Article by Carrie Anderson
If you have a child(ren) going to a sleep away camp then you might have concerns about them experiencing homesickness. To help alleviate homesickness or general anxiety that might occur while your child(ren) is away at camp, I have several tips that we have been using for the past couple of years.
As a Reiki Master and Teacher, I have given my son an introduction Reiki so that he may give himself Reiki. He does not know the symbols, but he is aware of the precepts and the aspects of Level 1. He does give himself Reiki, not on a daily basis, and it’s not ever a forced issue. He has it as an extra resource that he knows is available. He understands Reiki as a form of self-care.
Before he leaves for camp, we discuss my sending him distance Reiki. We come up with an agreeable intention. This year, we are using, “Please send this Reiki energy to ensure that (my son) is experiencing peace, love, and fun at camp. Please let this Reiki allow him to feel the love that I have him for him and blanket him in security.” Next, we agree upon a set time for each day when I will, from our home, send the distance Reiki to him at camp. We generally pick any easy time to remember. This year, we are choosing noon or lunch-time. This allows my son a reminder. So, at lunch-time, he can think, “Right, my mom is thinking about me and sending love.”

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Another way we use Reiki to help alleviate homesickness, is by sending postcards. I Reiki each card with a message of love and then an actual written message that’s usually somewhat comical. My son is aware that I have used Reiki on the postcards and it’s an extra way to help him practice self-care and self-Reiki.
When he comes back from camp, we discuss the distant healing. He lets me know if he felt or received any messages. Often, just knowing that I was sending it at a certain time, is like a hug that he feels each day while away from home.
Personally, sending Reiki through distant healing has been extremely beneficial for us in helping with homesickness. My son thoroughly enjoys camp and I know that this has helped him with his misgivings about leaving for a week and being without his parents.
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Carrie earned her Ph.D in Metaphysics and Energy Healing through World Metaphysical Institutes. She is a Reiki Master Teacher, Animal Reiki Master Teacher and holds degrees in several types of Reiki. Her focus is on Distance Reiki. Carrie is a Master Level Psychic Intuitive and gives daily readings. She combines Reiki and Divination to create unique readings. She is accredited through World Metaphysical Association and Council of Holistic Healers. She also has certifcations in Teen Guided Meditation,. Additionally, she is a Professional Yoga Facilitator with a focus on Gentle Yoga, Restorative Yoga, and Yoga Nidra. Carrie is a co-author with Mellisa Dormoy for the book, “Easy Mindfulness for Today’s Teens”. She is an active member of the Natural Healer Society and may be reached at
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