with her family and friends she recharges herself by swimming in rivers, walking barefoot outdoors and eating good food. Check out Stephanie’s blog for her insights and wisdom on how to enjoy inner peace and a calmer life over at
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